Best 5.77K Rust Open Source Projects

Rust first debuted in 2010 as a programming language that captured approval from the new generation of users. I rapidly gained popularity because its features are deemed effective to the users. Rust primarily offered efficient performance capacities such as good memory safe for the recorded programs and features like concurrent computing that distinctively identified Rust as a better option against its competitors.

Started as a side project of a Mozilla employee, Graydon Hoare, Rust has been noticed by Mozilla with its practicality and more significant potential where the company proposed to support and sponsor the process before it was introduced globally in 2010.

Rust was just formed to fix two problems, namely to make programming safe and to simplify concurrency. It is never intentionally planned by its developer or innovator to grow it as big as it is now. Mainly, Rust was primarily used to read and adapt data to fix bugs in memory or concurrency. The formulation of Rust comes with discipline for access control and compiles and checks the program's statistics.

This programming language was made to exist for the convenience of the developers to support them with a multiparadigm form of programming or according to their needs.

As it is compared to traditional programming languages, Rust became an acclaimed innovation in the programming industry because of its non-conventional performance and features which can prevent errors in memory use without the possibility of any disruptions from the garbage collector, concurrency without data races to make the program a safer language.

Rusts ranking steady and fast rise went higher at 33rd since July 2019 among all the programming languages used globally. In July 2020, it has risen up to the 18th rank for TIOBE Programming Community Index and was named "most loved language" from 2016 until today.

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