Test Track Rails Client Versions Save

The Ruby on Rails client for TestTrack


6 years ago

This is the official 2.0.0 release of TestTrack Rails client, including:

This release includes an updated version of publicsuffix-ruby #36 and most notably it drops support for MRI 1.9.3.


6 years ago

This is the official 1.2.0 release of TestTrack Rails client, including:


7 years ago

This is the office 1.1.0 release of TestTrack Rails client.

This release includes support for the X-TT-Visitor-ID header in requests as an alternative to the TT cookie. Check out the PR: https://github.com/Betterment/test_track_rails_client/pull/29


7 years ago

This is the official 1.0.0 release of TestTrack Rails client.

It has been in-use in production for a while.

This release also includes support for the latest and greatest TestTrack server (as of this moment) https://github.com/Betterment/test_track/releases/tag/v1.1.0