Web App Starter Save

Web App Starter using WebComponents, Lit-Html, Redux, Typescript and Rollup

Project README

Web App Starter

A skeleton application showing a "modern" web app project based on Web-Components enhanced with Lit-Html for template rendering and using Redux for state with Universal Router for routing and Firebase Firestore for storage. All developed in Typescript and built using Rollup.

App JS size: 14Kb (not including Firebase Libraries)

See demo


Firebase CLI

Getting Started

Install dependencies

npm install


npm run build

Develop (build & watch)

npm run dev

Build output is in /public folder


Start the app using the firebase server, passing the firebase project ID (or by configuring it in .firebaserc)

firebase serve --project firebase-project-id

View the running app by going to http://localhost:5000


App Drawer animation based on this article

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Web App Starter" Project. README Source: CaptainCodeman/web-app-starter

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