Xch Project Versions Save

A high-performance chemical equation parser and balancer


6 years ago

We released the v0.5.1. This is a breaking upgrade. We rewrote almost the code to make lib generic-type-based. Now, you can use bigint as meta-calc-part!


6 years ago

Whole lib will be faster than before. We guarantee it will not panic! except the implement for trait Ord failed.

For free variables: It set all free variables be 1. Because, usually it provides the exactly solution.


6 years ago

We have changed the API. Now, it is using its own errortype ErrorCases. We also updated the documentation and added integration tests.


6 years ago

This version is linted by clippy and formated by rustfmt. But, Public API changed. You'd better use newest API.


6 years ago

We have already restructured the Delta-3 parser and added the proper integration tests. Fixed some bugs that will panic.


6 years ago

Now, lib_xch has already separted ftom xch-ceb. The library is no panic! or println! added, and it's a pure lib. We also added tests mod. let lib be more stable.