Vtex Node Sdk Save

VTEX Node SDK, built 100% with Typescript and 0 dependencies!

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  • :hammer: Built 100% with Typescript.
  • :muscle: 0 dependencies. It uses the native https Node module.
  • :tada: Promise based.
  • :dizzy: Type definitions for many VTEX requests and responses.

Note: This is not a VTEX official package, we are VTEX Partners since 2017 and we developed this to collaborate with VTEX Community.


  • Node version >= 8


npm install @onreadydesa/vtex-node-sdk --save


yarn add @onreadydesa/vtex-node-sdk

Basic usage example

First, import the SDK:

const { VTEX } = require('@onreadydesa/vtex-node-sdk');
Using ES6 imports
import { VTEX } from '@onreadydesa/vtex-node-sdk';

Then, use the SDK like this:

const vtex = new Vtex('store name', 'app key', 'app token');

// Get order by id
  .then((response) => {
    console.log(response.status); // 200
    console.log(response.body); // { orderId: 'orderId', ... }
  .catch((error) => {
Using async/await
try {
  const response = await vtex.oms.orders.getOrder('orderId');
} catch (error) {

VTEX Environments

By default, the SDK makes all requests to vtexcommercestable environment. If you want to use another environment (For example, vtexcommercebeta), you can pass an extra argument like this:

const { VTEX } = require('@onreadydesa/vtex-node-sdk')

const vtex = new Vtex('store name', 'app key', 'app token', 'beta');

Current implemented APIS

The final goal is to implement all VTEX Rest Apis. Feel free to contribute.

API Implemented
OMS :white_check_mark:
Logistics :white_check_mark:
Pricing :white_check_mark:
Master Data (V2) :white_check_mark: (*) Attachments API pending
Catalog :white_check_mark:
Search :white_check_mark:
Payments Gateway :white_check_mark:
Suggestions :white_check_mark:
VTEX DO :white_check_mark:
CMS :white_check_mark:
Session Manager :white_check_mark:
License Manager :white_check_mark:
Customer Credit :white_check_mark:
Subscriptions (V2) :white_check_mark:
Rates and Benefits :white_check_mark:
Checkout :white_check_mark:
Giftcard Hub :white_check_mark:
Antifraud Provider :x:
Giftcard :x:
Giftcard Provider Protocol :x:
Payment Provider Protocol :x:
Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Vtex Node Sdk" Project. README Source: onready/vtex-node-sdk

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