XG Proyect V3.x.x Versions Save

XG Proyect is an OGame clone open-source web application framework designed for creating game clones, particularly those inspired by the popular game OGame, set in a vast and captivating space-themed universe.


1 year ago



No changes


  • The BattleEngine has been cleaned up and it is a bit more integrated to the project, credits are and will always be to @jstar88.-


No changes


No changes


[#291] Planet positioning for new accounts has been improved and works like OGame. Three new constants have been introduced so this can be configured accordingly. GALAXY_SEPARATION_FACTOR - SYSTEM_SEPARATION_FACTOR - PLANET_SEPARATION_FACTOR.- [#410] Fuel consumption is no longer part of the cargo capacity.- [#475] Officers remaining time is now shown in remaining days.- [#515] On the tasks module a simplified version of the time when the task ran is shown instead (Thanks @FGServers)


[#505] Empire view does not requires the commander to be active anymore.-


[#488] Fixed error that was not awarding ships after an expedition succeeded on finding ships.- [#508] Home page swf video was replaced by a mp4 video.- [#514][#524] fix for the missing compile folder on public (Thanks @manuelkamp).- [#516][#517] fix to handle german Umlauts (Thanks @manuelkamp).- [#520] fix for creation of dynamic property DateInterval::$w is deprecated (affecting on PHP 8.2 only).- [#522] fleetArray wrong variable type.- [#525][#526] null value while doing a DB Backup (Thanks @manuelkamp).- [#529] fix for missions language.- [#533] user rank not properly shown on the page overview (Thanks @FGServers).- [#536] resources pop-up on flying fleets was broken.- [#000] fix - error messages not properly rendered.- [#000] fixed many type errors.-

Removed / Deprecated:

No changes

Thanks to all the people that reported bugs, contributed ideas and suggestions, specially to @BeReal86 and @FGServers who made incredible contributions and they tested everything, as much as possible, so the project can keep growing and improving, without them this wouldn't have been possible.


1 year ago



  • Use composer to install the project, there's no more custom AutoLoader.-
  • PHP 8.2 support.-
  • PHPMailer and MailHog for better mailing.-


  • XGPCore is no longer parent of BaseController, we will keep things separated.-
  • The template class can be accessed directly by the controller instead of calling the getTemplate accessor.-
  • Is no longer possible to call page as a static property. Use $this->page instead.-
  • UsersLibrary has been renamed to Users.-
  • Users::checkSession is now a static method along with Users::isSessionSet.-
  • Is no longer possible to call the Users library using parent::$users, use $this->userLibrary instead.-
  • Is no longer possible to call the Objects library using parent::$objects or $this->getObjects, use $this->objects instead.-
  • Functions::modelLoader has been renamed to Functions::model.-
  • XGPCore::loadModel has been removed, please use BaseController::loadModel or Functions::modelLoader instead.-
  • Statistics_library has been renamed to StatisticsLibrary.-
  • Moved to Common from BaseController as a pre-validation if the game is closed or not.-
  • Moved to Common from Users as a pre-validation if the user is banned or not.-
  • EFTEC/BladeOne has been implemented so we slowly start migrating from CI Parser to Blade.-
  • config dir was relocated to the root.-
  • database dir was relocated to the root.-
  • new resources dir which contains the relocated folders languages (renamed as lang) and views.-
  • ThirdParty/battle_engine was relocated to libraries/BattleEngine.-
  • system/ci_custom was removed and its contents located under libraries/Ci.-
  • autoloading is now done through composer, you must use composer to install.-
  • ::load used to load libraries has been deprecated, access the library directly instead.-
  • Objects is now a singleton that can be accessed like Objects::getInstance()->.-


No changes


[#432] Added git attributes to force PHP lang (Thanks @duhow).- [#427][#430] Force to use www-data owner user for the Docker Apache image, and copy only the upload folder (Thanks @duhow).- [#444][#445] No Images shown in /public/ with docker install (Thanks @duhow).- [#468] Use single Dockerfile with PHP version as build args (Thanks @duhow).- [#470] Update Github Actions Workflow (Thanks @duhow).- [#000] Relocated everything from upload into src, some old txt files were also removed.- [#000] MailHog has been implemented which can be used to intercept local email traffic for testing.- [#000] Several files were renamed to use a CamelCase format.- [#000] Min combat has been removed from the pipeline, but still can be used through composer.-


[#000] PHPMailer has been implemented replacing completely CodeIgniter 3 - CI_Email class.-


[#099] Plasma Technology is now counted as a factor for the resource production.-


[#405] Fixes the difference in energy balance by level (Thanks @duhow).- [#428] Database error displayed to user when banned (Thanks @duhow).- [#441][#446] Decimal numbers on times while building in the overview (Thanks @duhow).- [#448] Fixed DB query issue when no mission is selected (Thanks @asparatu).- [#450] Alliance deletion errors while deleting an inactive alliance owner. (Thanks @asparatu).- [#452] Fixes wrong number type for really high building levels.- [#453] Fixed issue that caused a unsynchronization between the moon creation and the message after an attack.- [#455] config.php file was cleaned again from release path, which was causing some issues.- [#458] Cargo bays are not reset on Transport mission - duplication of resources.- [#459][#461] Fix bug where destroyed ships and defense isn't reflected in points (applied to attack and destroy missions) (Thanks @Newspaperman57).- [#460][#463] Fixes bug where first espionage probe returns old data (Thanks @Newspaperman57).- [#464] Fix typo causing colonization to not check if planet is already occupied (Thanks @Newspaperman57).- [#466] Fixes an issue located during the debug procedure of an attack or destroy mission.- [#000] Fixed issue that caused some controllers not being accessible on some systems.- [#000] Fixed issue that throw errors on the admin login form and game login form when trying to login without some data.- [#000] Fixed issue where the initial basic production was not considered in the total hour production.- [#000] Fixed issue where the officer engineer provided a 50% bonus energy instead of 10% which was the default.- [#000] PHP 8.2 revision support.-

Removed / Deprecated:

  • BaseController::getUserData, removed.-
  • BaseController::getPlanetData, removed.-
  • BaseController::getTemplate, removed.-
  • BaseController::getObjects, removed.-
  • XGPCore has been deprecated.-
  • Xml has been removed.-
  • CI_Email has been deprecated in favour of PHPMailer.-

Thanks to all the people that reported bugs, contributed ideas and suggestions, specially to @BeReal86 and @FGServers who made incredible contributions and they tested everything, as much as possible, so the project can keep growing and improving, without them this wouldn't have been possible.


3 years ago



  • application dir renamed to app, base namespace application renamed to App.-
  • data dir renamed to writable.-
  • cache and logs directories relocated into writable.-
  • User and planet data is provided directly by the parent controller. Removed calls from the controllers constructors.-
  • Converted single file load to array load.-
  • Renamed Controller to BaseController.-
  • Added filters folder.-
  • Renamed FunctionsLib to Functions.-
  • A new landing method was set called index, users will land here when a controller is requested.-


No changes


[#403] Added GitHub Actions. Thanks @duhow.- [#000] PHPUnit 8 and 9 support.- [#000] Added composer support.-


[#000] New expedition language lines added.- [#000] Times are now shown also with weeks, and not just days.- [#264] Minor improvements over the left menu.- [#346] Alliance ranks were reworked to default leader and newcomer. Logic to rename default ranks was improved too.- [#192][#371] Better tooltips for the galaxy. Blocks and actions were also improved and re validated for banned users, vacations users and admin users.- [#374] Production tables displayed on infos pages were updated for deuterium, fusion and solar.- [#391] Improved resources timer javascript code - times will show completed when reaching 0, instead of 00:00:00 and then completed.- [#400] After a missile attack, the attack owner will also receive a missile report.-


[#257] Hyperspace technology linked to cargo capacity.- [#401] Ion technology linked to building tear down.- [#422] New email protocol management page on the admin panel (mail, sendmail, smtp + smtp settings management).-


[#374] Deuterium formula was not properly calculating production.- [#376] After registration the welcome email was broken.- [#381] Fixes on home page while using HTTPS.- [#390] Empty universe selection was causing issues during registration.- [#397] Wrong date and time for spy mission reports.- [#398] Missing start planet name and end planet name for transport mission result.- [#399] Fixed issue where ACS attacks were visible to everybody, no matter if you were or not involved.- [#400] PHP notice while sending a missile attack.- [#411] Fixed wrong resources costs for buildings, wrong construction duration for buildings and wrong destruction duration for buildings. Formula adjustments- [#414] Fixed wrong research times. Formula adjustments.- [#415] Fixed wrong ships and defences build times. Formula adjustments.- [#418] Fixed template variables displayed on the jump gate.-

Removed / Deprecated:

  • parseTemplate
  • getTemplate
  • formatText
  • Hooks.php

Thanks to all the people that reported bugs, contributed ideas and suggestions, specially to @BeReal86 and @FGServers who made incredible contributions and they tested everything, as much as possible, so the project can keep growing and improving, without them this wouldn't have been possible.


3 years ago



[#000] New core, for all the pages, PHP 7.3+.- [#000] Migrated to Parser library by CodeIgniter.- [#000] Migrated queries to Models.- [#000] New error handler class that properly handles notices, warnings and fatal errors (only fatal errors are blockers from now on).- [#000] Changelog migrated into the database using two new tables "languages" and "changelog".- [#000] Pages templates structure simplified to follow the controllers and models structure into adm, ajax, game, home and install.- [#000] New core to handle languages (by CodeIgniter) and allow multiple language load, each page has its own language and not the whole languge array.- [#000] Migrated languages to individual files.- [#000] Several code improvements making a better use of enumerators, entities, helpers, libraries, etc.- [#000] Many controllers were completely rewritten.-


[#000] Replaced sha-1 with BCrypt.- [#000] Usernames were removed from sessions.-


[#000] Added Unit Testing.- [#000] Added Docker.- [#000] Added Composer to quickly run a few things.-


[#000] Seach pages includes new texts and simplified view.- [#000] Menu UI set a little bit closer to OGame's redesign.- [#000] New single page for private messages called "chat", will provably mutate into a real chat in the future.- [#000] Options page rewritten into preferences page, with simplified amount of features, deprecating many from the old ogame version.-


[#000][game] New variables for the Bomber.- [#000][game] New feature to refill storages was added to the trader, on the Resource Market section.- [#000][admin] New admin panel design.- [#000][admin] New functionality to manage fleets through the admin panel, allowing admins to restart and returns fleets, finish missions or delete fleets.- [#000][admin] New functionality to manage backup through the admin panel, allowing admins to review, delete and download the backups.- [#000][admin] New functionality to add custom colors to the annoucements (previously global messages).- [#000][admin] New functionality to see which emails were sent and which did not in the annoucements page (previously global messages).- [#000][admin] New functionality to manage the changelog through the admin panel.- [#000][admin] New and improved functionality to manage the administration permissions and roles through the admin panel.-


  • parseTemplate | since 3.0.2, will be removed on 3.2.0
  • getTemplate | since 3.0.2, will be removed on 3.2.0
  • formatText | since 3.0.2, will be removed on 3.2.0

Thanks to all the people that reported bugs, contributed ideas and suggestions, specially to @BeReal86 and @FGServers who made incredible contributions and they tested everything, as much as possible, so the project can keep growing and improving, without them this wouldn't have been possible.


6 years ago

CORE [#115] Error while inserting default values in some linux versions [By MahmutHizal].- [#172] Several fixes on messages filtering, and some refactoring was made to improve how it works, new class Messenger.- [#000] Updated projects leads in the admin home.- [#000] Fleet1 page refactor to include model, did the same to Fleet2 page.- [#000] Fixed some PHP7 notices and warnings.-

BUILDINGS [#000] PHP 7 buildings page compatibility issues fixed.-

OVERVIEW [#165] Fixed issue that was causing planet renaming problems [By MahmutHizal & BeReal].-

FLEETS [#175] Fixed ACS invitations issues [By Neko].- [#000] Fixed fuel consumption formulas.- [#000] PHP 7 fleet1 page compatibility issues fixed.-


7 years ago

GALAXY [#0161] Replaced the pop up to open the buddy list for a normal page, also fixed the back button.-

ADMIN CP [#0000] Now the system forces the user to update the DB before been able to continue using the panel.-

HOME / REGISTRATION [#0153] Fixed issue that was causing not to show error messages when a username or email was already taken.-

PHALANX [#0164] Fixed notice when an user didn’t have deuterium.-


7 years ago

MESSAGES [#119] Implemented the remaining functions for the premium view, adding the address book, notes and fixing issues on the counting.- [#125] Fixed issue that was causing wrong date formats on the messages page, not considering what the admin chose.- [#000] Implemented model class.-

MISSIONS [#129] Fixed issue that was causing fleets to return even after being lost during an expedition.- [#131] Fixed issue causing that after an attack the repaired defenses of the attacked player overrides the defense of all players (Thanks to Bustux).- [#000] Some texts improvements were made to the expeditions message, in English, with result of nothing 1 and 2, and new ships.-

BATTLE REPORT [#133] Fixed issue that was causing errors on the battle report layout.- [#137] Fixed issue where users couldn’t see the whole battle report (Thanks to FedePuratich).- [#000] Several fixes and improvements over the battle report.-

BUDDYS [#152] Fixed issue that was showing the menu and header for the buddy request popup.- [#000] Removed page as a pop-up, and set it by itself like any other page (like classic ogame).-

FLEETS [#140] Fixed warning that was blocking users to send recyclers from the fleet page.-

REGISTRATION [#130] Fixed issue that was causing invalid HTML format for the registration email.- [#000] Improvements over the registration module and registration mailing.-

INSTALLATION [#134] Added missing English language line on the installation process (Thanks to JonaMiX).-

SEARCH [#135] Fixed issue on the search page that was not showing colonies for the planet search.- [#000] Now is possible to configure how many results should be displayed in the search results.-

CORE [#136] Fixed query issue that was being caused during user’s clean up.- [#138][#146] Fixed issue that was causing not to shown vacation mode block to alert user.- [#000] Improvements over the deleted account and vacation mode alerts.- [#000] Model implementation, migrated game/overview.php.- [#000] Right values for not debug mode, no errors will be displayed if DEBUG_MODE is off.- [#000] Improvements on notifications boxes (delete mode and vacation mode).- [#000] Global reduction of the amount of queries done to calculate the resources gain.- [#000] Added sessions clean up, they will be removed from the sessions table after 24hs, if those were not active.-

GALAXY [#139] Fixed issue that was causing to display a wrong character in the galaxy view (Thanks to imleyenda).- [#147] Blocked galaxy view while on vacation mode.- [#000] Removed planet and moons clean up.-

OPTIONS [#147] Added support so users are able to delete their account while on vacation mode, also mimic old ogame behavior.- [#151] When an user changes their name, it will be logged out instead of keeping him logged in.-

ADMIN PANEL [#103] Fixed issue that wasn’t updating the points after adding buildings, defenses, research and ships.- [#141] Fixed issue that wasn’t allowing an user to set their own battle debris.- [#000] Improvements over the server page.- [#000] Fixed issue that was replicating the moon in the planet list.- [#000] Fixed issue when an user was saving an empty planet.-


8 years ago
  • [#075] Fixed issue on deploy mission where the fleet didn't return half of the deuterium when arrived to the destination planet (Thanks BeReal86).-
  • [#104] Recover password page implemented, some minor fixes and improvements.-
  • [#107] Fixed issue that was showing html characters for the alliance owner rank when it contained special chars.-
  • [#108] Fixed missing library issues when writing a new message (Thanks BeReal86).-
  • [#109][#110] Implemented CodeIgniter’s 3 mailing library, and created new global method to replace all the PHP mail() calls.-
  • [#113] Fixed issue where an user couldn’t send an application from the alliance info view.-
  • [#114] Fixed notices while editing alliances members, other improvements and fixes were applied.-
  • [#115] Fixed issue where MySQL didn't allow a text column to have a default value, and not allowing fields to not have a default value.-
  • [#116] Fixed issue with the evolution of ships engine, the base speed was been considered instead of the upgraded base speed.-
  • [#118] Fixed issue that was causing the fleet shortcuts page to not show properly (Thanks JonaMiX).-
  • [#120] Fixed empty alliance tag for alliances administration on the admin cp, other issues were fixed too (Thanks JonaMiX).-
  • [#122] Fixed notice in the fleet shortcuts page (Thanks JonaMiX).-
  • [#123] Fixed notice on the fleet 2 page when there are shortcuts available (Thanks JonaMiX).-
  • [#124] Fixed issue where the rank was being shown in the search and galaxy when it was disable for some levels.-
  • [#000] Added missing language line on the home page title.-
  • [#000] Fixed misplaced language line on the home page for login and register.-
  • [#000] Minor improvement over registration page. Redirection from index.php?page=reg to index.php?page=register removed, default is now "register".-
  • [#000] Updated installation welcome message for Spanish and English.-
  • [#000] Minor improvements over the migration tool.-
  • [#000] Migration tool updated to support 3.0.1.-
  • [#000] New update tool that allows you to update the system to a recent version.-


8 years ago
  • Initial release based on XGP 2.10.4.-
  • Too many changes into the file structure and database to list them all.-
  • Core new features: new database structure, new core, new admin CP, new migration tool (From 2.9.x), new ingame features, new home page.-