Xero Dotfiles Versions Save

rice 🍚 custom linux config files. as seen on r/unixporn #noricenolife neovim cultist. dotfiles are perpetual wip


8 years ago

with it's tight integration to the unix shell, vim has quickly become my editor of choice. once you start to master the movements and operators you quickly begin manipulating, not just editing source code files.

when you learn vim it's best to use a more vanilla config. if helps you focus on learning the editor and not the plugins. these are also great for remote machines. but for your local dev environment, vim's vast and powerful plugin system can add many great features. i try to keep my editor slim and fast, but i find myself loving these plugins:


9 years ago

new color scheme for terminals (urxvt) and vim based on http://git.io/sorcerer.vim by Jeet Sukumaran


9 years ago

add v0.1.0 of the vim wizard theme and sorcerer color scheme

vim wizard scrot


9 years ago

modularizing and autoloading all .zsh files helps organize it's features and to keep personal configs out of versioning. it also allows for individual drop in configs on other machines.

to switch custom prompts rename the files (dual-line-prompt, minimal-prompt, ninja-prompt) from ._zsh to .zsh

  • e.g. to switch from default to silly ninja style: mv zsh/.zsh/minimal-prompt.zsh zsh/.zsh/minimal-prompt._zsh && mv zsh/.zsh/ninja-prompt._zsh zsh/.zsh/ninja-prompt.zsh