Xdeployer Versions Save

Hardhat plugin to deploy your smart contracts across multiple EVM chains with the same deterministic address.


5 days ago

🫡 Summary

xdeployer v3.0.12 is a dependency maintenance and general code chore release. Furthermore, we add support for six additional EVM networks:

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3 weeks ago

🫡 Summary

xdeployer v3.0.11 is a dependency maintenance and general code chore release. Furthermore, we add support for one additional EVM network:

Special thanks go to @0xAtum for providing the necessary funds to make the Fraxtal main network deployment 🙏🏽.

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1 month ago

🫡 Summary

xdeployer v3.0.10 is a dependency maintenance and general code chore release. Furthermore, we add support for two additional EVM networks:

Special thanks go to @simplyoptimistic for providing the necessary funds to make the BOB (Build on Bitcoin) test network and main network deployments 🙏🏽.

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1 month ago

🫡 Summary

xdeployer v3.0.9 is a dependency maintenance and general code chore release. Furthermore, we add support for three additional EVM networks:

Special thanks go to @dangerousfood for providing the necessary funds to make the Sei Arctic testnet deployment, and to @bout3fiddy for funding the X Layer mainnet deployment 🙏🏽.

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1 month ago

🫡 Summary

xdeployer v3.0.8 is a dependency maintenance and general code chore release. Furthermore, we add support for two additional EVM networks:

Special thanks go to @simplyoptimistic for providing the necessary funds to make the Mode testnet and mainnet deployments 🙏🏽.

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1 month ago

🫡 Summary

xdeployer v3.0.7 is a dependency maintenance and general code chore release. Furthermore, we add support for two additional EVM networks:

Special thanks go to @carloshc for providing the necessary funds to make the Metis testnet and mainnet deployments 🙏🏽.

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1 month ago

🫡 Summary

xdeployer v3.0.6 is a dependency maintenance and general code chore release.

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2 months ago

🫡 Summary

xdeployer v3.0.5 is a dependency maintenance and general code chore release. Furthermore, we add support for two additional EVM networks:

Please be aware that mantleTestnet and lineaTestnet now direct to the Sepolia instance, while mumbai is no longer supported as the Goerli test network has been officially sunsetted as of 13 April 2024 (refer to this link for details). Additionally, the short-term Endurance test network enduranceTestnet has been discontinued.

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2 months ago

🫡 Summary

xdeployer v3.0.4 adds support for two additional EVM networks:

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2 months ago

🫡 Summary

xdeployer v3.0.3 is a dependency maintenance and general code chore release. Furthermore, we add support for three additional EVM networks:

Please note that the block explorer link for the polygonZkEVMTestnet test network now points to the recently released cardona network.

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