QMUI Android Versions Save

提高 Android UI 开发效率的 UI 库


4 years ago
  1. Bugfix: Crash Happened on Android 7 and lower.
  2. Bugfix: QMUIBottomSheet overlapped the navigation bar.


4 years ago
  1. Migrated the library to Androidx and updated minSdkVersion to 19.
  2. Provided dark mode(skin) support. Almost all widgets are covered.
  3. Refactor some widget such as QMUIPopup, QMUITabSegment. Provided more function.
  4. Provided some simple kotlin methods.


4 years ago
  1. Updated arch library to 0.7.0. Provided more swiping back control.
  2. Updated qmui library to 1.4.4. Fixed known bugs.


4 years ago
  1. Updated arch library to 0.6.0. Provide annotation MaybeFirstIn and DefaultFirstFragment.
  2. Updated lint library to 1.1.0 to Support Android Studio 3.4+.
  3. Replaced parent theme of QMUI.Compat with Theme.AppCompat.DayNight.
  4. Fixed issues: #636, and #642


4 years ago
  1. Bug fix: EditTextStyle in themes didn't apply to EditText in QMUIDialog.EditTextDialogBuilder. #640


4 years ago
  1. Bug fix: QMUIVerticalTextView‘s content appears on padding area.
  2. Issue fixes: #623


4 years ago
  1. Added a new widget: QMUIContinuousNestedScrollLayout.
  2. Added a new widget: QMUIRadiusImageView2. Implemented with QMUILayout.
  3. Updated arch library to 0.5.0. Fixed issues on new androidx version.
  4. Features: QMUIQQFaceView supports paragraph space when ellipsize at the end.
  5. Features: QMUITabSegment supports space weight.
  6. Features: QMUIPullRefreshLayout added method setToRefreshDirectly().
  7. Fixed issues: #562,#562 and, #563.


5 years ago
  1. Added a new widget: QMUIStickySectionLayout;
  2. Supported startFragmentForResult in child fragment. #499


5 years ago
  1. Fixed drag issues when refreshing.
  2. Fixed the crash in QMUIPopup under Android 4.4 because of webp.


5 years ago
  1. Updated arch library to 0.3.0. Now developer must update support library to 28 or use androidx.
  2. Feature: Added custom typeface support in QMUITabSegment.
  3. Fixed a bug that QMUICollapsingTopBarLayout will lose title if swipe back.
  4. Fixed a bug that span click event is not triggered in QMUIQQFaceView. #473