WifWaf MH Z19 Versions Save

For Arduino Boards (&ESP32). Additional Examples/Commands., Hardware/Software Serial


1 year ago

The temperature of the sensor for firmware versions greater than 5 has received a fix.

https://github.com/WifWaf/MH-Z19/commit/04a6f85f980cae100f6c9472a1bbe484cc10dd3c Please note: older versions no longer offer a float argument for the getTemperature() function. Instead, the value returned is in accordance with the datasheet. This is due to the float version being somewhat unreliable. As a result, temperature values received in older library versions will see an increase by 2C as the offset used in the datasheet differed.

The firmware version (the major version) is obtained on initiation and used to determine which temperature code to run.

Please report any issues as there are many firmware versions and I have only two sensors.


3 years ago

9bd326df0a00b38e698b420dea290635b91008ba CalibrateZero has been moved to Calibrate to avoid confusion, however backward compatibility is present so 'shouldn't' break existing projects.

Desync issues will hopefully be alleviated as the UART buffer was not being cleared on data mismatches.

f53401878bea72308420e99354be273eb5b23018 Function moved (alias added in next patch), examples updated and code cleaned up.

7c3a9587a223f245eae3310d2dd82b76817c77b7 Manual calibration will now no longer causes some micronctrollers to crash every 12 hours.

Other minor changes to the code 'shouldn't' cause issues.