Webviewer Ui Versions Save

WebViewer UI built in React


2 weeks ago


Annotations Add StrokeStyle dropdown for annotations that allow changing the styling. Enhanced the autosizing behavior of FreeText annotations, ensuring that changing the font or font size now adjusts the annotation's width and height accordingly.

Customize UI Added a new mobile panel for the rubber stamps panel in the Modular UI. Added a new mobile panel for the signature list panel in the Modular UI. Added a selected state for options in the zoom flyout menu and for tools when they enter overflow menus.

Office Editor Added new dropdown menu for Track Changes functionality. Added an escape key event listener in office editor to return focus to the viewer element. Added the ability to close inline comment popups using the escape key. Added content styling and deletion for selected cell ranges in office editor tables. Enhanced tables with inner cell select highlighting. Added functionality to accept or reject tracked changes in popups. Added table highlight and selection when the selection begins outside of the table.


General Fixed an issue where flyouts created from collapsed components did not update when the component was updated. Fixed an issue where an Office document fails to load if loaded when WebViewer was ready. Fixed a typo in the English translation of the UI. Fixed an issue where the form field edit popup scrolled along with the page. Fixes an issue with lib.zip being too large for Salesforce.

Customize UI Fixed an issue with the app freezing when using the UI.Components.Header.setItems API.

Office Editor Fixed an issue where a selected table was not highlighted in Office Editor. Fixed an issue where getFileSize for Office Editor threw an error. Fixed an issue in Office Editor where right-clicking on an image in a selection would clear the selected text. Fixed an issue in Office Editor where clicking on a disabled context menu would dismiss the menu. Fixed bugs with loadDocument API.

Annotations Fixed an issue for FreeText annotations to no longer apply vertical alignment until the annotation is resized and switched to non-autosizing. Fixed an issue with auto-sized FreeText annotations, ensuring they adjust their height and width when the stroke thickness is changed. Fixed an issue related to the arrows used for connector lines between annotations and the note panel.

Accessibility Fixed an issue in Accessible Mode where tabbing into the document would select the wrong page number.

Print Fixed an issue with printing ListBox widgets to ensure correct output.


3 years ago

This changelog contains the fixes for v6.3.3, v6.3.4 and v6.3.5.



Fixed wrong translation in translation-de.json Fixed issue where the tooltip of an action button wasn't displaying correctly


Fixed issue where the thumbnail sizes were not correct in the thumbnails panel Fixed issue where the StylePopup component was invisible in mobile devices Fixed issue where the Notes option in the accessibility mode still showed up when the panel was disabled


Fixed issue where text in the NotePopup component was gray when being hovered in the dark theme Fixed issue where the ink annotation(freehand annotation) in the signature modal was not preserved when the modal is reopened Fixed issue where the bottom of the StampOverlay component was not reachable when the window height is shrinking Fixed issue where Slider components did not have any data-elements Fixed issue where clicking a thumbnail might scroll the panel into a wrong position Fixed issue where the aspect ratio of thumbnails was not respected when using WebViewer with WebViewer Server Fixed issue where dragging sliders inside the StylePopup component would drag the parent component as well


4 years ago

Apparently I forgot to create a release for v6.3.1 so I'll combine the fixes together in this release.


Fixed issue where users with the same name would both show up in the mentionChanged event. Fixed issue where deleting a mention in the textarea wouldn't delete the whole mentioned name at one. Fixed issue where setting status of an annotation in the notes panel would trigger two annotationChanged events. Fixed issue where the annotation popup component would be cut off on a smaller screen. Fixed issue where the bottom of the stamp overlay would be cut off on a smaller screen. Fixed issue where min/max zoom that are set by the APIs were not respected by the zoom input in the header. Fixed issue where inputs in the measurement overlay were editable when the viewer is in the read only mode. Fixed issue where pasting into a freetext annotation would sometimes scroll the document. Fixed issue where setting scale and precision of a measurement tool didn't apply the changes to the two new measurement tools(rectangle and ellipse). Fixed issue where status in the notes panel would become grey on hover in the dark theme. Fixed issue where freehand annotations weren't preserved when reopening the signature modal. Fixed the documentation of instance.loadDocument.


4 years ago


Added a popup component(RichTextPopup) that can be used to edit the text in a freetext annotation to have different font styles such as bold, italic, underline, strike, or different colors. Updated the search overlay to always be open while creating annotations. The purpose of this is to decrease the number of unnecessary searches.


Fixed issue where the text and image panel of the signature modal was cut off when viewing in a portrait mobile device. Fixed issue where in some cases custom loaderror event handler would be registered before the built-in handler. Fixed issue where hotkeys were still enabled when the signature modal was open


4 years ago


Fixed issue where sometimes the Tooltip component could not find a location to place itself #575 Fixed issue where sometimes the popup would be invisible #560 Fixed issue where text highlight tools don't have an opacity slider #569 Fixed issue where border style name was wrong Fixed issue where border style in the style popup wasn't visible in a landscape mode mobile device Fixed documentation for instance.setTheme to accept a string as the argument


4 years ago


Fixed the issue where switching from the thumbnail panel to other panels will output some warning messages in the console.


4 years ago


  • Added support for annotation grouping. When multiple annotations are selected a "group" button will appear allowing multiple annotations to be grouped together.
  • Added a new eraser tool which will delete paths for freehand annotations and completely delete other annotations
  • Added new language supports for Spanish, Japanese, Korean, Traditional Chinese and Portuguese. Credits to Allego.
  • Updated the left panel resize bar so that its width can be adjusted programmatically
  • Fixed issue where deleting a reply doesn't trigger a rerender in the notes panel, which results in the note showing the wrong number of replies it has
  • Fixed issue where sometimes the style popup will be on top of a sticky note annotation and make it not selectable
  • Fixed issue where an element can't be enabled back after getting disabled by using disableElements
  • Fixed issue where the message handler for retrieving the config file path isn't removed properly
  • And some other bug fixes


5 years ago


  • Added jsdoc for APIs
  • Added showErrorMessage API
  • Accepts new constructor options: extension and preloadWorker
  • Changed pre-render and caching level for iOS
  • Fixed issue where permissionCheckCallback setting wasn't applied for notes initially
  • Fixed issue where position sort strategy wasn't taking the orientation into account
  • Fixed issue where downloadPdf API doesn't allow downloading office files
  • And other various bug fixes


5 years ago


  • New APIs:

  • Revised downloadPdf to open the document in a new tab in iOS

  • Only warn about the file extension not being determined if the engine type is AUTO

  • Revised note button on annotation popup so that free text annotation content may be editted easily in mobile devices

  • Added disable websockets argument for webviewer server

  • Added dutch translation

  • Show feedback about processing pages immediately after pressing print button

  • Among the document and worker loading, progress modal now shows min value

  • Added includeComments in print modal (#106)

  • Retain tool style after user refreshed the page (#127)

  • Fixed issue where wrong error message is displaying when fail to find the xod file to load. Also make coding style consistent in setupMIMETypeTest.js

  • Fixed issue with header items remounting more than necessary

  • Fixed issue where annotations aren't being loaded from serverURL for office documents

  • Fixed where current page number is cut off on the side in Edge

  • Fixed where button groups of null or empty string was showing up in ToolsOverlay

  • Fixed issue where document path with no extension was throwing an error

  • Fixed issue where dragging an annotation in single page mode may result in a page change

  • Fixed issue with updateAnnotationPermission events triggering when document is unloaded and annotation was previously selected

  • Fixed issue where -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch causes document flickering when reached boundary

  • Fixed issue where PDF mime-type was not detected for blob