Vimpyter Save Abandoned

Edit your Jupyter notebooks in Vim/Neovim

Project README


Please use one of the alternative approaches, for example [dccsilag/magma](dccsillag / magma-nvim).

Might also want to check out this article which highlights more up-to-date approaches with latest neovim features!


  • Input/output cells are displayed using custom syntax file and folding.
  • See your edits by starting Jupyter Notebook/Nteract application with single command/mapping (just remember to save your modifications). You may have to reload browser page/app to see the effects.
  • To see other features click here



Jupyter preview & more


Vim8 or Neovim is required (asynchronous features)

Install required external dependency:

Install plugin using plugin manager like vim-plug or Vundle:

Plug 'szymonmaszke/vimpyter' "vim-plug
Plugin 'szymonmaszke/vimpyter' "Vundle

If you want to use different plugin manager/direct instalation please do refer to their respective repositories/documentation.


Plugin provides some convenience commands:

  • VimpyterStartJupyter: asynchronously starts jupyter notebook instance from Vim/Neovim
  • VimpyterStartNteract: asynchronously starts nteract instance from Vim/Neovim
  • VimpyterInsertPythonBlock: inserts block of python code (see Demo)

Example mappings (put this in your .vimrc/init.vim):

autocmd Filetype ipynb nmap <silent><Leader>b :VimpyterInsertPythonBlock<CR>
autocmd Filetype ipynb nmap <silent><Leader>j :VimpyterStartJupyter<CR>
autocmd Filetype ipynb nmap <silent><Leader>n :VimpyterStartNteract<CR>

To see all available flags/commands refer to vim's documentation


Following options are provided:

  • g:vimpyter_color: display command line output in colour (0 or 1)
  • g:vimpyter_jupyter_notebook_flags: string describing flags passed to Jupyter notebook
  • g:vimpyter_nteract_flags: string describing flags passed to nteract app
  • g:vimpyter_view_directory: directory where proxy files are created (default: $TMP)

For detailed description type in your editor :help vimpyter-options

Integrations with other plugins

Currently supported plugins:

You can request additional integrations or create them on your own (pull requests are welcomed).

Contributors wanted!

Things you could do to improve this software:

Integrations with other plugins:

  • davidhalter/jedi-vim: Things like go to definition and documentation, maybe autocompletion (available as choice instead of deoplete-jedi).
  • w0rp/ale: Linting/fixing of .ipynb file. Using linters like flake8 from python or maybe custom made linter/fixer specifically for .ipynb file.

Other improvements:

  • Automatically update notebook on save: See this issue for more informations
  • Completion from ipython console: It may be faster to use this one. Check jonathanslenders/ptpython for possibilities.

Known bugs

If you find other bugs please post an issue. If you want to improve this software do not hesitate to cooperate!

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Vimpyter" Project. README Source: szymonmaszke/vimpyter
Open Issues
Last Commit
2 years ago

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