Test Track Rails Client Versions Save

The Ruby on Rails client for TestTrack


3 years ago


3 years ago


5 years ago

If you use an error alerting tool like Sentry or Airbrake to identify software quality problems, you can now filter out TestTrack::UnrecoverableConnectivityErrors from your software quality alerting, and instead treat these errors as an error-rate operational alert indicating a problem connecting to your TestTrack server instance.


5 years ago

This release includes the concept of an ApplicationIdentity, and allows apps to configure an app_name. This enables consumers to easily access app-wide feature flags, that are useful in cases that aren't necessarily tied to an end user (e.g., a background job, or toggling between different versions of an external API that your app is consuming). This allows you to decouple deployment from release without the added granularity of a gradual rollout in cases where you don't need it.


6 years ago

Fix bug with AnalyticsEvent module resolution preventing events from shipping


6 years ago

Adds snake case event names to AnalyticsEvents.


6 years ago

Adds snake case AnalyticsEvent properties


6 years ago

Don't report assignments for feature gates. Use different event names for feature gate experiences (which repeat indefinitely) than for split assignments (which occur ~once per visitor).

Read the README for notes on how to upgrade. Custom analytics clients must conform to a new (simpler) contract implementing track instead of track_assignment.


6 years ago

Allows TestTrack Rails Client to coexist with a modern nokogiri install.


6 years ago

TestTrack Rails Client no longer manages your Mixpanel cookie. The analytics plugin now provides a callback on sign_up! that will allow you to implement this functionality within your application. Please see the analytics documentation for more details. The TestTrack.analytics client #track_assignment method no longer accepts a properties hash as an argument as mixpanel_distinct_id is no longer relevant.