XGBoost Versions Save

Scalable, Portable and Distributed Gradient Boosting (GBDT, GBRT or GBM) Library, for Python, R, Java, Scala, C++ and more. Runs on single machine, Hadoop, Spark, Dask, Flink and DataFlow


4 months ago

The 2.0.3 patch release make the following bug fixes:

Full Changelog: https://github.com/dmlc/xgboost/compare/v2.0.2...v2.0.3

Additional artifacts:

You can verify the downloaded packages by running the following command on your Unix shell:

echo "<hash> <artifact>" | shasum -a 256 --check
7c4bd1cf6162d335fd20a8168a54dd11508342f82fbf381a80c02ac57be0bce4  xgboost-2.0.3.tar.gz
d0c3499504133a8ea0043da2974c51cc71aae792f0719080bc227d7add8fb881  xgboost_r_gpu_win64_2.0.3.tar.gz
ee47da5b21231965b1f054d191a5418543377f4ba0d0615a593a6f99d1832ca1  xgboost_r_gpu_linux_2.0.3.tar.gz

Experimental binary packages for R with CUDA enabled

  • xgboost_r_gpu_linux_2.0.3.tar.gz: Download
  • xgboost_r_gpu_win64_2.0.3.tar.gz: Download


5 months ago

The 2.0.2 patch releases make the following bug fixes:

  • [jvm-packages] Add Scala version suffix to xgboost-jvm package (#9776). The JVM packages had incorrect metadata, and the 2.0.2 patch version fixes the metadata.
  • [backport] Fix using categorical data with the ranker. (#9753)


6 months ago

This is a patch release for bug fixes.

Bug fixes

In addition, this is the first release where the JVM package is distributed with native support for Apple Silicon.

Additional artifacts:

You can verify the downloaded packages by running the following command on your Unix shell:

echo "<hash> <artifact>" | shasum -a 256 --check
529e9d0f88c2a7abae833f05b7d1e7e7ce01de20481ea60f6ebb6eb7fc96ba69  xgboost.tar.gz
25342c91e7cda98b1362b70282b286c2e4f3e996b518fb590c1303f53f39f188  xgboost_r_gpu_win64_2.0.1.tar.gz
3d8cde1160ab135c393b8092ce0475709dff318024022b735a253d968f9711b3  xgboost_r_gpu_linux_2.0.1.tar.gz

Experimental binary packages for R with CUDA enabled

  • xgboost_r_gpu_linux_2.0.1.tar.gz: Download
  • xgboost_r_gpu_win64_2.0.1.tar.gz: Download

Source tarball


7 months ago

2.0.0 (2023 Sep 12)

We are excited to announce the release of XGBoost 2.0. This note will begin by covering some overall changes and then highlight specific updates to the package.

Initial work on multi-target trees with vector-leaf outputs

We have been working on vector-leaf tree models for multi-target regression, multi-label classification, and multi-class classification in version 2.0. Previously, XGBoost would build a separate model for each target. However, with this new feature that's still being developed, XGBoost can build one tree for all targets. The feature has multiple benefits and trade-offs compared to the existing approach. It can help prevent overfitting, produce smaller models, and build trees that consider the correlation between targets. In addition, users can combine vector leaf and scalar leaf trees during a training session using a callback. Please note that the feature is still a working in progress, and many parts are not yet available. See #9043 for the current status. Related PRs: (#8538, #8697, #8902, #8884, #8895, #8898, #8612, #8652, #8698, #8908, #8928, #8968, #8616, #8922, #8890, #8872, #8889, #9509) Please note that, only the hist (default) tree method on CPU can be used for building vector leaf trees at the moment.

New device parameter.

A new device parameter is set to replace the existing gpu_id, gpu_hist, gpu_predictor, cpu_predictor, gpu_coord_descent, and the PySpark specific parameter use_gpu. Onward, users need only the device parameter to select which device to run along with the ordinal of the device. For more information, please see our document page (https://xgboost.readthedocs.io/en/stable/parameter.html#general-parameters) . For example, with device="cuda", tree_method="hist", XGBoost will run the hist tree method on GPU. (#9363, #8528, #8604, #9354, #9274, #9243, #8896, #9129, #9362, #9402, #9385, #9398, #9390, #9386, #9412, #9507, #9536). The old behavior of gpu_hist is preserved but deprecated. In addition, the predictor parameter is removed.

hist is now the default tree method

Starting from 2.0, the hist tree method will be the default. In previous versions, XGBoost chooses approx or exact depending on the input data and training environment. The new default can help XGBoost train models more efficiently and consistently. (#9320, #9353)

GPU-based approx tree method

There's initial support for using the approx tree method on GPU. The performance of the approx is not yet well optimized but is feature complete except for the JVM packages. It can be accessed through the use of the parameter combination device="cuda", tree_method="approx". (#9414, #9399, #9478). Please note that the Scala-based Spark interface is not yet supported.

Optimize and bound the size of the histogram on CPU, to control memory footprint

XGBoost has a new parameter max_cached_hist_node for users to limit the CPU cache size for histograms. It can help prevent XGBoost from caching histograms too aggressively. Without the cache, performance is likely to decrease. However, the size of the cache grows exponentially with the depth of the tree. The limit can be crucial when growing deep trees. In most cases, users need not configure this parameter as it does not affect the model's accuracy. (#9455, #9441, #9440, #9427, #9400).

Along with the cache limit, XGBoost also reduces the memory usage of the hist and approx tree method on distributed systems by cutting the size of the cache by half. (#9433)

Improved external memory support

There is some exciting development around external memory support in XGBoost. It's still an experimental feature, but the performance has been significantly improved with the default hist tree method. We replaced the old file IO logic with memory map. In addition to performance, we have reduced CPU memory usage and added extensive documentation. Beginning from 2.0.0, we encourage users to try it with the hist tree method when the memory saving by QuantileDMatrix is not sufficient. (#9361, #9317, #9282, #9315, #8457)

Learning to rank

We created a brand-new implementation for the learning-to-rank task. With the latest version, XGBoost gained a set of new features for ranking task including:

  • A new parameter lambdarank_pair_method for choosing the pair construction strategy.
  • A new parameter lambdarank_num_pair_per_sample for controlling the number of samples for each group.
  • An experimental implementation of unbiased learning-to-rank, which can be accessed using the lambdarank_unbiased parameter.
  • Support for custom gain function with NDCG using the ndcg_exp_gain parameter.
  • Deterministic GPU computation for all objectives and metrics.
  • NDCG is now the default objective function.
  • Improved performance of metrics using caches.
  • Support scikit-learn utilities for XGBRanker.
  • Extensive documentation on how learning-to-rank works with XGBoost.

For more information, please see the tutorial. Related PRs: (#8771, #8692, #8783, #8789, #8790, #8859, #8887, #8893, #8906, #8931, #9075, #9015, #9381, #9336, #8822, #9222, #8984, #8785, #8786, #8768)

Automatically estimated intercept

In the previous version, base_score was a constant that could be set as a training parameter. In the new version, XGBoost can automatically estimate this parameter based on input labels for optimal accuracy. (#8539, #8498, #8272, #8793, #8607)

Quantile regression

The XGBoost algorithm now supports quantile regression, which involves minimizing the quantile loss (also called "pinball loss"). Furthermore, XGBoost allows for training with multiple target quantiles simultaneously with one tree per quantile. (#8775, #8761, #8760, #8758, #8750)

L1 and Quantile regression now supports learning rate

Both objectives use adaptive trees due to the lack of proper Hessian values. In the new version, XGBoost can scale the leaf value with the learning rate accordingly. (#8866)

Export cut value

Using the Python or the C package, users can export the quantile values (not to be confused with quantile regression) used for the hist tree method. (#9356)

column-based split and federated learning

We made progress on column-based split for federated learning. In 2.0, both approx, hist, and hist with vector leaf can work with column-based data split, along with support for vertical federated learning. Work on GPU support is still on-going, stay tuned. (#8576, #8468, #8442, #8847, #8811, #8985, #8623, #8568, #8828, #8932, #9081, #9102, #9103, #9124, #9120, #9367, #9370, #9343, #9171, #9346, #9270, #9244, #8494, #8434, #8742, #8804, #8710, #8676, #9020, #9002, #9058, #9037, #9018, #9295, #9006, #9300, #8765, #9365, #9060)


After the initial introduction of the PySpark interface, it has gained some new features and optimizations in 2.0.

  • GPU-based prediction. (#9292, #9542)
  • Optimization for data initialization by avoiding the stack operation. (#9088)
  • Support predict feature contribution. (#8633)
  • Python typing support. (#9156, #9172, #9079, #8375)
  • use_gpu is deprecated. The device parameter is preferred.
  • Update eval_metric validation to support list of strings (#8826)
  • Improved logs for training (#9449)
  • Maintenance, including refactoring and document updates (#8324, #8465, #8605, #9202, #9460, #9302, #8385, #8630, #8525, #8496)
  • Fix for GPU setup. (#9495)

Other General New Features

Here's a list of new features that don't have their own section and yet are general to all language bindings.

  • Use array interface for CSC matrix. This helps XGBoost to use a consistent number of threads and align the interface of the CSC matrix with other interfaces. In addition, memory usage is likely to decrease with CSC input thanks to on-the-fly type conversion. (#8672)
  • CUDA compute 90 is now part of the default build.. (#9397)

Other General Optimization

These optimizations are general to all language bindings. For language-specific optimization, please visit the corresponding sections.

  • Performance for input with array_interface on CPU (like numpy) is significantly improved. (#9090)
  • Some optimization with CUDA for data initialization. (#9199, #9209, #9144)
  • Use the latest thrust policy to prevent synchronizing GPU devices. (#9212)
  • XGBoost now uses a per-thread CUDA stream, which prevents synchronization with other streams. (#9416, #9396, #9413)

Notable breaking change

Other than the aforementioned change with the device parameter, here's a list of breaking changes affecting all packages.

  • Users must specify the format for text input (#9077). However, we suggest using third-party data structures such as numpy.ndarray instead of relying on text inputs. See https://github.com/dmlc/xgboost/issues/9472 for more info.

Notable bug fixes

Some noteworthy bug fixes that are not related to specific language bindings are listed in this section.

  • Some language environments use a different thread to perform garbage collection, which breaks the thread-local cache used in XGBoost. XGBoost 2.0 implements a new thread-safe cache using a light weight lock to replace the thread-local cache. (#8851)
  • Fix model IO by clearing the prediction cache. (#8904)
  • inf is checked during data construction. (#8911)
  • Preserve order of saved updaters configuration. Usually, this is not an issue unless the updater parameter is used instead of the tree_method parameter (#9355)
  • Fix GPU memory allocation issue with categorical splits. (#9529)
  • Handle escape sequence like \t\n in feature names for JSON model dump. (#9474)
  • Normalize file path for model IO and text input. This handles short paths on Windows and paths that contain ~ on Unix (#9463). In addition, all path inputs are required to be encoded in UTF-8 (#9448, #9443)
  • Fix integer overflow on H100. (#9380)
  • Fix weighted sketching on GPU with categorical features. (#9341)
  • Fix metric serialization. The bug might cause some of the metrics to be dropped during evaluation. (#9405)
  • Fixes compilation errors on MSVC x86 targets (#8823)
  • Pick up the dmlc-core fix for the CSV parser. (#8897)


Aside from documents for new features, we have many smaller updates to improve user experience, from troubleshooting guides to typo fixes.

  • Explain CPU/GPU interop. (#8450)
  • Guide to troubleshoot NCCL errors. (#8943, #9206)
  • Add a note for rabit port selection. (#8879)
  • How to build the docs using conda (#9276)
  • Explain how to obtain reproducible results on distributed systems. (#8903)
  • Fixes and small updates to document and demonstration scripts. (#8626, #8436, #8995, #8907, #8923, #8926, #9358, #9232, #9201, #9469, #9462, #9458, #8543, #8597, #8401, #8784, #9213, #9098, #9008, #9223, #9333, #9434, #9435, #9415, #8773, #8752, #9291, #9549)

Python package

  • New Features and Improvements
  • Support primitive types of pyarrow-backed pandas dataframe. (#8653)
  • Warning messages emitted by XGBoost are now emitted using Python warnings. (#9387)
  • User can now format the value printed near the bars on the plot_importance plot (#8540)
  • XGBoost has improved half-type support (float16) with pandas, cupy, and cuDF. With GPU input, the handling is through CUDA __half type, and no data copy is made. (#8487, #9207, #8481)
  • Support Series and Python primitive types in inplace_predict and QuantileDMatrix (#8547, #8542)
  • Support all pandas' nullable integer types. (#8480)
  • Custom metric with the scikit-learn interface now supports sample_weight. (#8706)
  • Enable Installation of Python Package with System lib in a Virtual Environment (#9349)
  • Raise if expected workers are not alive in xgboost.dask.train (#9421)
  • Optimization
  • Cache transformed data in QuantileDMatrix for efficiency. (#8666, #9445)
  • Take datatable as row-major input. (#8472)
  • Remove unnecessary conversions between data structures (#8546)
  • Adopt modern Python packaging conventions (PEP 517, PEP 518, PEP 621)
  • XGBoost adopted the modern Python packaging conventions. The old setup script setup.py is now replaced with the new configuration file pyproject.toml. Along with this, XGBoost now supports Python 3.11. (#9021, #9112, #9114, #9115) Consult the latest documentation for the updated instructions to build and install XGBoost.
  • Fixes
  • DataIter now accepts only keyword arguments. (#9431)
  • Fix empty DMatrix with categorical features. (#8739)
  • Convert DaskXGBClassifier.classes_ to an array (#8452)
  • Define best_iteration only if early stopping is used to be consistent with documented behavior. (#9403)
  • Make feature validation immutable. (#9388)
  • Breaking changes
  • Discussed in the new device parameter section, the predictor parameter is now removed. (#9129)
  • Remove support for single-string feature info. Feature type and names should be a sequence of strings (#9401)
  • Remove parameters in the save_model call for the scikit-learn interface. (#8963)
  • Remove the ntree_limit in the python package. This has been deprecated in previous versions. (#8345)
  • Maintenance including formatting and refactoring along with type hints.
  • More consistent use of black and isort for code formatting (#8420, #8748, #8867)
  • Improved type support. Most of the type changes happen in the PySpark module; here, we list the remaining changes. (#8444, #8617, #9197, #9005)
  • Set enable_categorical to True in predict. (#8592)
  • Some refactoring and updates for tests (#8395, #8372, #8557, #8379, #8702, #9459, #9316, #8446, #8695, #8409, #8993, #9480)
  • Documentation
  • Add introduction and notes for the sklearn interface. (#8948)
  • Demo for using dask for hyper-parameter optimization. (#8891)
  • Document all supported Python input types. (#8643)
  • Other documentation updates (#8944, #9304)

R package

  • Use the new data consumption interface for CSR and CSC. This provides better control for the number of threads and improves performance. (#8455, #8673)
  • Accept multiple evaluation metrics during training. (#8657)
  • Fix integer inputs with NA. (#9522)
  • Some refactoring for the R package (#8545, #8430, #8614, #8624, #8613, #9457, #8689, #8563, #9461, #8647, #8564, #8565, #8736, #8610, #8609, #8599, #8704, #9456, #9450, #9476, #9477, #9481). Special thanks to @jameslamb.
  • Document updates (#8886, #9323, #9437, #8998)

JVM packages

Following are changes specific to various JVM-based packages.

  • Stop using Rabit in prediction (#9054)
  • Set feature_names and feature_types in jvm-packages. This is to prepare support for categorical features (#9364)
  • Scala 2.13 support. (#9099)
  • Change training stage from ResultStage to ShuffleMapStage (#9423)
  • Automatically set the max/min direction for the best score during early stopping. (#9404)
  • Revised support for flink (#9046)

  • Breaking changes

  • Scala-based tracker is removed. (#9078, #9045)
  • Change DeviceQuantileDmatrix into QuantileDMatrix (#8461)
  • Maintenance (#9253, #9166, #9395, #9389, #9224, #9233, #9351, #9479)

  • CI bot PRs We employed GitHub dependent bot to help us keep the dependencies up-to-date for JVM packages. With the help from the bot, we have cleared up all the dependencies that are lagging behind (#8501, #8507).

Here's a list of dependency update PRs including those made by dependent bots (#8456, #8560, #8571, #8561, #8562, #8600, #8594, #8524, #8509, #8548, #8549, #8533, #8521, #8534, #8532, #8516, #8503, #8531, #8530, #8518, #8512, #8515, #8517, #8506, #8504, #8502, #8629, #8815, #8813, #8814, #8877, #8876, #8875, #8874, #8873, #9049, #9070, #9073, #9039, #9083, #8917, #8952, #8980, #8973, #8962, #9252, #9208, #9131, #9136, #9219, #9160, #9158, #9163, #9184, #9192, #9265, #9268, #8882, #8837, #8662, #8661, #8390, #9056, #8508, #8925, #8920, #9149, #9230, #9097, #8648, #9203, #8593).


Maintenance work includes refactoring, fixing small issues that don't affect end users. (#9256, #8627, #8756, #8735, #8966, #8864, #8747, #8892, #9057, #8921, #8949, #8941, #8942, #9108, #9125, #9155, #9153, #9176, #9447, #9444, #9436, #9438, #9430, #9200, #9210, #9055, #9014, #9004, #8999, #9154, #9148, #9283, #9246, #8888, #8900, #8871, #8861, #8858, #8791, #8807, #8751, #8703, #8696, #8693, #8677, #8686, #8665, #8660, #8386, #8371, #8410, #8578, #8574, #8483, #8443, #8454, #8733)


  • Build pip wheel with RMM support (#9383)
  • Other CI updates including updating dependencies and work on the CI infrastructure. (#9464, #9428, #8767, #9394, #9278, #9214, #9234, #9205, #9034, #9104, #8878, #9294, #8625, #8806, #8741, #8707, #8381, #8382, #8388, #8402, #8397, #8445, #8602, #8628, #8583, #8460, #9544)

Additional artifacts:

You can verify the downloaded packages by running the following command on your Unix shell:

echo "<hash> <artifact>" | shasum -a 256 --check
de3a56c3d08a818bc1ea90c0476e28b937e10e0736b3ed4e27e22b43e8072ec1  xgboost-2.0.0.tar.gz
a23d965005e494ad9147cfaed1153e52ae238a8ad03ae9aa9aed83526ce7e150  xgboost_r_gpu_win64_2.0.0.tar.gz
c1a633a02cd7de14701b7814e9d81220716592d1891a33e265e76e54ce0e8e11  xgboost_r_gpu_linux_2.0.0.tar.gz

Experimental binary packages for R with CUDA enabled

  • xgboost_r_gpu_linux_2.0.0.tar.gz: Download
  • xgboost_r_gpu_win64_2.0.0.tar.gz: Download

Source tarball


10 months ago

This is a patch release for bug fixes. The CRAN package for the R binding is kept at 1.7.5.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix distributed training with mixed dense and sparse partitions. (#9272)
  • Fix monotone constraints on CPU with large trees. (#9122)
  • [spark] Make the spark model have the same UID as its estimator (#9022)
  • Optimize prediction with QuantileDMatrix. (#9096)


  • Improve doxygen (#8959)
  • Update the cuDF pip index URL. (#9106)


  • Fix tests with pandas 2.0. (#9014)

Additional artifacts:

You can verify the downloaded packages by running the following command on your Unix shell:

echo "<hash> <artifact>" | shasum -a 256 --check
0a54300dd274b98b7f039acffa006bec4875dace041fd9288422306fe7c379ca  xgboost.tar.gz
990fb3c54be7ce53365389f2eb82ce3c1f2e78735b4605ddd2ddb0d47a15d3c3  xgboost_r_gpu_linux_1.7.6.tar.gz
a48fc64bce774bb76eddade6dc6df1d4fc25199a0c17dc66cdfa50cedd3282ad  xgboost_r_gpu_win64_1.7.6.tar.gz

Experimental binary packages for R with CUDA enabled

  • xgboost_r_gpu_linux_1.7.6.tar.gz: Download
  • xgboost_r_gpu_win64_1.7.6.tar.gz: Download

Source tarball Link in GitHub release assets


1 year ago

1.7.5 (2023 Mar 30)

This is a patch release for bug fixes.

  • C++ requirement is updated to C++-17, along with which, CUDA 11.8 is used as the default CTK. (#8860, #8855, #8853)
  • Fix import for pyspark ranker. (#8692)
  • Fix Windows binary wheel to be compatible with Poetry (#8991)
  • Fix GPU hist with column sampling. (#8850)
  • Make sure the iterative DMatrix is properly initialized. (#8997)
  • [R] Update link in a document. (#8998)

Additional artifacts:

You can verify the downloaded packages by running the following command on your Unix shell:

echo "<hash> <artifact>" | shasum -a 256 --check
69a8cf4958e2cea5d492948968d765b856f60d336fbd4367d8176de95898ad7a  xgboost.tar.gz
0098f8d1cf5646d75c7d9dafa7e11b8d57441384f86a004b181cd679ef9677d1  xgboost_r_gpu_linux_1.7.5.tar.gz
a23b9744fcff8b53325604935b239c4cfef8a047ca5f4e57ea2b1011382314ee  xgboost_r_gpu_win64_1.7.5.tar.gz

Experimental binary packages for R with CUDA enabled

  • xgboost_r_gpu_linux_1.7.5.tar.gz: Download
  • xgboost_r_gpu_win64_1.7.5.tar.gz: Download

Source tarball Link in GitHub release assets


1 year ago

1.7.4 (2023 Feb 16)

This is a patch release for bug fixes.

  • [R] Fix OpenMP detection on macOS. #8684
  • [Python] Make sure input numpy array is aligned. #8690
  • Fix feature interaction with column sampling in gpu_hist evaluator. #8754
  • Fix GPU L1 error. #8749
  • [PySpark] Fix feature types param #8772
  • Fix ranking with quantile dmatrix and group weight. #8762
  • Fix CPU bin compression with categorical data. #8809


xgboost_r_gpu_win64_1.7.4.tar.gz: Download


1 year ago

1.7.3 (2023 Jan 6)

This is a patch release for bug fixes.

  • [Breaking] XGBoost Sklearn estimator method get_params no longer returns internally configured values. (#8634)
  • Fix linalg iterator, which may crash the L1 error. (#8603)
  • Fix loading pickled GPU sklearn estimator with a CPU-only XGBoost build. (#8632)
  • Fix inference with unseen categories with categorical features. (#8591, #8602)
  • CI fixes. (#8620, #8631, #8579)


You can verify the downloaded packages by running the following command on your Unix shell:

echo "<hash> <artifact>" | shasum -a 256 --check
0b6aa86b93aec2b3e7ec6f53a696f8bbb23e21a03b369dc5a332c55ca57bc0c4  xgboost.tar.gz


1 year ago

v1.7.2 (2022 Dec 8)

This is a patch release for bug fixes.

  • Work with newer thrust and libcudacxx (#8432)

  • Support null value in CUDA array interface namespace. (#8486)

  • Use getsockname instead of SO_DOMAIN on AIX. (#8437)

  • [pyspark] Make QDM optional based on a cuDF check (#8471)

  • [pyspark] sort qid for SparkRanker. (#8497)

  • [dask] Properly await async method client.wait_for_workers. (#8558)

  • [R] Fix CRAN test notes. (#8428)

  • [doc] Fix outdated document [skip ci]. (#8527)

  • [CI] Fix github action mismatched glibcxx. (#8551)


You can verify the downloaded packages by running this on your Unix shell:

echo "<hash> <artifact>" | shasum -a 256 --check
15be5a96e86c3c539112a2052a5be585ab9831119cd6bc3db7048f7e3d356bac  xgboost_r_gpu_linux_1.7.2.tar.gz
0dd38b08f04ab15298ec21c4c43b17c667d313eada09b5a4ac0d35f8d9ba15d7  xgboost_r_gpu_win64_1.7.2.tar.gz