JuanDiegoMontoya Gengine Versions Save

C++/OpenGL 4.6 voxel game engine.


2 years ago

This is a working demo of the engine for those who don't want to compile it themselves. It is heavily WIP and does not represent the final state of the game/engine. Enjoy at your own risk.

Try findall in the console to read about the available console commands and variables.



WASD - basic walk forward/backward/strafe Mouse - look Spacebar - jump Shift - hold to sprint when moving Control - hold to walk when moving T - hold to launch self in look direction


Left click/mouse 1 - hold to destroy blocks Right click/mouse 2 - tap to place blocks Middle click/mouse 3 - copy block being looked at V - launches an "arrow"


Grave accent/tilde - toggle UI/free mouse (does not disable keyboard inputs!) G - block placement test, lags the game F1 - toggles ImGui demo console (available when UI is open) F2 - toggles engine console (available when UI is open) P - pause/unpause the game