Yune Versions Save

GPU based framework for writing Raytracers/Pathtracers. (Pronounced as "Yu-nay")


4 years ago

This is the first release that is decent enough to be used by others. Removed NanoGUI, FreeImage and Eigen as dependencies and instead added DearImGui, Glm and stb_image_write.

Overhauled the GUI and added a bunch of options to be configured by the programmer such as setting the camera matrix, setting kernel workgroup sizes etc.


4 years ago

Fixed a couple of existing bugs in UDPT. Naive bdpt implemented. Model loading support (althought currently it reads custom obj files, need to fix in future release)


5 years ago

Bug fixes

  • Place proper Acquire and Release GL objects commands before enqueuing post-processing kernel. This caused black screen on certain platforms not supporting cl_khr_gl_event

  • Update FPS code so FPS no longer shoots up after you stop moving the camera.


5 years ago

Added Features,

-Multiple Importance Sampling -HDR Images -Tone mapping and Gamma Correction

Support for arbitrary geometry still not present. See added Notes.txt for more details.


5 years ago

A basic uni directional path tracer implementation comprising of the following elements.

-Next Event Estimation aka Explicit direct light sampling -Russian Roulette path termination -Modified Phong BRDF (1994 - Lafortune) -Multiple Light Source heuristic (chooses a single light source out of multiple ones)