Webcamjs Versions Save

HTML5 Webcam Image Capture Library with Flash Fallback


8 years ago

Support for new navigator.mediaDevices changes in latest Firefox and Chrome. Backward compatible with legacy getUserMedia. Updated docs to reflect new Chrome 47 restriction (HTTPS only).


8 years ago

This version contains support for the new navigator.mediaDevices API, replacing the now-deprecated navigator.getUserMedia. It contains a polyfill for older browsers (currently Chrome). For details, see this MDN document. Thanks to users @NscAdmin and @MattyBalaam for reporting this issue!


8 years ago

This release contains an optional constraints parameter, which will override the default mandatory minimum video resolution for the user media video stream. This is an advanced feature and should only be used if you understand exactly which browsers you are targeting, and which browsers support which constraints. See the docs for details.


8 years ago

Made the form element name configurable in params (thanks to user @mex). Now explicitly stopping the media stream on page unload, to properly free up the camera on some browsers (thanks to user @inthegarage).