Yasinkuyu Localization Versions Save

:fire: Create multi-language structure with ASP.NET MVC


7 years ago


  1. Allow to use all attributes in a non web project. Use case: share data model between an ASP and WPF applications.
  2. Code refactoring and cleanup.


  1. Regions and documentation consistency.
  2. Code cleanup and consistency.
  3. Provide a correct attribute usage.
  4. Everywhere a "string.Format" is used, use "CultureInfo.CurrentCulture" as Microsoft uses it (See: https://github.com/dotnet/corefx/tree/master/src/System.ComponentModel.Annotations/src/System/ComponentModel/DataAnnotations).
  5. Give the option of providing a custom text key so you are not being force of using the default keys.
  6. Add some overloads.
  7. Add a new "CompareLocalizeAttribute".


  1. Remove your interface and class.
  2. Create a text template that automatically creates your same class but adding all .NET existing cultures so you don't have to add them manually.


8 years ago

fix null Folder bug. fix null Culture bug. fix null reference bug.


9 years ago

Create multi-language structure with ASP.NET MVC