Wiredcraft Pipelines Save

Build pipelines for automation, deployment, testing...

Project README

.. image:: https://travis-ci.org/Wiredcraft/pipelines.svg?branch=dev


.. image:: https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/919180/20129399/425a0c2a-a68a-11e6-82ef-b252424a4b48.png :align: center :alt: Pipeline UI screenshot

Pipelines is a simple tool with a web UI to manage running tasks. It supports running tasks manually through a Web UI or automatically via webhooks.

Pipelines is composed of three components:

  • Web UI : User interface that allows users to run tasks, inspect logs and show the task details. It also support username/password authentication.
  • Pipelines API : This is the backend for the Web UI and webh
  • Pipelines library : This component includes core logic for running pipelies such as reading task definitions, handling logging and running the pipelines.

Pipelines is primarily developed to run on Linux / MacOS. Windows support is not available at the moment.



  • python 3.6 (other versions not tested)
  • pip

Note for python2.7:

we drop support for python2.7 as it reached EOL. for those who still want to use pipelines in some legacy environment. use tag 0.0.15 or branch legacy-for-python2.

Base install

.. code-block:: bash

pip install pipelines

Or get the latest dev version from Github <https://github.com/Wiredcraft/pipelines>_ and run pip install . from within the cloned repo. Or run pip directly from git pip install git+https://github.com/Wiredcraft/pipelines@master.


Pipelines runs solely on files. No database is currently required. All the pipelines, the logs of each run and various temporary files are stored under the workspace folder.

Workspace is a folder that needs to be specified when running pipelines.

.. code-block:: bash

mkdir ~/pipelines_workspace

Drop your pipelines files (see format below) directly at the root of this folder.

Run standalone

Start the API with the following:

.. code-block:: bash

pipelines server --workspace ~/pipelines_workspace --username admin --password admin

You may want to specify a different binding IP address (default: or different port (defaut: 8888). Refer to the pipelines --help for additional parameters.

You can now access pipelines at http://localhost:8888

How to run as a daemon

Create a dedicated user to run pipelines

.. code-block:: bash

# Create a pipelines user
useradd -m -d /var/lib/pipelines -s /bin/false pipelines

# Create the workspace folder (optional)
mkdir /var/lib/pipelines/workspace
chown -R pipelines. /var/lib/pipelines

# Create a SSH key pair (optional)
sudo -u pipelines ssh-keygen

You may want to rely on supervisord to run the API.

.. code-block:: bash

# Ubuntu / Debian
apt-get install supervisor

# CentOS / RedHat (to confirm)
yum install supervisord

Copy and adapt de config file from etc/supervisor/pipelines.conf to /etc/supervisor.

.. code-block:: bash

# Update and reload supervisord
supervisorctl reread
supervisorctl update
supervisorctl start pipelines

Access the web interface at http://localhost:8888

Additionaly you may want to use nginx as reverse proxy as well. See sample config from etc/nginx.


Static authentication

You can define a static admin user by specifying the following options when running pipelines:

.. code-block:: bash

    --username ADMIN_USER
    --password ADMIN_PASS

Github Oauth

**This is an experimental feature**

You can add ``oauth`` support from Github to allow **teams** to access pipelines. You will need to set it by using environment variables for the Oauth Apps, and the ``--github-auth`` to limit teams access.

To get your OAUTH Key and Secret:
- Register new application in Github: https://github.com/settings/applications/new
- Only field on that form that is important is the `Authorization callback URL`. This should point to your pipelines, for example if you run it locally it should be `http://localhost:8888/ghauth`. The last part (`/ghauth`) always stays the same.
- Copy the `Client ID` and `Client Secret` from that page.

To start the pipelines server with Github OAuth enabled.

.. code-block:: bash

    GH_OAUTH_KEY=my_oauth_app_key \
    GH_OAUTH_SECRET=my_super_secret \
    pipelines server [--options] --github-auth=MY_ORG/MY_TEAM[,MY_ORG/ANOTHER_TEAM]

**Note**: If you use Github Oauth, you will **not** be able to use static authentication.

Pipelines file format

Pipeline definition file uses YAML syntax. A few examples below.
Pipelines files are meant to be put at the root of your workspace.

Simple example

This is a very basic pipeline definition. Save it in your workspace within a ``.yaml`` file (e.g. ``WORKSPACE/example-pipeline.yaml``). It does ... nothing really useful TBH.

.. code-block:: yaml

    # Pipeline definitions are standard yaml and you can include comments inside

    # Variables are exposed to all actions through {{ varname }} syntax.
        code_branch: dev

    # Triggers define the automated ways to run the task. In addition to manual execution
    # through the UI, only webhook is supported for now.
        - type: webhook

    # Actions are the steps that are run for this pipeline. The default action plugin is bash,
    # but you can use others by defining the "type" field.
        - 'echo "Starting task for {{ code_branch }}"'
        - name: 'My custom name step'
          type: bash
          cmd: "echo 'less compact way to define actions'"
        - 'ls -la /tmp'


The ``vars`` section of the pipeline definition defines variables that will then be available in any of the actions.

.. code-block:: yaml

        my_var: something

        - echo {{ my_var }}

You can then use the variables as seen above.


- You may have to quote `"` your vars to respect the YAML format.


You can prompt users to manually input fields when they run the pipeline through the web-UI. To do this add a ``prompt`` section to your pipeline definition. The ``prompt`` fields will **override** the variables from the ``vars`` section.

You can alternatively provide a list of acceptable values; the prompt will then appear as a select field and let you choose from the available values

.. code-block:: yaml

        # This is the default value when triggered and no prompt is filled (e.g. via webhook)
        my_var: default_no_prompt

        # This is the default value when triggered via the web UI
        my_var: default_with_prompt

        # This will appear as a select field
            type: select
                - value1
                - value2

        # This will display:
        #    "default_no_prompt" when call via webhook
        #    "default_with_prompt" when call via UI but keeping the default
        #    "other" when call via UI and "other" is inputted by the user
        - echo {{ my_var }}

        # Depending on the selected value, will display value1 or value2
        - echo {{ my_var_from_select }}


Default actions use the ``bash`` plugin and will execute command as if they were shell commands.

Other actions can be used by specifying another ``type``. Supported types currently are:

- ``bash``: run bash command.
- ``python``: write inline script or run python script inside a virtualenv.
- ``slack``: send message to Slack.


See example above.


The ``python`` plugin allows to run python scripts or inline python code.

.. code-block:: yaml

      - type: python
        script: |
          import json
          a = {'test': 'value', 'array': [1,2,3]}
          print(json.dumps(a, indent=2))
      - type: python
        virtualenv:  /opt/venvs/my_env
        file: '/tmp/some_script.py'

Explanation of the fields:

- **script**: inline python code to be run against the python interpreter.
- **file**: run a python script.
- **virtualenv**: run the python code (inline or file) inside a virtualenv.


- The path of either ``virtualenv`` folder or ``file`` need to exist and be on the server. It is currently set relatively to the CWD where the **Pipelines** api / UI is running from.


The ``slack`` plugin allows sending messages over to `Slack <https://slack.com>`_ (e.g. pipelines execution status).

.. code-block:: yaml

        slack_webhook: https://hooks.slack.com/services/SOME/RANDOM/StrIng
        name: some_name

        - type: slack
          message: 'Deployment finished for project {{ name }}.'
          always_run: true

Explanation of fields:

- **type**: tells **Pipelines** to execute the action through the ``slack`` plugin.
- **always_run**: ensure the action is run all the time - even if a former action failed.
- **message**: is the message to send to Slack.


- The ``slack`` plugin **require** a ``slack_webhook`` vars defined in the ``vars`` section of the pipeline.

Slack Hooks URL are defined via the `Incoming WebHooks <https://slack.com/apps/A0F7XDUAZ-incoming-webhooks>`_ app (`Slack API details here <https://api.slack.com/incoming-webhooks>`_).



If you want to run your pipeline by triggering it through a webhook you can enable it in the triggers section.

.. code-block:: yaml

        - type: webhook

If you open the web-UI you can see the webhook URL that was generated for this pipeline in the "Webhook" tab. You can for example `configure GitHub repository <https://developer.github.com/webhooks/creating/>`_ to call this url after every commit.

You can access the content of the webhook content in the actions in the ``webhook_content`` variable; e.g. ``echo {{ webhook_content.commit_id }}``


- You need to send the message via POST as ``application/json`` Content-Type.
- Documentation is coming to explain how to use the content of the data sent through the hook.

Advanced Templates

Pipelines uses `Jinja2 <http://jinja.pocoo.org/docs/2.9/templates/>`_ to do variables replacement. You can use the whole set of builtin features from the Jinja2 engine to perform advanced operations.

.. code-block:: yaml

            type: select
                - good
                - bad

        - name: Print something
          type: bash
          cmd: |
              {% if stuff == 'good' %}
                echo "Do good stuff..."
              {% else %}
                echo "Do not so good stuff..."
              {% endif %}

        - name: Use builtin filters
          type: bash
          # Will display 'goose' or 'base'
          cmd: echo {{ stuff | replace('d', 'se') }}

Dirty line by line setup

**TODO**: Make a real setup script / one-liner script ... and not Debian only ...

- ``apt-get update``
- ``apt-get upgrade``
- ``apt-get install python-pip git``
- ``pip install virtualenv``
- ``virtualenv pipelines``
- ``source pipelines/bin/activate``
- ``pip install pipelines``
- ``mkdir ~/pipelines_workspace``
- ``pipelines server --workspace ~/pipelines_workspace --username admin --password admin``


**Note**: Not heavily tested.

.. code-block:: bash

    docker run -d boratbot/pipelines


No definitive roadmap for the moment, mainly focusing on having a lean code base (heavy refactoring to come).

Among the possible features:

- Improved web UI & features
- Better webhook management
- Better management of the tasks
- Toolbar
- Improved Auth
- etc.
Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Wiredcraft Pipelines" Project. README Source: devo-ps/pipelines
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Last Commit
1 year ago

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