Yarn Weaver Versions Save

simple tool built in Unity C# to test Yarn files, good for game devs and narrative designers


6 years ago

in issue #11 there seems to be broken UI alphas with partial transparency on older OS X machines -- attempting to fix the issue by rebuilding the OSX version, but with Metal disabled, to force OpenGLCore instead


6 years ago

added basic exception / compile error handling (e.g. when you write a Yarn script that has bugs with the "if" statements, or other coding errors) that displays the actual error to you in Yarn Weaver (!!!) along with the node and line number (pretty handy for debugging!)

I wanted to display an excerpt of the broken section as well, but I ran into limitations with how Yarn Spinner reads broken Yarn files (that is, it doesn't!) so that's on hold indefinitely (sorry)


6 years ago

I updated YarnSpinner to v0.9.10.2, which has support for the yarn.txt file format (which is much better than the JSON file format, by the way!) as well as localization... I haven't hooked any localization functionality into Yarn Weaver though, because I'm not really sure what would be useful for people?

also did misc little UI changes here and there


6 years ago
  • mostly tweaking the UI to make buttons scale better to different window sizes (try resizing the window!)
  • also fixed the "recent files list" dropdown (it appears on the home screen if you've opened at least one file)
  • lastly, I updated the sample tutorial example Yarn file... if you want a quickstart on writing dialogue with Yarn syntax, you can now read the source yarn.txt file


6 years ago
  • when looking for a startNode, YarnWeaver is now case insensitive -- it will look for nodes called "Start" as well as "start" and "START"

(thanks to LucidRapture, who brought up a different issue (which turned out to be a "feature" of YarnSpinner) see issue https://github.com/radiatoryang/Yarn-Weaver/issues/2 )


6 years ago

so, YarnSpinner doesn't really know which node in your Yarn file is the "start"... to try to figure it out, YarnWeaver searches your Yarn file for 2 things:

  • a node that starts with the word "Start"
  • a node that starts with the filename (e.g. "Sally.json" would prompt a search for a node labeled "Sally")
  • and if those searches fail, then it just picks the first node it finds, which usually means the oldest node in your Yarn file

oh, and I made the text speed a bit faster (0.01s per character)


6 years ago

most of the core features should be working, I think... you should be able to load Yarn .JSON files and play through them

but just in case it's not ready: this isn't production ready, or well-tested... use at your own risk!!