VSCollectionKit Versions Save

VSCollectionKit is handy framework supporting funtionality of a UICollectionView or UICollectionViewController with much easier than way we work with UICollectionView, and avoiding a lot of collectionView related code hazzles and duplicates.


1 year ago

Feature Ask [Stories][Feature Ask] Prefetch CollectionViewCells on VSCollectionViewController https://github.com/Vinodh-G/VSCollectionKit/issues/2

Purpose We all know how power full is collection view, and how reusable, independent the components are with VSCollectionKit. The purpose the prefetch ask is, for achieving infinite scrolling for some of or use cases like long message scrolling, long comments. scrolling, long Instagram posts scrolling, the prefetch of the collection view cells would give user an experience like he is scrolling the content seamlessly with out showing the loader. Pre loading any content displayed in the collectionview before reaching the end of scrolling.


API from VSCollectionViewController or SectionHandler to initiate there is prefetch triggered. API from VSCollectionViewController or SectionHandler to initiate there is triggered cancelled. Optional sample app showing the usage of the api and showcasing the smoothness when we us prefetch.


1 year ago

This is public-release,

Refactored the VSCollectionViewController

  • Used NSDiffableDataSource Snapshot Support
  • Updated the apis related to NSDiffableDataSource
  • Updated the tests for the related changes
  • Deployment target is iOS 15.0


3 years ago

This is public-release, includes the changes related to omitting VSCollectionData static lib.


3 years ago

This is beta-release, mostly used for testing the vscollectionkit integrating with the test example apps.


3 years ago

This is beta-release, mostly used for testing the vscollectionkit integrating with the test example apps.


4 years ago

This is pre-release, mostly used for developing the test example apps.


4 years ago

This is pre-release, mostly used for developing the test example apps.


4 years ago

This is pre-release, mostly used for developing the test example apps.