Occupancy Grid A Star Save

A Python implementation of the A* algorithm in a 2D Occupancy Grid Map

Project README

2D grid map A*

A Python implementation of the A* algorithm in a 2D Occupancy Grid Map, based on Claus Brenner's Path Planning lectures.


The implementation runs on both Python 2 and 3. Additionally, it requires the following python packages (available via pip):

  • numpy
  • pypng
  • matplotlib


Two examples are given for both binary and occupancy grid maps, each one with different allowed movements (4-connectivity and 8-connectivity respectively). Note that the examples are assuming that the directory containing the provided modules (i.e. gridmap.py, a_star.py, utils.py) is on sys.path.

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Occupancy Grid A Star" Project. README Source: richardos/occupancy-grid-a-star
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4 years ago

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