Yolov3 Keras Tf2 Save Abandoned

yolo(all versions) implementation in keras and tensorflow 2.x

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Yolo (all versions) Real Time Object Detector in tensorflow 2.x

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  • Transfer learning
  • YoloV4 configuration
  • YoloV4 training
  • YoloV4 loss function adjustments.
  • Live plot losses
  • Command line options
  • YoloV3 tiny
  • Rasberry Pi support

Table of Contents

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Getting started


pip install git+https://github.com/unsignedrant/yolo-tf2

Verify installation

% yolotf2
Yolo-tf2 1.0

	yolotf2 <command> [options] [args]

Available commands:
	train      Create new or use existing dataset and train a model
	detect     Detect a folder of images or a video

Use yolotf2 <command> -h to see more info about a command

Use yolotf2 -h to display all command line options


yolo-tf2 was initially an implementation of yolov3 (you only look once)(training & inference) and support for all yolo versions was added in db2f889. Yolo is a state-of-the-art, real-time object detection system that is extremely fast and accurate. The official repo is here. There are many implementations that support tensorflow, only a few that support tensorflow v2 and as I did not find versions that suit my needs so, I decided to create this version which is very flexible and customizable. It requires python 3.10+, is not platform specific and is MIT licensed.


Command line options

General options

flags help required default
--anchors Path to anchors .txt file True -
--batch-size Training/detection batch size - 8
--classes Path to classes .txt file True -
--input-shape Input shape ex: (m, m, c) - (416, 416, 3)
--iou-threshold iou (intersection over union) threshold - 0.5
--masks Path to masks .txt file True -
--max-boxes Maximum boxes per image - 100
--model-cfg Yolo DarkNet configuration .cfg file True -
--quiet If specified, verbosity is set to False - -
--score-threshold Confidence score threshold - 0.5
--v4 If yolov4 configuration is used, this should be specified - -

Training options

flags help default
--dataset-name Checkpoint/dataset prefix -
--delete-images If specified, dataset images will be deleted upon being saved to tfrecord. -
--epochs Number of training epochs 100
--es-patience Early stopping patience -
--image-dir Path to folder containing images referenced by .xml labels -
--labeled-examples Path to labels .csv file -
--learning-rate Training learning rate 0.001
--output-dir Path to folder where training dataset / checkpoints / other data will be saved .
--shuffle-buffer-size Dataset shuffle buffer 512
--train-shards Total number of .tfrecord files to split training dataset into 1
--train-tfrecord Path to training .tfrecord file -
--valid-frac Validation dataset fraction 0.1
--valid-shards Total number of .tfrecord files to split validation dataset into 1
--valid-tfrecord Path to validation .tfrecord file -
--weights Path to trained weights .tf or .weights file -
--xml-dir Path to folder containing .xml labels in VOC format -

Detection options

flags help required default
--codec Codec to use for predicting videos - mp4v
--display-vid Display video during detection - -
--evaluation-examples Path to .csv file with ground truth for evaluation of the trained model and mAP score calculation. - -
--image-dir A directory that contains images to predict - -
--images Paths of images to detect - -
--output-dir Path to directory for saving results - -
--video Path to video to predict - -
--weights Path to trained weights .tf or .weights file True -

Conversion from DarkNet .cfg files to keras models

This feature was introduced to replace the old hard-coded model. Models are loaded directly from DarkNet .cfg files for convenience.

All yolo versions are supported

As of db2f889 DarkNet .cfg files are automatically converted to keras models.

tensorflow 2.x

The current code leverages features that were introduced in tensorflow 2.x including keras models, tfrecord datasets, etc...

Random weights and DarkNet weights support

Both options are available, and Note in case of using DarkNet weights you must maintain the same number of COCO classes (80 classes) as transfer learning to models with different classes is not currently supported.

Multiple input options

There are 3 input options accepted by the api:

.csv file

A .csv file similar to the one below is supported. Note that x0, y0, x1, y1 are x and y coordinates relative to their corresponding image width and height. For example:

image width = 1000
image height = 500 
x0, y0 = 100, 300
x1, y1 = 120, 320
x0, y0, x1, y1 = 0.1, 0.6, 0.12, 0.64 respectively. 
image object_name object_index x0 y0 x1 y1
/path/to/368.jpg Car 0 0.478423 0.57672 0.558036 0.699735
/path/to/368.jpg Car 0 0.540923 0.583333 0.574405 0.626984
/path/to/368.jpg Car 0 0.389881 0.574074 0.470982 0.683862
/path/to/368.jpg Car 0 0.447173 0.555556 0.497024 0.638889
/path/to/368.jpg Street Sign 1 0.946429 0.40873 0.991815 0.510582

.xml files in VOC format

		<database>The VOC2007 Database</database>
		<annotation>PASCAL VOC2007</annotation>

.tfrecord files

.tfrecord files previously generated by the code can be reused. A typical feature map looks like:

    'image': tf.io.FixedLenFeature([], tf.string),
    'x0': tf.io.VarLenFeature(tf.float32),
    'y0': tf.io.VarLenFeature(tf.float32),
    'x1': tf.io.VarLenFeature(tf.float32),
    'y1': tf.io.VarLenFeature(tf.float32),
    'object_name': tf.io.VarLenFeature(tf.string),
    'object_index': tf.io.VarLenFeature(tf.int64),

Anchor generation

A k-means algorithm finds the optimal sizes and generates anchors with process visualization.

Visualization of training stages


  • k-means visualization:

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  • Generated anchors:

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  • Precision and recall curves:

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  • Evaluation bar charts:

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  • Actual vs. detections:

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You can always visualize different stages of the program using my other repo labelpix which is a tool for drawing bounding boxes, but can also be used to visualize bounding boxes over images using csv files in the format mentioned here.

mAP evaluation

Evaluation is available through the detection api which supports mAP score calculation. A typical evaluation result looks like:

object_name average_precision actual detections true_positives false_positives combined
1 Car 0.825907 298 338 275 63 338
12 Bus 0.666667 3 2 2 0 2
6 Palm Tree 0.627774 122 93 82 11 93
7 Trash Can 0.555556 9 7 5 2 7
8 Flag 0.480867 14 8 7 1 8
2 Traffic Lights 0.296155 122 87 58 29 87
5 Street Lamp 0.289578 73 41 28 13 41
3 Street Sign 0.287331 93 52 35 17 52
9 Fire Hydrant 0.194444 6 3 2 1 3
4 Pedestrian 0.183942 130 56 35 21 56
0 Delivery Truck 0 1 0 0 0 0
10 Road Block 0 2 7 0 7 7
11 Minivan 0 3 0 0 0 0
13 Bicycle 0 4 1 0 1 1
14 Pickup Truck 0 2 0 0 0 0

labelpix support

You can check my other repo labelpix which is a labeling tool that you can use produce small datasets for experimentation. It supports .csv files in the format mentioned here and/or .xml files as here

Photo & video detection

Detections can be performed on photos or videos using the detection api.



The following files are expected:

  • Object classes .txt file.

    traffic light
    fire hydrant
  • DarkNet model .cfg file

  • Anchors .txt file

  • Masks .txt file

  • Labeled examples, ONE of:

    • .csv file as shown here
    • .xml labels + image folder as shown here
    • Training + Validation .tfrecord files, having a feature map as shown here

Training code example

Training is available through yolo_tf2.train api. For more info about other parameters, check the docstrings, available through help()

import yolo_tf2

    input_shape=(608, 608, 3),

Training command line example

yolotf2 train --input-shape 608 608 3 --classes /path/to/classes.txt --model-cfg /path/to/darknet/file.cfg --anchors /path/to/anchors.txt --masks /path/to/masks.txt --labeled-examples /path/to/labeled_examples.csv --output-dir /path/to/training-output-dir  


The following files are expected:

  • Object classes .txt file.

    traffic light
    fire hydrant
  • DarkNet model .cfg file

  • Anchors .txt file

  • Masks .txt file

  • Trained .tf or .weights file

  • Whatever is to detect: any of:

    • A list of image paths
    • Image dir
    • Video

Note: For yolov4 configuration, v4=True or --v4 should be specified

Detection code example

Detection is available through yolo_tf2.detect api. For more info about other parameters, check the docstrings, available through help()

import yolo_tf2

    input_shape=(608, 608, 3),
    images=['/path/to/image1', '/path/to/image2', ...],

Detection command line example

yolotf2 detect --input-shape 608 608 3 --classes /path/to/classes.txt --model-cfg /path/to/darknet/file.cfg --anchors /path/to/anchors.txt --masks /path/to/masks.txt --weights /path/to/trained_weights.tf --images /path/to/image1 /path/to/image2 --output-dir /path/to/detection-output-dir 


  • To detect video, video or --video needs to be passed instead
  • For yolov4 configuration, v4=True or --v4 should be specified**


Evaluation is available through the very same detection api described in the previous section. The only difference is an additional parameter evaluation_examples or --evaluation-examples for command line which is a .csv file containing the actual labels of the images being detected. The names of the images passed will be looked for in the actual labels, and if any of the filenames were not found, an error is raised, which means:

if you do:

import yolo_tf2

    input_shape=(608, 608, 3),
    images=['/path/to/image1', '/path/to/image2', ...],

evaluation_examples .csv file should look like:

image object_name object_index x0 y0 x1 y1
/path/to/image1 Car 0 0.478423 0.57672 0.558036 0.699735
/path/to/image1 Car 0 0.540923 0.583333 0.574405 0.626984
/path/to/image1 Car 0 0.389881 0.574074 0.470982 0.683862
/path/to/image2 Car 0 0.447173 0.555556 0.497024 0.638889
/path/to/image2 Street Sign 1 0.946429 0.40873 0.991815 0.510582

Because images=['/path/to/image1', '/path/to/image2', ...] were passed, their actual labels must be provided. Same thing applies to the images contained in a directory if image_dir was passed instead.


Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to
learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request

Issue policy

There are relevant cases in which the issues will be addressed and irrelevant ones that will be closed.

Relevant issues

The following issues will be addressed.

  • Bugs.
  • Performance issues.
  • Installation issues.
  • Documentation issues.
  • Feature requests.
  • Dependency issues that can be solved.

Irrelevant issues

The following issues will not be addressed and will be closed.

  • Issues without context / clear and concise explanation.
  • Issues without standalone code (minimum reproducible example), or a jupyter notebook link to reproduce errors.
  • Issues that are improperly formatted.
  • Issues that are dataset / label specific without a dataset sample link.
  • Issues that are the result of doing something that is unsupported by the existing features.
  • Issues that are not considered as improvement / useful.


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.

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Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Yolov3 Keras Tf2" Project. README Source: unsignedrant/yolo-tf2