Vindigo Save Abandoned

📝 A brand new kanban inspired planning tool for all your projects. 💻

Project README

The next generation planning tool focused on productivity and usability.

🚧 Disclaimer 🚧

This project is currently in heavy development and is still lacking many features. Do not use in production!


Vindigo is a next generation planning tool focused on productivity and usability for your team.

At its core, Vindigo offers an efficient way of creating, listing, and viewing your projects tasks. Inspired by other great planning tools, vindigo provides you with plenty of customization and extensibility, allowing it to fit your specific needs.



  • Implements an easy to use task hierarchy
  • Instant live syncing across multiple browsers
  • User and account management on a per-project basis
  • Self hosted for full control over your data and setup
  • Support for theming and customized themes
  • Extensible with plugins and an easy to use API
  • Fully open source and licensed under AGPLv3

Manual installation


Vindigo is built using node which means you will need to install NodeJS version 12 or higher. Make sure you also also have npm, the package manager for node (it usually comes bundled directly with node).


Before we can start, run the following commands to install required packages.

# Install the pnpm package manager
npm install -g pnpm

# Install the Vindigo CLI
npm install -g @vindigo/cli

The vindigo command should now be available in the command line (Windows may require you to reopen your shell first). If the command cannot be found, make sure the path returned by npm config get prefix is present in your PATH variable.

Using the CLI (Command-line Interface)

The CLI provides many useful commands allowing you to manage your Vindigo setup. In order to configure a new Vindigo installation, use the init option while inside an empty directory.

vindigo init

Once executed, the CLI will prompt you with a set of questions. Once these are answered, vindigo will automatically be installed in your current directory.

Now your installation is complete, you can start your Vindigo instance.

# Running directly in your shell
vindigo run

# Start as a background process
vindigo start

You should now be able to access Vindigo on http://localhost:8085.

The CLI provides many more commands used to manage your Vindigo setup. Use vindigo --help to print a list of available commands.

Updating Vindigo

Updating Vindigo is simple using the CLI. You can use the following command to execute the update wizard while inside your vindigo directory.

# Install latest version of the CLI
npm install -g @vindigo/cli

# Run the update wizard
vindigo update

Docker installation

You can find the production ready vindigo image on Docker Hub. Visit the docker hub page for instructions on how to run Vindigo using docker directly or using docker-compose.

Development setup

Before contributing to Vindigo please read the Contributor Guide

The development setup of Vindigo differs from the production setup and requires the following commands to be run. Much like the production setup, development will also require both node and pnpm to be installed.

pnpm install
pnpm run setup

The last command will prompt you with a series if questions to answer and will initialize a config in your current development directory.

Run development setup

During development you might want to enable live compiling, to do so run the following commands in separate terminals.

# Start a development server for the server and client
pnpm --filter @vindigo/server watch
pnpm --filter @vindigo/client watch

# Only when working on the CLI
pnpm --filter @vindigo/cli watch

You can now access Vindigo on http://localhost:8080.

Any changes made to the code will result in your changes being compiled live. Keep in mind while the CLI is automatically compiled you will still need to execute it manually.

Developing with VSCode

When your editor of choice is Visual Studio Code, you will be able to find pre defined tasks you can use during development.

Simply navigate to Terminal > Run Task... and select which operation you want to execute.


Vindigo is built and maintained by Starlane Studios at no cost. We are committed to keeping Vindigo a free and open product for everyone. If you would like to support our hard work feel free to donate to us


Vindigo is licensed under AGPLv3

Copyright (c) 2020-present, Starlane Studios

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Vindigo" Project. README Source: VindigoApp/vindigo

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