Zeks Flipper Versions Save

Search/Recommendation engine and metainformation server for fanfiction net


4 years ago

Feature: Flipper now remembers the previous states while you filter and search. You can navigate back/forward between previous searches using respective buttons next to "Search" This navigation doesn't require reaccessing the server and will restore respective filters in the ui.

Bugfixes: Fixed the bug that forgot to save your notes if you clicked on the same fic. Fixed the bug that used a crossover fandom regardless even when the respective check wasn't on. Fixed the bug that triggered reselect on author lineedit change. Slash filter will not reset its state on restart anymore.

5 years ago

The version has finally been bumped to 1.0 to signify the addition of controls for reading list.

"Reading" tag now opens the edit for chapter select Pressing this tag now also allows you to select which exact chapter you are reading at. Once it;s done, the next time you click on the title you will be taken to that chapter

Exact crossover search. If you tick "Crossovers" checkbox you will now have an option to select the second fandom for a precise search.

AND for tag searches. You can now use "AND" when tag searching to find stuff, for example "Liked" AND "Reading". The corresponding checkbox is on Tags tab of the filter.

Fic snoozing. Lets you temporarily hide fics from searches on tags until they update or finish. Basically, this is needed for "Queue" and "Reading" because normally while your are searching on these there are fic in there that you have seen times and times again and, possible, have already read to ongoing. Normally, these will pollute the "Reading" list even though you temporarrily have no interest in them.

Pressing Bell icon on a fic sheet will snooze those until flipper has detected a new chapter for them. Optionally in the dropped down menu you can click on "Next Chapter" two times and also choose between "Until Finished" and "Until Chapter X". Note that DB updates happen ~once a month and that's when new chapters will be detected.

Once the snooze has expired the fic will both reappear in search results and will be displayed with green background instead of blue. To toggle off the green highlight - press Bell icon again.

To display snoozed fics in tag searches, tick new "Display Snoozed" checkbox below Search button

Snoozing controls aren't shown on finished fics except thise whose snooze just expired.

Sticky quick tag: magnet. This one is a little tricky. Magnet operates differently from any other quick tagger. It's there to be able to quickly assign a user defined tag that isn't on a quick taggers list by default. Magnet "grabs" a tag and acts as a shortcut for it. To make it grab a tag - click on the green plus under Genre (opening tags selection menu) and select a gray magnet close to the tag you want it to grab. To verify grabbing happened you can hover over the magnet icon for a tooltip.

Fic notes. You can now add custom notes to fics. It's done by pressing "page" button on a quicktagger toolbar. Notes can serve multiple purposes.

You can write a review in them. You can write where and when you've last read the fic and what's been happening (useful when you know you will skip a couple updates) You can just store your thoughts about the fic.

Just generally, this is yet another tool to organize your reading. Personally, I am going to be using it for all those fics I know for sure I will lose my memory of wtf's been going on the next time I enter them (hello, vimesenthusiast).

Notes icon will be gray on fics that don't have notes yet, and yellow that do.

Bugfixes: Searching on implied genre received a couple bugfixes. Exclusion should work better now. Ordering on the score no longer hides all the unscored fics. Fic List Breakdown no longer limits the fandoms to the first 20 Previously if you had multiple recommendation lists and tried to do random search on all of them flipper would alwasy display results from the first one you've search during the session. It has been fixed. Fixed longstanding navigation problem which involved pressing Back and Forward after setting the page number explicitly. Now it continues from that page instead of previous navigation state.

5 years ago

allows to search for exact crossover

5 years ago

Bell tag snoozes fics. Pre release. Bare minimal amount of testing.

Also, this version will remember maximized state and start in it

5 years ago

Couple new features. 1. Ratings. Intended to help you reprioritise the reading queue. On the right of the fic sheet there are five half transparent stars. Clicking on them lets you assign a rating to a fic.

You can now filter on a tag + select "Your scores" in sort order. If you assign ratings to your Queue tag this essentially lets you have a prioritised reading queue.

Obviously ratings can just as well be used as ... ratings. But using them with tags is the true power here.

2. Sticky quick tag: magnet. This is a little tricky. Magnet operates differntly from any other quick tagger. It's used to be able to quickly assign a user defined tag that isn't on a quick taggers list. Magnet "grabs" a tag and acts as a shortcut for it. To make it grab a tag - click on the green plus (opening tags selection menu) and select/deselect a tag you want it to grab. To verify grabbing happened you can hover over the magnet icon for a tooltip.

3. Two new simple quick taggers. Lock and Stem.

"Lock" is supposed to be used for fics that aren't specifically trash but also aren't what you'd like to put into your reading queue. You just "lock" those away.

"Stem" serves to differntiate fics that you want to wait till they are finished to even bother (Clock icon) from fics that are so potentially interesting that you are willing to try them even while they are unfinished(Flower icon).

4. Lastly, fic sheet now contans "Ratio" indicator which is "score point to favourites on a fic". This is better than just displaying pure favourites on a fic because it lets you see a measure of how popular a fic is compared to how relevant it is to your personal recommendations immediately, without doing mental calculations each time.

This measure is most useful in "Random Browsing" mode though.

5 years ago

Somehow, no one reported it until now. Come on ppl, if there are bugs in this thing, ping me on discord :)

5 years ago

5 years ago

fix for non working "automatic like" feature


5 years ago

IMPORTANT: for a bunch of features below to work, you will have to recreate your list.

1. An ability to cut off displayed recommendations on different list types. Basically, among the user favourites used to generate recommendations there will be lists of 4 types:

Average lists with just bare minimum of matches Good lists thta have minimum and some more Great lists that match yours even more closesly Exceptional lists, those select few that have an insane amount of matches

Obviously, finding better stuff is more likely on exceptional lists. The new "List source users" combobox adds you control of fics from just which kinds of lists do you want to see.

2. Recs algo now ignores fics from your ignored fandoms. Say, you ignore Fairy Tail, and there is a user that has 50% FT fics in his recs and 50% of Harry Potter. These 50% FT fics would likely drag down similarity between yours and theirs favourites. Not anymore. All fics from fandoms you ignore are no longer taken into considerations when Flipper looks for users to use to generate your list.

3. It is now easy to get url lists for tag selections. Just navigate to Tags, select a bunch and press "Urls for tag set". The urls will be copied to your clipboard.

4. A new half-red/half-green heart on the fic sheet shows that it's a fic from the author you have already liked

5. Added FFN ID search for authors and fanfics. Note that both work only for things already present in Flipper's DB.

6. New mode that lets you see a merged favourite fic set that contains a fic you have liked. Mode is activated by double clicking recommendations heart on a fic sheet.

Basically: "Hey, that's a cool fic and it only has one match in the list, maybe that user faved something else cool" (doble click heart to check that)

7. Added an ability to tell flipper which FFN_ID is yours. This will help with better recs. Activated on reclist generation by checking "Is your profile" checkbox

8. Rearranged UI to hopefully be a little more sensible

9. Hovering over "copy" button on the fic sheet will now display QR code for its url. Useful to open fics on your phone

10. Added a bunch more of quick taggers. The current set is now (in order) Liked, Disliked, Hide, Limbo, Wait, Queue, Reading, Finished, Gems, Loved, Series


5 years ago

nothing fancy here, just fixing a couple bugs

  1. removing counterintuitive _diversity indicators in fic list breakdown
  2. creating new rec list screwed up vote breakdowns display for the old one. fixed.
  3. rec list creation didn't properly report structure of found matching lists below fics. fixed