Voca Versions Save

The ultimate JavaScript string library


6 years ago

The new version 1.4.0 has the following improvements:

  • #27 titleCase behaviour with prime/apostrophe


6 years ago

Refactored sprintf() function constants, which reduced by 1KB the minified bundle size.


7 years ago

The new version 1.3.0 of Voca adds a few delicious functions.

:+1: New features:

  • Implemented v.tr() function (see docs)
  • Implemented v.swapCase() function (see docs)


7 years ago

The new version 1.2.0 of Voca adds a few nice functions.

:+1: New features:

  • Implemented v.titleCase() function (see docs)
  • Implemented v.stripBom() function (see docs)


7 years ago

The new version 1.1.0 brings new features and small fixes. :heart_eyes_cat:

Voca 1.1.0 contains the following modifications:

:+1: New features:

  • Implemented a new function v.stripTags() (see docs)

:clap: Improvements:

  • Lazy evaluation of the diacritical maps module, which is used by v.latinise() function
  • trimLeft(), trimRight() and v.wordWrap() functions refactoring

:ok_hand: Documentation:


7 years ago

Let the games begin!

The first stable release 1.0.0 of Voca: the ultimate JavaScript string library. :bowtie:

The Voca library offers helpful functions to make string manipulations comfortable: change case, trim, pad, slugify, latinise, sprintf'y, truncate, escape and much more. The modular design allows to load the entire library, or individual functions to minimize the application builds. The library is fully tested, well documented and long-term supported.

See the detailed documentation at https://vocajs.com


7 years ago

This is the second beta build released as I work towards Voca 1.0.0.

This release is strictly for development and testing only, and must not be used for production

This beta contains the following modifications.

:ok_hand: Documentation:

  • Updated the library description and examples on https://vocajs.com
  • Listed the available functions in README.md for easier access

:+1: New features:

  • Added license comment to the head of generated dist files


7 years ago

This is the second alpha build released as I work towards Voca 1.0.0.

This release is strictly for development and testing only, and must not be used for production

This alpha contains the following modifications.

:+1: New features:

  • Implemented a new function v.countWords() that counts the number of words in a string (see docs)
  • Implemented a new function v.wordWrap() that wraps the string by spaces (see docs)

:ok_hand: Refactoring:

  • Renamed function v.countGrapheme() to v.countGraphemes()
  • Renamed function v.countSubstring() to v.countSubstrings()
  • Internal refactoring of the regular expression constants to reduce to size of build for individual functions


7 years ago

This is the first alpha build released as I work towards Voca 1.0.0.

This release is strictly for development and testing only, and must not be used for production

This alpha contains:

  • All functions listed in the documentation are implemented and tested
  • Browser UMD builds voca.js and voca.min.js are available in dist/ folder
  • The version 1.0.0-alpha.1 is published on npm