QMUI Android Versions Save

提高 Android UI 开发效率的 UI 库


2 years ago
  1. Published to MavenCentral.
  2. Updated dep versions.


3 years ago
  1. Feature: Added a new widget: QMUINavFragment.
  2. Remove LazyLifecycle, use maxLifecycle for replacement.
  3. Some bug fixes.


3 years ago
  1. Feature: Added a new widget: QMUISchemeHandler.
  2. Feature: Supported to remove section title if only one section in QMUIStickSectionAdapter.
  3. Feature: Supported to add a QMUISkinApplyListener to View.
  4. Feature: Add a boolean return value for QMUITabSegment#OnTabClickListener to decide to interrupt the event or not.
  5. Some bug fixes.


3 years ago
  1. Some bug fixes.


4 years ago
  1. Feature: Add new widget QMUISeekBar.
  2. Feature: Provide QMUIFragment#registerEffect to replace startFragmentForResult.
  3. Feature: Provide QMUINavFragment to support child fragment navigation.
  4. Feature: Refactor swipe back to support muti direction.
  5. Some bug fixes.


4 years ago
  1. Add OnProgressChangeListener for QMUIProgressBar.
  2. Add skin support for CompoundButton.
  3. Some bug fixes.


4 years ago
  1. Features: Add new widget QMUITabSegment2 to support ViewPager2.
  2. Remove the skin's default usage.
  3. QMUILayout support radius which is half of the view height or width.
  4. Some bug fixes.


4 years ago
  1. Improve QMUISkinManager.
  2. Remove QMUIBottomSheet's overScrollMode.


4 years ago
  1. Features: Add new widget: QMUIPullLayout.
  2. Features: Add new widget: QMUIRVItemSwipeAction.
  3. Support muti instance for QMUISkinManager.
  4. Some bug fixes.


4 years ago
  1. Feature: Add js bridge support with QMUIBridgeWebViewClient.
  2. Some bug fixes.