Vinaygaba CreditCardView Versions Save

💳 CreditCardView is an Android library that allows developers to create the UI which replicates an actual Credit Card.


8 years ago

-More granular control over editable fields Created new attributes like isCardNumberEditable,isCardNameEditable & isExpiryDateEditable to give you more control over the editable property of these fields

-Fixed Android Studio Layout Editor Preview Issue

-Fixed Issue on Fields Not Rendering When Set Programatically

-Code Formatting (Courtesy: @VenomVendor)

-Other misc. bug fixes


8 years ago

-Changed package name to com.vinaygaba.credditcardview Use this package "com.vinaygaba.credditcardview" in your views if you are using the latest version.

-Fixed documentation errors in the readme file

-Change font to Halter which is free to use and made the corresponding changes to the font size


8 years ago