Reactnative Best Practice Save

React Native (ReactJS + ReactNavigation5 + Firebase) codebase containing real world examples (CRUD, auth, advanced patterns, etc).

Project README
AppNavigator                        # Stack
├── SplashScreen
├── OnBoardingScreen
├── AuthStackNavigator              # Stack
│   ├── LoginScreen
│   ├── RegisterScreen
│   └── ForgotScreen
└── DrawerNavigator                 # Drawer
    └── DashboardNavigator          # Stack
        ├── TabNavigator            # BottomTab
        │   ├── HomeScreen
        │   ├── MessageScreen
        │   ├── NotificationScreen
        │   └── ProfileScreen
        └── PostScreen
  1. react-navigation
  1. react-native-vector-icons
  1. react-navigator
  1. splash-screen
  1. Intro page sample
  1. Color name
  1. Intergate with Apollo graphql (@apollo/react-hooks, apollo-link)
  1. Validation (Formik, Yup)
  1. SAP Mobile Design
  1. Sticky header
  1. Design UI
  1. Asset free UI - UX
  1. Vector
  1. AddButton
  1. Logo App
  1. Disable Rotate
  1. Image from
  1. Permissions
  1. Image Picker
  1. Image Gif not fire Android
  1. Custom tabbar
  1. Handle ID javascript with firebase
  1. Folder structure READ.ME
  1. Firestore
Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Reactnative Best Practice" Project. README Source: chnirt/reactnative-best-practice

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