Vuedoc Parser Versions Save

Generate a JSON documentation for a SFC Vue component. Contribute:


6 years ago

The vuedoc/parser is now able to parse a JS file component. This enhancement closes the #21

const parser = require('@vuedoc/parser')

const options = {
  filename: 'components/checkbox.js'

parser.parse(options).then((component) => {


6 years ago
  • Add support of Spread Operator #7
  • Fix unCamelcase parsing of entry with numbers #15
  • Fix filtering of ignoredVisibilities #18


6 years ago

This release just improves the documentation with more samples


6 years ago

This major release add a new feature and uses the NodeJS v6.11.2 as default engine.

New option: options.features

The new options.features lets you select which Vue Features you want to parse and extract. The default value is define by Parser.SUPPORTED_FEATURES array.

Usage Only parse name, props, computed properties and events:

const vuedoc = require('@vuedoc/parser')
const options = {
  filename: 'test/fixtures/checkbox.vue',
  features: [ 'name', 'props', 'computed', 'events' ]

  .then((component) => console.log(component)) // => { name, props, computed, events }
  .catch((err) => console.error(err))

Parse all features except data:

const vuedoc = require('@vuedoc/parser')
const Parser = require('@vuedoc/parser/lib/parser')

const options = {
  filename: 'test/fixtures/checkbox.vue',
  features: Parser.SUPPORTED_FEATURES.filter((feature) => feature !== 'data')

  .then((component) => console.log(component)) // => { name, description, keywords, props, computed, events, methods }
  .catch((err) => console.error(err))

Bug fix

There was a bug when the given component file didn't have a script entry. In this case, the parser was not able to emit the end event. This is now fixed.

NodeJS v6.11.2

Now @vuedoc/parser requires the v6.11.2 (or higher) of NodeJS.


6 years ago

This release add the support of Computed Getters


6 years ago
  • Add support of parsing
  • Add support of computed properties #6
  • Add a features section and update the documentation


6 years ago

This new release introduces Keywords Extraction Feature. This enable to attach keywords to a comment and then extract them using the parser.


 * Component description
 * @author Sébastien
 * @license MIT
export default {
  name: 'my-checkbox',
  created () {
     * @param boolean
    this.$emit('created', true)

Parsing result:

  "name": "my-checkbox",
  "description": "Component description",
  "keywords": [
      "name": "author",
      "description": "Sébastien"
      "name": "license",
      "description": "MIT"
  "props": [],
  "methods": [],
  "events": [
      "name": "created",
      "description": "",
      "visibility": "public",
      "keywords": [
          "name": "param",
          "description": "boolean"
  "slots": []

This release also fixes some issues:

  • Fix missing component name parsing with only template parsing
  • Fix missing defaultMethodVisibility option on getComment call
  • Fix issue on unCamelcase with a string containing -
  • Enable parsing of component with just as entry