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Nginx running on Alpine Linux [Docker]

Project README

Nginx container image running on Alpine Linux

Docker Automated build Docker Pulls Docker Stars

Alpine Version Nginx Version Nginx Version

This Container image (yobasystems/alpine-nginx) is based on the minimal Alpine Linux with version 1.25.4 of NGINX

Alpine Version 3.19.1 (Released 2023-01-26)

NGINX Version 1.25.4 (Mainline)
NGINX Version 1.24.0 (Stable)

Table of Contents

🏔️ What is Alpine Linux?

Alpine Linux is a Linux distribution built around musl libc and BusyBox. The image is only 5 MB in size and has access to a package repository that is much more complete than other BusyBox based images. This makes Alpine Linux a great image base for utilities and even production applications. Read more about Alpine Linux here and you can see how their mantra fits in right at home with Container images.

What is NGINX?

NGINX is open source software for web serving, reverse proxying, caching, load balancing, media streaming, and more. It started out as a web server designed for maximum performance and stability. In addition to its HTTP server capabilities, NGINX can also function as a proxy server for email (IMAP, POP3, and SMTP) and a reverse proxy and load balancer for HTTP, TCP, and UDP servers. [engine-ex]

✨ Features

  • Minimal size only, minimal layers
  • Memory usage is minimal on a simple install.
  • Auto git clone from repo with yobasystems/alpine-nginx:git tag

🏗️ Architectures

  • :amd64, :x86_64 - 64 bit Intel/AMD (x86_64/amd64)
  • :arm64v8, :aarch64 - 64 bit ARM (ARMv8/aarch64)
  • :arm32v7, :armhf - 32 bit ARM (ARMv7/armhf)


🏷️ Tags

  • :latest latest branch based on mainline (Automatic Architecture Selection)
  • :master master branch usually inline with latest (Automatic Architecture Selection)
  • :mainline latest branch based on mainline release (Automatic Architecture Selection)
  • :stable stable branch usually inline with latest stable release (Automatic Architecture Selection)
  • :git latest branch with git based on mainline (Automatic Architecture Selection)
  • :git-ssh latest branch with git and ssh auth for private repo based on mainline (Automatic Architecture Selection)
  • :amd64, :x86_64 amd64 based on latest tag but amd64 architecture
  • :git-amd64, :git-x86_64 amd64 based on latest tag but amd64 architecture and includes git
  • :git-ssh-amd64, :git-ssh-x86_64 amd64 based on latest tag but amd64 architecture and includes git and ssh auth for private repo
  • :aarch64, :arm64v8 Armv8 based on latest tag but arm64 architecture
  • :aarch64-git, :git-arm64v8 Armv8 based on latest tag but arm64 architecture and includes git
  • :aarch64-git-ssh, :git-ssh-arm64v8 Armv8 based on latest tag but arm64 architecture and includes git and ssh auth for private repo
  • :armhf, :arm32v7 Armv7 based on latest tag but arm architecture
  • :git-armhf, :git-arm32v7 Armv7 based on latest tag but arm architecture and includes git
  • :git-ssh-armhf, :git-ssh-arm32v7 Armv7 based on latest tag but arm architecture and includes git and ssh auth for private repo

📏 Layers & Sizes

Version MicroBadger Layers (tag) MicroBadger Size (tag)

Version MicroBadger Layers (tag) MicroBadger Size (tag)

Version MicroBadger Layers (tag) MicroBadger Size (tag)

🚀 How to use this image

Environment Variables:

  • URL: specify the url with that nginx will listen on. Default to localhost.

HTML content

To alter the HTML content that nginx serves up (add your website files), add the following to your Dockerfile:

ADD /path/to/content /etc/nginx/html

index.html is the default, but that's easily changed (see below).

Nginx configuration

A basic nginx configuration is supplied with this image. But it's easy to overwrite:

  • Create your own nginx.conf.
  • In your Dockerfile, make sure your nginx.conf file is copied to /etc/nginx/nginx.conf.

Make sure you start nginx without daemon mode, by including daemon off; in your nginx configuration, otherwise the container will constantly exit right after nginx starts.

Creating an instance

To use this image include FROM yobasystems/alpine-nginx at the top of your Dockerfile.

docker run --name webapp -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -e URL=www.example.co.uk yobasystems/alpine-nginx

To use persistent data , then use the volume var:

docker run --name webapp -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -e URL=www.example.co.uk -v /app/www:/etc/nginx/html yobasystems/alpine-nginx

Nginx logs (access and error logs) output to stdout and stderr

Docker Compose example:

version: '2'
  image: yobasystems/alpine-nginx
    URL: www.example.co.uk
    - "80"
    - "443"
    - /app/www:/etc/nginx/html
  domainname: www.example.co.uk
  restart: always

Docker Compose example (Git):

version: '2'
  image: yobasystems/alpine-nginx:git
    URL: www.example.co.uk
    REPO: https://[email protected]/yobasystems/default-index.git
    - "80"
    - "443"
    - /app/www:/etc/nginx/html
  domainname: www.example.co.uk
  restart: always

🔍 Image contents & Vulnerability analysis


📚 Source Repositories

🐳 Container Registries

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Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Yobasystems Alpine Nginx" Project. README Source: yobasystems/alpine-nginx

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