WaveSabre Versions Save

Official WaveSabre repository


2 years ago

It's about time we started pinning down official release versions, so that we can allow ourselves to continue to improve WaveSabre, but in potentially backwards-incompatible ways. Not only should this make for a better toolkit, it should also be much more fun/motivating for us to work on, which again, should make for a better toolkit!

In light of that, we've decided to shrink-wrap the current codebase as v0.1.0. Since the public release there have been very few breaking changes, and virtually nothing other than some slight sound character adjustments when we fixed bugs. Thus, if you have an old WS project you'd like to resurrect, this is likely the version that you'll want; if things sound slightly different, perhaps check the commit history to find the exact version that was used with your project.

Note that releases are still source-only (as is the entire project); no binary builds for anything are shipped at this time. I hope to solve this in the future, but it's a huge licensing/technical pain so we'll have to see what our options are.

In any case, enjoy the first "proper" WaveSabre release!