Webapiclientgen Versions Save

Strongly Typed Client API Generators generate strongly typed client APIs in C# .NET and in TypeScript for jQuery and Angular 2+ from ASP.NET Web API and .NET Core Web API


2 months ago

Generated doc comments based on type and validation attributes for API parameters.


2 months ago

What's new:

  1. Better handling of integral numbers larger than 53bit. Good supports for integral types of .NET: Int64, UInt64, Int128, UInt128, BigInteger, through Fonlow.TypeScriptCodeDOMCore.
  2. Generated doc comments for class properties of integral types, which will be translated to JavaScript number or string, if respective properties have no doc comment declared in XML doc comment and have no validation attributes. Supported through Fonlow.Poco2TsCore.
  3. Generated doc comments for API function parameters and return of integral types, if respective parameters have no doc comment declared in XML doc comment.

Major updates across:

  1. Fonlow.TypeScriptCodeDOMCore v3.2
  2. Fonlow.Poco2TSCore v3.5
  3. Fonlow.WebApiClientGenCore v7.2
  4. Fonlow.WebApiClientGenCore.Abstract v2.9

Plugins for TypeScript libs / frameworks:

  1. jQuery and HttpClient helper library v3.5
  2. Angular 6+ v3.8
  3. Angular 6+, plus FormGroup creation for Reactive Forms v1.5
  4. AXIOS v3.7
  5. Aurelia v3.6
  6. Fetch API v3.7

Console app "Poco2TsCore.exe" is released via Poco2TS.zip of the download area here, requiring .NET 7 runtime installed.