Wicket Orientdb Versions Save

Everything you need to work with Apache Wicket and OrientDB


3 years ago
  • Use of Wicket 8.10.0 and OrientDB 2.2.37
  • More flexible security model

P.S. It's latest version for OrientDB 2


7 years ago
  • Update of wicket version from 6 to 7
  • Significant number of bugfixes
  • Additional IModels to with with OrientDB stuff from Wicket


8 years ago

Contains number of bug-fixes and improvements.

Wicket-OrientDB JavaDocs

Please checkout our project Orienteer - Moder Data Warehouse for use examples and etc.


9 years ago

Main features:

  1. Easy setup of OrientDB connectivity
  2. Deep integration of OrientDB and wicket security models
  3. Wide range of wicket models and data providers to work with OrientDB
  4. Extended WicketTester for easy testing of wicket-orientdb applications
  5. Easy prototyping of main OrientDB entities (OClass, OProperty, OIndex): to allow have an object of a required type even before actual creation in OrientDB

Wicket-OrientDB JavaDocs

Current known dependent projects: Orienteer - Modern Data Warehouse