Xdebug Osx Versions Save

Simple bash script to toggle xdebug on/off in OSX


6 years ago


  1. Fix for php-fpm not properly restarting in Sierra


7 years ago


  1. A new option --no-server-restart has been added. As the name of the option suggest, when used Apache or PHP-FPM won't be restarted. (#8 - thanks @exequiel09)
    • xdebug-toggle on: Xdebug gets enabled and Apache / PHP-FPM gets restarted (default behavior)
    • xdebug-toggle on --no-server-restart: Xdebug gets enabled and Apache / PHP-FPM is not restarted


7 years ago


  1. The script xdebug has been renamed to xdebug-toggle. xdebug is kept as a symbolic link but will be eventually removed so it is advised not to rely on it and switch to use xdebug-toggle.
  2. Added support for PHP-FPM. When PHP-FPM is detected, instead of restarting apache, PHP-FPM will. It requires you have PHP-FPM installed via Homebrew.


8 years ago


  1. Xdebug-osx is now in Homebrew (#4 - thanks @mandrean !)
  2. Make use of brew --prefix to determine proper location of config files (#2 - thanks @webflo)