Vst.net Versions Save

Virtual Studio Technology (VST) for .NET. Plugins and Host applications.


6 years ago

VST.NET 1.1 Revision b: 20-09-2014 new binary zip with sample assemblies and dropped CLR2.

After almost 2 years a new release for VST.NET: version 1.1.

The major change that has been done is that all project files are now VS2012. Because VS2012 does not support targeting a C++ (Jacobi.Vst.Interop) on CLR2 that has been dropped from the release.

This also means that the Jacobi.Vst.Interop assembly now requires the VS2012 version of the VC CRT dependency (redistributable package). All VST.NET client machines must have this installed: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=30679

Refer to VST.NET 1.0 release for other non-binary packages.

Other additions: *Read-only Programs *Change in IVstPluginEditor interface *Host can load (unmanaged) shell-plugins, managed not supported.

Release notes: Redone project refs. Migrated to VS2012 and renamed the projects to distinguish between CLR2 and 4 targets. Fixed Interop embedded resource bug. Added doc comments for the new return values of IVstPluginEditor.KeyDown/Up. Updated the samples to VS2012/.NET4 and implemented changes in IVstPluginEditor. Added IVstPluginEditor.KeyDown/Up return values. Upgraded to VS2012/.NET4. New version of MSVC Redistributable package needed! Added resource file to Interop project settings to be embedded in assembly. Removed detune check from VstMidiEvent ctor. Initial implementation of ShellPlugin support for Host interop. Changed program textbox to a combo box listing them. OnSelChange not implemented. Prepare to impl. shell plugin support for host. Changed SetChunk code to handle chunks with a different number of programs in them than the plugin uses. Changed all max-length constants. Allocates +1. Added Read-Only Programs (Presets).

VST.NET Version 1.0

The zip contains the Debug and Release binaries for x86 and x64 as well as .NET 2.0 and .NET 4.0.

NOTE: after downloading the .zip file, open the file properties and click the "unblock" button at the bottom before you extract the containing assembly files. .NET 4.0 will give an error if you try to use these 'blocked' files.

Note that the samples sources are not included in the release. Refer to "Building the Source Code" to get them working in the Visual Studio Express editions.

Changes: Removed nuget and fixed samples copy operation (*.exe). Finalized build automation support. Bug fixes in VS templates. Compiled and Packaged new version of the Visual Studio Templates. Fixed endelss midi processing bug in VS project template and some comment type-o's. Added an extra property to VstMidiEvent to indicate if the midi event was receive realtime. Changed build automation to include Samples. Added Clr4 solution and projects files (VS2010) and build automation support. Fixed small bugs in build automation. Added some build automation and configured platforms in Code solution. Started on NuGet Package. Marked the ToArray method as Obsolete on the Buffer Manager class(es). Added Enumeration support on the VstAudio(Precision)BufferManager (Interop.Host) Added a sample impl to the audio project template for retrieving TimeInfo in the AudioProcessor. untested Refactorings based on VST 2.3 docs. Small change in SetChunk to preserve the program order when deserializing a single program. Allow the HostCommandStub to be queried by GetInstance on the Host. Adjusted the Changed hadnling of the MidiProgram to fit the specs. Added comments for the public property name constants. Host sample forgot to call Displose on VstAudioBufferManagers. Changed the initialization sequence for setting the host automation interface on the parameter manager. Implemented the Opened event on the Plugin root base classes. Also used the event in the VS project templates. Declared constants for property names for notifications. Extended the VstParameterManager to optionally also manage notifying the host of parameter value changes. Added custom UI Parameter support to both the audio as well as the midi plug VS Project template. NRE fix in ManagedPluginFactory and fixed typo in NotifyParameterValueChanged in host automation interface in the Framework, Added an Index property to VstParameter. Refactored the IVstHostAutomation methods to work with VstParameter. Added SetParameterAutomated to IVstHostAutomation (Framework) and made VstParameterManager.ChangeValue protected virtual in stead of public. VstParameterNormalization bug fix and unit tests.