Vim Shellcheck Save

Vim wrapper for ShellCheck, a static analysis tool for shell scripts.

Project README


Vim wrapper for ShellCheck, a static analysis tool for shell scripts.


These commands are available in buffers with 'filetype' of sh.

:[range]ShellCheck[!] [args]

Run shellcheck for the current buffer using optional [args] and send any errors to the quickfix-window. Specify a [range] or use a visual selection to check only those lines, otherwise the entire buffer is checked. Call with a bang to automatically open the quickfix-window when errors are found.

:[range]LShellCheck[!] [args]

Run shellcheck for the current buffer using optional [args] and send any errors to a location-list-window. Specify a [range] or use a visual selection to check only those lines, otherwise the entire buffer is checked. Call with a bang to automatically open the location-list-window when errors are found.

QF Mappings

Open ShellCheck error definition on GitHub - gb

The gb command can be used quickfix or location list windows to open the ShellCheck error definition on GitHub. This functionality is enabled when the window's w:quickfix_title attribute starts with one of the following:

  • :shellcheck -- created by compiler shellcheck | :make or some other program
  • :ShellCheck -- created by the :ShellCheck command
  • :LShellCheck -- created by the :LShellCheck command

To disable this mapping:

let g:shellcheck_disable_mappings = 1

To setup a different map:

let g:shellcheck_disable_mappings = 1
autocmd FileType qf nmap <buffer> <silent> gB <Plug>(shellcheck-gb)

Note: The gb map will not be defined if one already exists.


A ShellCheck :compiler is provided for use as a 'makeprg':

:compiler shellcheck



Specifies how the quickfix-window is opened when :ShellCheck! is used. The default value is "botright copen 10".


Specifies how the location-list-window is opened when :LShellCheck! is used. The default value is "lopen 10".


Use your favorite plugin manager, or use Vim's built-in package support:

mkdir -p ~/.vim/pack/shellcheck/start
cd ~/.vim/pack/shellcheck/start
git clone
vim -u NONE -c "helptags vim-shellcheck/doc" -c q


MIT License - see LICENSE in this repo.

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Vim Shellcheck" Project. README Source: itspriddle/vim-shellcheck
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Last Commit
4 years ago

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