Xoreos Versions Save

A reimplementation of BioWare's Aurora engine (and derivatives). Pre-pre-alpha :P


3 years ago

This is the official version 0.0.6 of xoreos, together with xoreos-tools and Phaethon, nicknamed "Elanee".

xoreos is an open source implementation of BioWare's Aurora engine and its derivatives, licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 (or later).

The tutorial in Knights of the Old Republic is now partially playable: the PC can collect their belongings, put on their gear, let Trask open the first door, open the second door and engage in mock combat.

Knights of the Old Republic II now lets you skip the prologue, showing off a bit of the intro.

Jade Empire now has background music and a preliminary character generation menu.

And as always, this release includes a ton of code quality changes, bug fixes and initial implementations that are user-invisible for now. These include:

  • Partial implementations of ActionScript and Scaleform GFx for Dragon Age menus
  • Partial implementations of XACT WaveBanks and SoundBanks for Jade Empire
  • Partial implementations of FMOD SampleBanks and Events for Dragon Age: Origins
  • Partial implementations of Wwise SoundBanks for Dragon Age II
  • WebM (Matroska + VPx) support for the Enhanced Edition of Neverwinter Nights
  • Support for big-endian GFF4 files found in console ports
  • Support for resource files found in mobile ports
  • Support for more Neverwinter Nights 2 structures

In an attempt to modernize a bit, xoreos now requires a C++11-capable compiler. This should hopefully not be a huge problem.

Please note that xoreos is still missing a GUI and needs to be started from the command line.

Downloads in this release:

  • Source tarball
  • GNU/Linux (gcc 4.9.2, glibc 2.19) binaries, i386 (Intel 32-bit)
  • GNU/Linux (gcc 4.9.2, glibc 2.19) binaries, x86_64 (Intel 64-bit)
  • Microsoft Windows binaries, i386 (Intel 32-bit)
  • Microsoft Windows binaries, x86_64 (Intel 64-bit)
  • Mac OS X (>= 10.9), x86_64 (Intel 64-bit)

The source tarball includes a PKGBUILD in dists/arch/, a debian build directory in dists/debian/ and a Fedora spec file in dists/fedora/, which can be used to build Arch Linux, Debian/Ubuntu and Fedora packages, respectively.

Alternatively, xoreos can be found in the Arch Linux AUR here, and we have a Gentoo overlay here.

SHA-256 checksums:

xoreos-0.0.6.tar.gz 8495f09ddd31e3ca7a1b04d9c304b840800cc850a25f3f0c2baaaf94cf20b6f2

xoreos-0.0.6-linux32.tar.gz 6ec26cece2bd70a0d1916def2060ef25e95ce065639593a22f1a6ec26e9e6625

xoreos-0.0.6-linux64.tar.gz a97428b389ff5750f9af4e9258a18a3ba18b61fd883269ce959a828a3a983fbb

xoreos-0.0.6-win32.zip 3ce1e048fe58588ed394f92afb850f2d7a32dddb18098fb87249e72fe2ee5f6f

xoreos-0.0.6-win64.zip 228063f0eb51a2aceea8f3ef030fcee7068128ca7429ecb9f51b882bc9195c0c

xoreos-0.0.6-mac64.tar.gz ecc549954a6eeb6d648cd949f48bb69a298be1d5e6c55e349de8f0331538d299


5 years ago

This is the official version 0.0.5 of xoreos, together with xoreos-tools and Phaethon, nicknamed "Dawn Star".

xoreos is an open source implementation of BioWare's Aurora engine and its derivatives, licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 (or later).

The two Knights of the old Republic games gained animation support, partially working character creators, ingame menus, PC walking with walkmesh and trigger evaluation, and preliminary conversations. They are now the most implemented games in xoreos, overtaking Neverwinter Nights.

Neverwinter Nights received a fix in the animation system. Animations are now correctly scaled with the height of the creature. Heads don't fly off of elves anymore when they yawn, for example. The character creator was also partially implemented.

Jade Empire now has an initial implementation for its main menu and lightmap textures are correctly loaded.

And as always, this release includes a ton of code quality changes, bug fixes and initial implementations that are user-invisible for now.

Please note that xoreos is still missing a GUI and needs to be started from the command line.

Downloads in this release:

  • Source tarball
  • GNU/Linux (gcc 4.9.2, glibc 2.19) binaries, i386 (Intel 32-bit)
  • GNU/Linux (gcc 4.9.2, glibc 2.19) binaries, x86_64 (Intel 64-bit)
  • Microsoft Windows binaries, i386 (Intel 32-bit)
  • Microsoft Windows binaries, x86_64 (Intel 64-bit)
  • Mac OS X (>= 10.9), x86_64 (Intel 64-bit)

The source tarball includes a PKGBUILD in dists/arch/, a debian build directory in dists/debian/ and a Fedora spec file in dists/fedora/, which can be used to build Arch Linux, Debian/Ubuntu and Fedora packages, respectively.

Alternatively, xoreos can be found in the Arch Linux AUR here, and we have a Gentoo overlay here.

SHA-256 checksums:

xoreos-0.0.5.tar.gz 8c92cedb89372c2355e851fab061eba3ac209356725614e243578066cbbe3144

xoreos-0.0.5-linux32.tar.gz 82bbc67421e7b99127d0a58b7d0c4af2011ef9960f2eab8c49f41390f4511d7c

xoreos-0.0.5-linux64.tar.gz 2f59817aacec1f98ad35b27a01a838fce2588c1c481e4b7bdf7ebaa4bec2d243

xoreos-0.0.5-win32.zip a86ae29c3eb77794d9f52401b85fa72dd78b92bc2651b22478be3dcf51a67823

xoreos-0.0.5-win64.zip 85380c2516d113d581f2a87639e9820bc908fc917b72bc149355a59b25a29959

xoreos-0.0.5-mac64.tar.gz ecf5602f61ab2f049adcf820b5a54554836c2819bb26fec8e02b34fadb1fc3c6


8 years ago

This is the official version 0.0.4 of xoreos, together with xoreos-tools, nicknamed "Chodo".

xoreos is an open source implementation of BioWare's Aurora engine and its derivatives, licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 (or later).

Neverwinter Nights now shows speech bubbles for conversation one-liners, as used for cutscenes, bark strings and short NPC dialogues. Additionally, the premium modules BioWare sold for Neverwinter Nights, including the three that come with the Diamond Edition, can now be properly loaded and started.

An oversight in the handling of the texture fonts used in Neverwinter Nights and the two Knights of Old Republic games has been fixed. This oversight broke rendering of certain characters, most prominently of those used in eastern European languages and the "smart" single quotation mark that's used instead of an apostrophe in some strings found in the French versions.

Moreover, this release includes a lot of user-invisible code documentation and quality fixes.

Please note that xoreos is still missing a GUI and needs to be started from the command line.

Downloads in this release:

  • Source tarball
  • GNU/Linux (gcc 4.7.2, glibc 2.13) binaries, i386 (Intel 32-bit)
  • GNU/Linux (gcc 4.7.2, glibc 2.13) binaries, x86_64 (Intel 64-bit)
  • Microsoft Windows binaries, i386 (Intel 32-bit)
  • Microsoft Windows binaries, x86_64 (Intel 64-bit)
  • Mac OS X (>= 10.5), fat binaries with both i386 (Intel 32-bit) and x86_64 (Intel 64-bit)

Packages for various GNU/Linux distributions can be found here in the OpenSuSE Build Service and here in Arch Linux's AUR.

Alternatively, the source tarball includes a PKGBUILD in dists/arch/ and a debian build directory in dists/debian/, which can be used to build Arch Linux and Debian/Ubuntu packages, respectively.

SHA-256 checksums:

xoreos-0.0.4.tar.gz 71e075dca9ae7a4da4635627a050367d2b6401be13801815d36a0e511caa865e

xoreos-0.0.4-linux32.tar.gz 3f335f1a5a0a3f6301c175357a75e9224410fe3bb1ff753e39522ec3e6c16875

xoreos-0.0.4-linux64.tar.gz 2869241318ad737aab5a3d06c60707130c6aceb1b6b8e4d96698d9b279713c92

xoreos-0.0.4-win32.zip 944ac114f04ec7aae1a119c0d5e12559482b675f21e93136d3b5b7afacc80749

xoreos-0.0.4-win64.zip 5e1e28c3f5ae3fc4bb9f32ceedd10e55acfa0fbd771a52ef8b334a9030537c40

xoreos-0.0.4-mac.tar.gz f8cc0a7b772c2f8dd6f01182a6b1ef50e04ca34e4266bee091d4ea118ed5347a


8 years ago

This is the official version 0.0.3 of xoreos, together with xoreos-tools, nicknamed "Bastila".

xoreos is an open source implementation of BioWare's Aurora engine and its derivatives, licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 (or later).

In this release, all targeted games now feature a working script system, with game scripts being fired for the start of a campaign or module, when entering and leaving areas, and when clicking on in-game object. The singular exception is the Nintendo DS game Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood, which doesn't seem to feature any scripts at all.

The vast majority of engine functions, the functions that are called by the scripts and that do the actual work of tracking and changing the game state, are still missing, though. Per game there are about 850 functions (with some overlap) that need to be implemented. We currently have about 90, per game, of these written and working within xoreos. Moreover, many of the functions still missing depend on features not yet implemented.

Apart from the script system changes, 0.0.3 also comes with support for reflective environment mapping in Neverwinter Nights and the two Knights of the Old Republic games. The "metallic" armor and area parts that were rendered transparent in xoreos are now properly reflective. This can be seen, for example, in the Sith troopers in Knights of the Old Republic, in various plate armor worn by NPC in Neverwinter Nights, as well as the metallic floors on the planet of Taris and the icy wastes of Cania. For Neverwinter Nights, xoreos now also correctly smoothes the vertex normals of (binary) models, so that the metallic effect is not broken by sharp polygon edges.

Please note that xoreos is still missing a GUI and needs to be started from the command line.

Downloads in this release:

  • Source tarball
  • GNU/Linux (gcc 4.7.2, glibc 2.13) binaries, i386 (Intel 32-bit)
  • GNU/Linux (gcc 4.7.2, glibc 2.13) binaries, x86_64 (Intel 64-bit)
  • Microsoft Windows binaries, i386 (Intel 32-bit)
  • Microsoft Windows binaries, x86_64 (Intel 64-bit)
  • Mac OS X (>= 10.5), fat binaries with both i386 (Intel 32-bit) and x86_64 (Intel 64-bit)

Packages for various GNU/Linux distributions can be found here in the OpenSuSE Build Service and here in Arch Linux's AUR.

Alternatively, the source tarball includes a PKGBUILD in dists/arch/ and a debian build directory in dists/debian/, which can be used to build Arch Linux and Debian/Ubuntu packages, respectively.

SHA-256 checksums:

xoreos-0.0.3.tar.gz d940887c53b2d84f3721873b0617701beda8d0d326507c535dae274fddedc51e

xoreos-0.0.3-linux32.tar.gz d7140dbaf543356b6762b23e3ce34596f98cd1c17e03305cedfa6f276e6d53c2

xoreos-0.0.3-linux64.tar.gz 98edba06ab83849113187ebbbe5e174e10bd190e0dcbf23d107d8be803f201cb

xoreos-0.0.3-win32.zip 9029e6b25e0088f262c796a164c43743b9bce41ec88619faf89a5a06eb25abcc

xoreos-0.0.3-win64.zip 3d0e3773f2a320c81a842ac00c49c73188e6b3ee6b33a8b866d7baef454c8f4c

xoreos-0.0.3-mac.tar.gz d972de0a9770bd500bc52f5b597174a3f1526538a52450000480a2bce7fab14a


8 years ago

This is the first official release of xoreos, together with xoreos-tools, nicknamed "Aribeth".

xoreos is an open source implementation of BioWare's Aurora engine and its derivatives, licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 (or later).

In this first release, all targeted games work insofar as that they at least show basic in-game areas. I.e. you can start the game, xoreos loads the game resources, loads a campaign or module, and then shows an area of the game.

Within the area, you can fly around in a "spectator" mode, using the common first-person WASD control scheme. Moving the mouse while holding down the middle mouse button rotates the camera. With Ctrl+D, a debug console drops down, allowing for general resource dumping and the loading of different areas, modules and/or campaigns.

A few games, specifically Neverwinter Nights and Knights of the Old Republic, also show a main menu, although the latter's is not as extensive yet. The former also shows a few in-game menu elements.

Additionally, Neverwinter Nights also has a script system hooked up, and preliminary dialogue support. This means that clicking on an NPC opens up its conversation dialog, and some of the script commands will be executed. For example, the door in the first area of the original campaign's prelude opens after speaking to Bim and telling him that no tutorial is necessary. However, triggering the tutorial leads to the scripts looping endlessly, because the necessary game functions are not implemented yet.

Further gameplay is still missing. At the moment, none of the other games have a script system.

The current graphics are very basic: only flat-shaded, textured meshes are shown. No lighting, shadows or shaders of any kind are currently available.

Please note that xoreos is still missing a GUI and needs to be started from the command line.

Downloads in this release:

  • Source tarball
  • GNU/Linux (gcc 4.7.2, glibc 2.13) binaries, 32-bit
  • GNU/Linux (gcc 4.7.2, glibc 2.13) binaries, 64-bit
  • Microsoft Windows binaries, 32-bit
  • Microsoft Windows binaries, 64-bit
  • Mac OS X (>= 10.5), fat binaries with both i386 and x86_64

Packages for various GNU/Linux distributions can be found here in the OpenSuSE Build Service and here in Arch Linux's AUR.

Alternatively, the source tarball includes a PKGBUILD in dists/arch/ and a debian build directory in dists/debian/, which can be used to build Arch Linux and Debian/Ubuntu packages, respectively.

SHA-256 checksums:

xoreos-0.0.2.tar.gz 7785bad152c1710a444d0e02179d203a596f8778f3572a9aa6e68cf540c407dd

xoreos-0.0.2-linux32.tar.gz 89d0cd25fd1fa65643b814ea5d5f9992ff16fe0bcc88dde81fb089caf10412c5

xoreos-0.0.2-linux64.tar.gz bfa6f5e86f614273b0d2c07fce97ab351a8e07bcacd3bbb60cbf6b027d5f1de8

xoreos-0.0.2-win32.zip 3451860b28887a8a6fc8225595c0d0b9eaddae75c8b7a27436ee566daf20777f

xoreos-0.0.2-win64.zip 060b3599013165f047de790b1c81a5838dafad709c33919ed606e8cdb826d5f3

xoreos-0.0.2-mac.tar.gz c6957084a2cf15b9582e85374a0c601d388ff69ec7b2ae9aafb2c84b00f4b795