Rmuif Web Versions Save

Supercharged version of Create React App with all the bells and whistles.


2 years ago

3.6.2 (2021-10-21)

Bug Fixes

  • xss: disallow svgs as avatars (daa2475)


  • Revert "Update package.json" (41d8605)


3 years ago

3.6.1 (2021-03-05)

Bug Fixes


3 years ago

3.6.0 (2021-02-25)



3 years ago

3.5.1 (2020-12-17)

Bug Fixes


3 years ago

This release fixes an issue with authentication.


3 years ago

This release contains minor improvements to the profile view and changes brand colors for Microsoft and Google. There are also some minor dependency upgrades included in this release, mostly for Firebase, Sentry, and testing libraries.


3 years ago

This release contains general improvements, dependency upgrades, and improved error messages. Promises are now rejected with an Error object containing a prefilled message. The demo and dev sites have moved to Vercel (formerly Zeit).


3 years ago

This release contains mostly dependency upgrades and documentation changes.


4 years ago

Some minor changes to metadata and some upgrades for existing packages.


4 years ago

This project started as React + Material-UI + Firebase and contained only the essentials to start your app. The primary goal of this project has changed. We want to do more than get you off the ground. With RMUIF, we’re helping you both start and finish your projects.

This update focuses on the rebranding of React + Material-UI + Firebase into RMUIF, as an organization. We have adopted a new logo and have new ideas on how to approach existing problems. We hope that you will continue supporting the development of RMUIF and use our template.