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James Webb Space Telescope PSF simulation tool

Project README

WebbPSF: Simulated Point Spread Functions for the James Webb and Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescopes

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WebbPSF produces simulated PSFs for the James Webb Space Telescope, NASA's flagship infrared space telescope. WebbPSF can simulate images for any of the four science instruments plus the fine guidance sensor, including both direct imaging, coronagraphic, and spectroscopic modes.

WebbPSF also supports simulating PSFs for the upcoming Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope (formerly WFIRST), including its Wide Field Instrument and a preliminary version of the Coronagraph Instrument.

Developed by Marshall Perrin, Joseph Long, Shannon Osborne, Robel Geda, Bradley Sappington, Marcio Meléndez, Charles-Phillipe Lajoie, Jarron Leisenring, Neil Zimmerman, Keira Brooks, Justin Otor, Trey Kulp, Lauren Chambers, Alden Jurling, and collaborators, 2010-2024.

Documentation can be found online at https://webbpsf.readthedocs.io

WebbPSF requires input data for its simulations, including optical path difference (OPD) maps, filter transmission curves, and coronagraph Lyot mask shapes. These data files are not included in this source distribution. Please see the documentation to download the required data files.

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Webbpsf" Project. README Source: spacetelescope/webbpsf
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2 weeks ago

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