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**EXPERIMENTAL** Contiv Storage: Policy backed Clustered Storage (via Ceph or NFS) for Docker


7 years ago

Contiv Storage Release v0.3.0

Contiv Storage is the all-singing, all-dancing volumes system for Swarm and Mesos. It provides a locking and policies subsystem for all volume types including Ceph and NFS. The locking subsystem is used to ensure that two of the same volume cannot be scheduled at the same time, while the policies system is used to enforce volume compliance. Contiv Storage is best suited to large clusters and labs.

This beta release version of Contiv Storage brings the latest features and bugfixes.

NOTE: this version has a bug in volsupervisor which may cause it to fail to snapshot occasionally, but it should overall work which is why we decided to release now. We will have a fix in 0.3.1 (about a week).

  • Plugin Name Change: the standard volplugin plugin name was changed to volcontiv. Documentation will been updated soon.
  • Several deprecated API endpoints were removed from apiserver.
  • apiserver now returns the full volume JSON for the copy when making a copy of another volume.
  • Many improvements to our general locking strategy:
    • Mounts right after restart should be more reliable
    • Mount failures should heal more appropriately and faster.
  • Volume will only be snapshotted by volsupervisor now if they are mounted. This occurs unless it's an unlocked volume, which will snapshot whether mounted or not. We feel this is more in-line with how snapshots should work for users.
  • New volmigrate tool for upgrading our schema to the latest version (for running the latest version!). There were no schema changes this time, but it will be expected that people run this to upgrade volplugin.
  • Validation of policy is much more strict than it used to be.
  • Backend classes: You can now specify "ceph" or "nfs" as a "backend" attribute which takes place of the "backends" dictionary if specified to provide a canned set of options for each "backends" parameter. This allows you to write simpler policies with the same effect.
  • Policy revisions are now kept in the database -- when you upload a new policy for a previously-used name, the previous version is archived. If you wish to read the archives you can use volcli to retrieve them.

You can get volplugin below, or if you wish to run it in containers you can try the contiv/volplugin-autorun image:

docker run -it -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock contiv/volplugin-autorun:v0.3.0

Note that you must have an existing ceph installation for this to work!

If you just wish to configure volplugin itself, you can pull contiv/volplugin. It contains volcli, volplugin, apiserver, and volsupervisor and is tagged by release version.

docker pull contiv/volplugin:v0.3.0


7 years ago

Contiv Storage Release v0.2.0

Contiv Storage is the all-singing, all-dancing volumes system for Swarm and Mesos. It provides a locking and policies subsystem for all volume types including Ceph and NFS. The locking subsystem is used to ensure that two of the same volume cannot be scheduled at the same time, while the policies system is used to enforce volume compliance. Contiv Storage is best suited to large clusters and labs.

This beta release version of Contiv Storage brings the latest features and bugfixes.

  • apiserver is the new volmaster: apiserver is now just an API server and no longer a master process. The master functionality has been distributed into volplugin itself, so it can run as an independent unit. As a result, a limited number of apiservers really need to be available now, instead of there being lots of them.
  • As a result, the volplugin now needs to communicate with an etcd cluster directly. We think this is a good trade to make for a cluster where docker depends on etcd already (f.e. kubernetes or cluster store).
  • Use jitter function to mitigate thundering herd problems for mount TTL refresh and a few other things.
  • Vastly improved error output across the board.
  • Unlocked and Locked mode also now apply to mounts that live on the same host. Previously, a locked mount could take mounts on the same host for additional containers. We felt this logic was unintuitive, and so made the behavior consistent across the board. Please report to the issues if you disagree!
  • volcli volume remove now takes a -f switch to forcefully remove the underlying volume no matter what.
  • Bugfixes:
    • If no volumes to list, do not return a "not found" error but instead give empty output.
    • Fix a map corruption in volplugin's local mount tracking.

You can get volplugin below, or if you wish to run it in containers you can try the contiv/volplugin-autorun image:

docker run -it -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock contiv/volplugin-autorun:v0.2.0

Note that you must have an existing ceph installation for this to work!

If you just wish to configure volplugin itself, you can pull contiv/volplugin. It contains volcli, volplugin, apiserver, and volsupervisor and is tagged by release version.

docker pull contiv/volplugin:v0.2.0


7 years ago

Contiv Storage Release v0.1.1

Contiv Storage is the all-singing, all-dancing volumes system for Swarm and Mesos. It provides a locking and policies subsystem for all volume types including Ceph and NFS. The locking subsystem is used to ensure that two of the same volume cannot be scheduled at the same time, while the policies system is used to enforce volume compliance. Contiv Storage is best suited to large clusters and labs.

This beta release version of Contiv Storage brings the latest features and bugfixes.

  • Improved compatibility for Swarm 1.1+ and Docker 1.12+

If you want a newer release than the latest release build, you can find Contiv Storage's latest builds here.


7 years ago

Contiv Storage Release v0.1.0

Contiv Storage is the all-singing, all-dancing volumes system for Swarm and Mesos. It provides a locking and policies subsystem for all volume types including Ceph and NFS. The locking subsystem is used to ensure that two of the same volume cannot be scheduled at the same time, while the policies system is used to enforce volume compliance. Contiv Storage is best suited to large clusters and labs.

This beta release version of Contiv Storage brings the latest features and bugfixes.

First release! Nearly a year's worth of work!

If you want a newer release than the latest release build, you can find Contiv Storage's latest builds here.