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Team Fortress 2 (TF2) Undetected Multi Cheat 150+ features

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Team Fortress 2 Undetected cheat (NO Vac)




Enable Aimbot - Automatically aim at someone

Aimkey - Aimbot will only lock when pressing the assigned key

Aimkey mode - What should the Aimkey do if one is assigned?

Disabled - Aimbot will be active countinously

Pressed - Aimbot is enabled while Aimkey is pressed

Not pressed - Aimbot is active while Aimkey is not pressed

Toggle - Aimbot gets toggled on pressing the aimkey

Silent - Stops your view from flicking

Specator mode - How should the Aimbot react to spectators?

Always on - Aimbot will remain on even when spectated

Firstperson - Aimbot will turn off when spectated through Firstperson

Spectated - Aimbot will turn off as soon as you are being spectated

Slow Aimbot - Aimbot will not snap to the enemy instantly

FOV - Restricts the Aimbot to a certain Distance from the crosshair

FOV Circle - Shows the Aimbot's FOV

FOV Opacity - Sets the FOV's circle opacity

Only Shoot When Able - Aimbot won't lock on when you are for example reloading or your clip is empty

Miss Chance - % Chance the Aimbot will miss on purpose

Extrapolate - Compensate for ping with projectiles (not recommended)

Zoomed Only - Aimbot will only lock on if you are zoomed in, if applicable

Projectile Aimbot

No Spread - Disable weapon inaccuracy for Projectile weapons

Enable Projectile Aimbot - Enables Aimbot for projectile based weapons

Gravity/Velocity Override - Developer setting for changing the gravity of Projectiles

Sticky Threshold - Makes the Projectile Aimbot only shoot the sticky depending on how full it is

Target Selection

Priority Mode - On who should the Aimbot focus first

Smart - Combines all Priority modes in a way for high FOV sniping

FOV - Aimbot will target the closest enemy to your crosshair

Distance (Closest/Highest) - Aimbot will prioritize on the closest/furthest person away from you

Health (Lowest/Highest) - Aimbot will prioritize on the lowest/highest health that a enemy has first

Target Team - At which Team should the Aimbot be able to shoot at?

Enemies - Aimbot will only target the enemy Team

Teammates - Aimbot will only target your Team

All - Aimbot will shoot at your and the enemy Team

Hitbox Mode - How should the Aimbot choose the best Hitbox to shoot at?

Auto - Aimbot will try to aim at the best optimal Hitbox available

Auto closest - Aimbot will shoot at the Hitbox closet to your crosshair

Static - Aimbot will only shoot at one given Hitbox

Hitbox - Select which Hitbox the Aimbot should aim at (If Static in Hitbox Mode is turned on)

Max Range - Restricts the Aimbot to a certain range

Multipoint - Aimbot splits the Hitbox into multiple points and aims at the closet one

Assistance Only - Aimbot is only active if your mouse has moved in the last half second

Lock Target - Aimbot locks onto a target until they die or leave your FOV

Rage Only - Aimbot will only shoot at players marked as Rage

Aim at Stickybombs - Aimbot will target Stickybombs

Aim at Sentry Guns - Aimbot will target Sentry Guns

Aim at Other Buildings - Aimbot will target Dispensers and Teleporters

Ignore Cloaked Spies - Aimbot will ignore Cloaked Spies

Ignore Vaccinator Uber - Aimbot will ignore players with vaccinator ubercharge

Ignore Dead Ringer Spies - Aimbot will ignore dearingered spies

Sandvich Aimbot

Enable Sandvich Aimbot - Aimbot will throw the Sandvich at Teammates if possible

Aimkey - Sandvich Aimbot will only work if you press down the assigned key

Aimkey Mode - What should the Aimkey do if one is assigned?

Disabled - Aimbot will be active countinously

Pressed - Aimbot is enabled while Aimkey is pressed


Enable Autshoot - Aimbot will shoot automatically

Wait for Charge - Aimbot will wait for enough charge to one hit kill

Autoshoot Disguised - Allow Autoshoot while disguised

Auto Spin-Up - Spins up the Minigun automatically if an enemy is found

Tapfire Minigun - Makes the Aimbot only tapfire to achieve better accuracy

Auto Zoom - Aimbot will automatically zoom in if an enemy is found

Auto Unzoom - Aimbot will automatically unzoom if no enemy is found


Enable Backtracking - Allows hitting enemy past positions

Aim at Backtracking - Aimbot will aim at Backtrack ticks

Ping Reducer - Decreases your ping on the scoreboard

Target Ping - Tries to lower the ping to the given amount

Fake Latency - Increases how far you can backtrack someone

Draw Backtrack - Visualize Backtrack

Backtrack Chams - Draws Chams for the ticks

Chams Amount - How many ticks to draw (can affect performance)

Chams Color - What color the chams should be

Solid Color - Draws a Solid color instead of tinting the model

Backtrack Slots - Allows to control with which weapon slot you can hit Backtrack ticks

All - You can hit a backtrack tick at any time

Primary - You can only hit a backtrack tick with your primary out

Secondary - You can only hit a backtrack tick with your secondary out

Meele - You can only hit a backtrack tick with your meele out

Primary + Secondary - You can only hit a backtrack tick whenever you have your primary or secondary out

Primary + Meele - You can only hit a backtrack tick whenever you have your primary or meele out

Secondary + Meele - You can only hit a backtrack tick whenever your have your secondary or meele out




Enable Trigger Bot - Only shoots when your crosshair is on a player's hitbox

Trigger Key Mode - What should the Trigger Key do if one is assigned?

Disabled - Triggerbot will be active countinously

Pressed - Triggerbot is enabled while Aimkey is pressed

Not pressed - Triggerbot is active while Aimkey is not pressed

Toggle - Triggerbot gets toggled on pressing the aimkey

Aim Key - Triggerbot will only work if you press down the assigned key

Wait for Charge - - Triggerbot will wait for enough charge to one hit kill

Zoomed Only - Triggerbot will only work if you are zoomed in, if applicable

Accuracy Mode - Shrinks the Hitbox to improve accuracy

Delay - Adds a (millisecond) delay to the Triggerbot

Target Selection

Hitbox Mode - How should the Triggerbot chooe the best hitbox to shoot at?

Auto Head - Prefer the head hitbox when possible (e.g. if using sniper rifle or ambassador)

Auto Closet - Triggerbot will shoot at the hitbox closest to your crosshair

Head Only - Will only work on Ambassador or Sniper rifle

Max Range - Restricts the Triggerbot to a certain range

Teammates - Triggerbot reacts to teammates

Stickybombs - Triggerbot reacts to stickybombs

Sentry Guns - Triggerbot reacts to enemy sentry guns

Other Buildings - Triggerbot reacts to Dispensers and Teleporters

Ignore Cloaked Spies - Triggerbot will ignore cloaked spies

Ignore Vaccinator Uber - Triggerbot will ignore players with vaccinator uber

Auto Pyro

Auto Reflect

Enable Auto Reflect - Automatically reflects projectiles

Reflect Button - Only auto reflects if given key is pressed

Only Reflect When Able - Prevent you from reflecting while holding down M1

Teammate Projectiles - Reflect your teammates projectiles

Dodgeball Mode - Prevents you from being blown up

Legit Mode - Stops the crosshair from moving

Projectiles - Select what Projectiles Auto Reflect should reflect

Default - Reflects unknown projectiles if possible

Auto Detonator

Enable Auto Detonator - Automatically detonate near enemies

Ignore Cloaked - Ignores cloaked spies

Auto Sticky

Auto Sticky

Enable Auto Sticky - Automatically detonate stickies

Detonate On Buildings - Automatically detonate on buildings

Legit Mode - Requires line of sight to stickies and ignores cloaked spies

Don't Blow Me Up - Doesn't detonate stickies if you are near them

Min Distance - Minimal distance to enemies for detonation

Auto Heal

Auto Heal

Enable Auto Heal - Automatically heal people around you

Silent - Stops your view from flicking

Heal SteamID Only - Only heals the specific SteamID

SteamID - Put in a specific SteamID to heal

Auto Uber - Automatically pop uber

Share Uber - Share uber to multiple people

Ratio Trigger - Ubers when the person gets below the given health amount

Pop on Voicecommand - Automatically pop uber on "7.Activate Charge!"

Only Heal Friends - Only heal players that are marked as Friends

Health Priority - Decide which class to automatically heal first

Auto Vaccinator

Enable Auto Vaccinator - Automatically use vaccinator charges

Reset Timer - How long you have to be idle for it to switch back

Default Resist - Automatically switch to a preferred Resistance when you are idle


Sniper Pop - How should Auto Vaccinator react to Snipers?

Never - It will ignore Snipers regardless of whats going on

Visible, zoom - Reacts to visible snipers that are zoomed in and are aiming near your or your healing target

Any zoomed - Reacts to visible snipers regardless of where there aiming


Enable - Enables Auto Vaccinator to use the Blast Resistance

Pop on Near Crit - Automtically pops when a crit rocket/sticky/pill lands near you

Danger Range - Control the range in which it will auto pop for a crit projectile

Rocket Health Pop - Automatically pops when you are on the given amount of health (%) Min. Charges - How many charges you need to have in order for Auto Vaccinator to be able to use Blast Resistance


Enable - Enables Auto Vaccinator to use the Fire Resistance

Prevent Afterburn - Automatically pops to prevent afterburn damage

Danger Range - Automatically pops when a enemy pyro gets in given range

Min. Charges - How many charges you need to have in order for Auto Vaccinator to be able to use Fire Resistance

Pyro Pop - How should Auto Vaccinator react to Pyros?

Never - It will ignore Pyros regardless of whats going on

Near, flames - Reacts to when the flames from the enemy Pyro are near you

Near, any wep - Reacts to Pyros near you regardless of their current weapon

Auto Spy

Auto Backstab

Enable Auto Backstab - Automatically backstabs a enemy player if possible

Auto Backstab Mode - How should the Auto Backstab work or perform?

Legit - Only backstab players when you are looking at their backs

Rage - Backstab people when they face their back to you or you face them

Backtrack - Same as what Rage does except its for Backtrack ticks

Legit Backtrack - Same as what Legit does except its for Backtrack Ticks

Auto Deadringer

Enable Auto Dead Ringer - Automatically pops Dead Ringer

Trigger at Health - Automatically triggers the Dead Ringer at the given amount of health



Enable - Makes it harder for cheaters to hit you (not always)

No Clamping - Useful for normal angles (usually not)

Fakelag - Makes it harder to hit you by increasing your outgoing lag

Spin Speed - Set your Yaw Spin Speed

Roll - Recommended to not use it as it is very buggy as of now

Custom Pitch/Yaw - Set your own custom Static/Offset Angles

Pitch/Yaw Mode - Sets the Anti-Aim modes for Pitch/Yaw, while Fake Anti-Aims are for HVH and Fake yaw ones will use Fakelag


Enable - Attempt to bruteforce enemy Anti-Aims


Enable - Spams certain Anti-Aims so cheaters are less probable to hit your Anti-Aim

Flip Key - Be able to flip your angles (e.g. up/fakeup)

Interval - Amount in seconds it switches between up and down angle

Random Low/High - Sets a random Interval given any numbers (If Interval is set it overwrites these two)

Mode - Determines which kind of angles to use for Anti-Resolver


Chat Spam

Spam Mode - What kind of content should be spammed in the chat?

Disabled - Nothing will be spammed

Custom - Will use custom spam created by you through a txt file provided through "Custom Spam"

Default - Spams default lines created by Cathook Developers

Lennyfaces - Spams Lennyfaces

Newlines - Essentially its chat clear spam

Nullcore - Spams Nullcore's Advertisement Spam

Lmaobox - Spams Lmaobox's Advertisement Spam

Lithium - Spams Lithium's Advertisement Spam

Custom Spam - this is where you put in your txt file name for your custom spam

Randomize - Instead of using chat spam lines from top to bottom it will use random ones out of the list

Spam Delay - How long it should take between each spam message to be sent

Spam in teamchat - Chat Spam only in your teamchat

Voice Spam

Voice Spam - This is where you can set what voicecommand will be spammed, you can choose from a few specific voicelines or just let it say random lines

Chat Log

Enable Chat Log - Enables your bots to relay messages to your discord or telegram

Ignore IPC - Prevents bots from logging eachother (e.g. 2 bots are in the same match)

Anti Spam - Prevents people from purposely spamming your relay channel (e.g. someone saying "a" over and over again)

Chat Censor

Enable Chat Censor - Once a filtered word has been said the cheat will automatically send a newline in your teamchat in order to remove the word from chat (usually works very well to prevent people from calling you out)

Command & Control

May receive some features in the future?


Killsay Mode - What kind of words should be said after each kill?

Disable - Nothing will be said

Custom - Will use words put by you in a custom txt file provided below in "Custom Killsay"

Default - Uses default lines provided by Cathook Developers

NCC - Offensive - Will use lines from Nullcore's Offensive Killsay

NCC - MLG - Will use lines from Nullcore's MLG Killsay Custom Killsay - This is where you put the name of your custom txt file for your killsays

Killsay Delay - How long it should take between each Killsay line to be sent


Critsay Mode - What kind of words should be said after each kill with a crit?

Disable - Nothing will be said

Custom - Will use words put by you in a custom txt file provided below in "Custom Critsay"

Default - Uses default lines provided by Cathook Developers

Custom Critsay - This is where you put the name of your custom txt file for your critsays

Critsay Delay - How long it should take between each Critsay line to be sent


Autovote Yes - Automatically votes Yes on a Votekick (Won't vote yes if said player being kicked is marked as Friend or is in your Party)

Autovote No - Automatically votes No on a Votekick (Will vote no if said player being kicked is marked as Friend or is in your Party)

Kick RAGE status - Automatically starts a Votekick on any player on your team marked as Rage

Log votes - Logs votes in a custom Cathook message displayed in chat (also logs votekicks from the enemy team)

Log votes to Party - (Only works when Log votes is enabled) will also Log votes to your Party chat

Log casts - Logs who voted F1 or F2

Log F1 casts only - Logs F1 casts only

Crash when kicked - Crashes your or your bots game when kicked (Not recommended)

Uber Spam

Source - Will send your % Uber in chat in custom lines

Disable - Nothing will be said Default - Will use lines provided by Cathook Developers

Nullcore - Uses Nullcore's Uber lines Custom - Will use words put by you in a custom txt file provided below in "Custom Spam"

Custom Spam - This is where you put the name of your custom txt file for your Uber lines

Team Chat - Only put Uber lines in teamchat

Uber End - Say a line when Uber has ended

Uber Ready - Say a line when Uber is ready

Uber Used - Say a line when Uber was popped

Every % - Define after every uber percentage a line should be used to say your current Uber


Remove Newlines - Prevents people from using newlines to clear the chat for you

Anti-Spam - Prevents people from spamming the chat for you

Crypto Chat - Allows you to type in Cathook's Nullnexus Chat (!!!(message) or cat_nullnexus_send (message) in console)

Newlines - How many newlines you wish to send after your message (useful to quickly clear the chat if you said something you didn't want to say)

Event Logger - Logs certain game events and puts it in a custom Cathook message

Log Hurt Events - Logs every Hurt Event from any player (Recommended to have it turned off)

Log Join Events - Logs any player that is joining the server

Log Connect Events - Logs any player that finished joining/connecting

Log Disconnect Events - Logs any player that disconnected from the server

Log Team join Events - Logs any player that switched team or joined spectator

Log Death Events - Logs any player that has died

Log Respawn Events - Logs any players that have respawned

Log Class Change Events - Logs any player that has changed their class

Identify - Allows you to see who is a Cathook user

Counter Identify - Allows you to identify yourself as Cathook user (recommended to not be killed by any bots in casual)



Enable Crithack - Decide when you want your shot to be critical

Save Bucket - Prevents random critical shots

Crit Key - Force a crit when you hold the key

Mele Crits - Meele will always crit when enabled

Crit Text - Draws text to show when you can crit and can't crit

Text x/y Posititon - Set where you want the Crit Text to be Crit Bar - Instead of Text, a bar is drawn

Bar x/y Position - Set where you want the Crit Bar to be

Bar Size - Set how big the bar will be




Enable ESP - See Players/Items/Buildings and more through walls

Legit Mode - Only draws ESP when enemies are visible to you

Max Range - Restricts ESP from being drawn to a certain distance

Enable Light ESP - Draws a Dot on the the enemy players (Not Recommended)


Teammate ESP - See your Teammates through walls

ESP on Local Player - Draw ESP on yourself (seen through Thirdperson)

Building ESP - Display Buildings

Health/Ammo Packs - See Health or Ammo Packs through walls

Enable Item ESP - See dropped weapons

Enable Projectile ESP - Display Projectiles

Only Enemy projectiles - Only display enemy projectiles

Tank ESP - Display the MvM Tank

MvM Money/Red money - Display MvM Money/Red Money

Mannpower Powerups - Display Mannpower Powerups

Spellbooks - Display Spellbooks

HL2:DM Weapons - Display HL2:DM Weapons

TF2C Adrenaline - Display the Adrenaline from TF2C

TC2C Weapon Spawner - Display Weapon Spawners from TF2C


Arrows/Pipes/Rockets/Stickies - Customize when they should be displayed

Disable - Won't display the specific Projectile

Enemy - Display the Projectile at any time

Crit - Display the Projectile only when it is critical

ESP Settings

3D Players - Display a 3D Box around Players

3D Buildings - Display a 3D Box around Buildings

Corner Size - Set how big the Corners should be (only works if you have Box Mode set to "Corners")

**Bone ESP - ** Display Playermodel skeleton

Bone Color - Display skeleton in Team color

Sightlines - See where enemy players are looking

Expand - Expand the Box around Players/Buildings

Text Position - Set where the Text of Players/Buildings should be

Box Mode - What type of Box should be drawn

Tracer Mode - Draws lines from towards the Players

Disable - No lines will be drawn

Center - Lines will be drawn from your crosshair

Bottom - Lines will be drawn from the local player

Health Mode - Set where the Health Bar should be displayed

None - No Health Bar will be displayed

Top Horizontal - Health Bar will be displayed on top of the Box

Bottom Horizontal - Health Bar will be displayed on the bottom of the Box

Vertical - Health Bar will be displayed on the left side of the Box


Name - Display Player Names

Health - Display Health (in text)

Distance - Display Distance

Class - Display Player class

Conditions - Display Conditions (e.g. Cloaked, Ubercharged)

Ubercharge % - Display Uber

Powerup - Display Powerup

Bot ID - Display a Catbots ID (Only for the bots you host)

Weapon - Display the current weapon


Mode - Display Emojis on Player's heads

None - No Emoji will be displayed

Joy - A laughing Emoji will be displayed

Thinking - A thinking Emoji will be displayed

Min Size - Set how big the Emoji should be from the start

Scaling - Scales the Emoji depending on your distance

Size - Max Size for the Emoji



Enable Glow - Display Glow

Blur Scale - Set the Thickness of the Glow

Health - Display Glow in Health Color from a player

Solid When - When should the Glow be solid

Never - Will never be solid

Always - Will always be solid

Not visible - Will only be solid when not visible to you


Players - Display Players

Teammates - Display Teammates

Disguised - Display Disguised spies

Local Player - Put Glow on yourself (seen in thirdperson)

Buildings - Display Buildings

Team Buildings - Display Team Buildings

Powerups - Display Powerups

Stickies - Display Stickies

Ammo/Health Packs - Display Ammo/Health Packs

Weapons - Display dropped weapons



Enable Chams - Display Chams

Legit - Only displays Chams when enemies are visible to you

Flat - No Shadows will be shown on Chams

Disco - Rainbow Mode

Health - Colors Chams according to Player Health

Recursive - Displays Weapons in Chams too

Single Pass - Makes Chams see-through

White Weapons - Makes Weapon Chams white


Players - Display Players

Teammates - Display Teammates

Disguised - Display Disguised spies

Chams Self - Put Chams on yourself (seen in thirdperson)

Buildings - Display Buildings

Team Buildings - Display Team Buildings

Stickies - Display Stickies

Ammo/Health Packs - Display Ammo/Health Packs



Enabled - Draw lines towards enemy players (from your crosshair)

Enable Building Tracers - Draw lines towards enemy buildings

Green Distance - Set the Minimal Distance in order for the Tracer to become green

Line Thickness - Set the Thickness of the Lines

Line Opacity - Set the Opacity of the lines

Min FOV - Only show the lines in a certain radius of your screen

Max Distance - Restricts the tracers from being drawn to a certain distance

Show Friends - Set if Tracer should draw lines for Friends

Don't Show Friends - No Tracers will be displayed for Friends

Friends in the Enemy Team - Only draw Tracers if Friend is in enemy Team

Always Show Friends - Displays Tracers to Friends regardless what Team



Enable - Display a Radar

Radar Shape - Set the Shape of the Radar

Square - Radar will be in a Square Shape

Circle - Radar will be in a Circle Shape

Show Cross - Display a Cross in the Radar

Enemies on Top - Set if Enemy Icons should overlap Teammate Icons

Health Bar Size - Set the Size of the Health Bar under the Icons

Use Icons - Display Icons instead of images of the class

Size - Set the Size of the Radar

Icon size - Set the Size of the Icons

Radar X/Y - Set the position of the Radar on your screen

Zoom - Set how far should the Radar be zoomed in

Opacity - Set the Opacity of the Radar


Ammo/Health Packs - Display Ammo/Health Packs

Teammates - Display Teammates

Team Buildings - Display Team Buildings

Player Info

Player Info

Draw K/D Over Head - Display the Kills and Deaths of a Player

That's How Mafia Works - Display a Level based on K/D and damage


Enable - Display a Dominatemark over a Player's head

Draw Min Size - Set the Minimal Size

Draw Max Size - Set the Maximum Size



GUI Button - Set a custom Button to open the GUI

Clean Screenshots - Prevents Visuals from being shown on Screenshots

Disable Visuals - Disables Visuals and Menu (Not Recommended)

Guaranteed Medal Flip - Medal in Main Menu will always Flip

Software Cursor Mode - Set the Cursor Mode for the GUI (Not Recommended)

Main Font Size - Set the Font Size for ESP Text

Center String Font Size - Set the Font Size for Strings

Enable MC Healthbar - Replace your Health with a Minecraft Health Bar

MC Healthbar Size - Set the Size of the Health Bar

UI Colors

Bullet Tracers

Bullet Tracers

Enable - Draw Bullet Tracers

Sniperrifles Only - Only draw Bullet Tracers for Sniper Rifle shots

Don't Draw Other Players - Don't draw Bullet Tracers from other Players

Draw Local Beams - Draw Bullet Tracers for yourself

Sentry Tracers - Draw Bullet Tracers for Sentries

Team Mode - For what Team should Bullet Tracers be drawn

All - Bullet Tracers will be drawn from enemy Players and Teammates

Enemies - Bullet Tracers will only be drawn from enemy Players

Teammates - Bullet Tracers will only be drawn from Teammates

Single Beam Only - Only draw one Beam for each shot instead of multiple, if applicable



FOV - Set a custom FOV for yourself

Apply if zoomed - Overwrite the Zoom FOV with the custom FOV


Freecam Button - Set a button to use Freecam (allows you to spectate the areas that are being drawn)

Freecam Speed - Set the Speed of the Freecam (in HU/s (Hammer Units/second))


Enable Thirdperson - Set your view to Thirdperson

Thirdperson Button - Set a key to toggle Thirdperson

Show Angles in Thirdperson - Visualize Fake Angles in Thirdperson

Disabled When Zoomed - Disables Thirdperson when zoomed in


Remove Arms - Removes Viewmodel Arms

Remove Cloak - Removes Cloak for Spies

Remove Disguise - Removes Disguise from Spies

Remove Hats - Removes Hats from Players

Remove Scope - Removes Scope effect

Remove Zoom/Keep Rifle - Removes the Zoom effect but keeps the Rifle model


Nightmode (GUI) - Set the Darkness for the TF2 HUD/GUI

Nightmode (World) - Set the Darkness for the Map

Nightmode Color (GUI) - Set the Color

Nightmode Color (World) - Set the Color

Draw Explosion Spheres - Visualize Explosion Spheres from Explosives

Ragdoll Override - Set the effect for Ragdolls

Auto - Automtically sets the Ragdoll effect

Gib - Ragdolls will now always Gib

Burning - Ragdolls will now always burn

Electrocuted - Ragdolls will now always be electrocuted

Ash - Ragdolls will now dissapear in Ashes

Gold - Ragdolls will turn into Gold

Ice - Ragdolls will be frozen


Bunny Hop

Enable Bunny Hop - Keep Jumping while holding down Spacebar

Bhop Chance - Set the chance for a successful Bunny Hop

Enable Auto Strafe - Automatically Strafe mid air to gain moving speed


Enable Pathing - Use the Navmesh to navigate around the map (mainly used for walkbot or cat_nav_path and cat_nav_path for testing)

Draw Path - Draws a line where the Navbot wants to navigate to (mainly used for testing)

Look at Path - Makes you look towards the line that's used to navigate

Enable Navbot - Automatically navigate to enemies

Enable Engineer Mode - Automatically place down sentries

Get Health and Ammo - Automatically get Health/Ammo Packs if needed

Enable Spy Mode - Automatically walk towards a enemy to backstab

General Mode - Used for Soldier, Heavy , Medic, Scout, Demo, Engineer and Pyro Bots to get near their target

Enable Autojump - Automatically jump near the enemy (used for Scout Bots (Recommended))

Jump Distance - Set at which distance should the Navbot automatically jump

Zone Enemies - Automatically keep distance from enemies (used by Sniper Bots)

Spy ignore Time - Automatically ignore spies for a set time


Enable FollowBot - Follow nearby Players

Roaming - Follow other Players instead of SteamID only

Change When Possible - Automatically switch to the best follow target thats near (e.g. prefer to follow a heavy than a scout or someone marked as Friend or Party)

Jump If Stuck - Automatically jump when the FollowBot gets stuck

Sycned Taunts - Automatically Taunt when the follow target taunts too

Activation Range - At which Range the FollowBot will activate

Follow distance - Set a distance between the follow target and the Bot

IPC Additive Distance - Set a distance for other bots (e.g. so they don't clump up)

Mimic Slot - Automatically select same weapon slot as follow target

Mimic Crouch - Automatically crouch when the follow target is crouching

\Always Medigun - Automatically switch to medigun when possible A

FK Switch - Automatically follow another Player when previous follow target is counted as AFK

AFK Limit - Set a time till a Player is counted as AFK

Corner Activate - Activate FollowBot around corners (if navbot (navmesh) is missing)

SteamID to Follow - Set a SteamID to Follow

Prioritize Friends - Automatically follow Players marked as Friend

Prioritize the Party Leader - Automatically follow the Party Leader if possible

Draw Crumbs - Draws a line where the FollowBot wants to navigate to


Enable Anti-Backstab - Prevent spies from backstabbing you

Detection Distance - Set a Distance at which the Nope! feature becomes active

Nope! - Automatically respond with "No!" voiceline when a Spy gets in the set Distance


Enable Warp - Gain a burst of speed

Warp Speed - Control the speed at which you move (Lower is smoother | Higher is more instantaneous)

Warp Key - Warp when pressing assigned key

Draw Warp - Display a Bar for Warp

Bar Size - Set the Size for the Bar

X/Y Position - Set where the Bar will be on your screen

Charge Passively - Charge Warp passively (e.g. moving)

Charge in Jump - Charge Warp passively in Jump (this makes you fall slower)

Charge When keys released - Charge Warp passively before full stop after releasing movement keys

Movement Ratio - Set which Xth Movement Tick will be converted into Warp

Demoknight Mode - This will make you do a swing charge with Warp (Attack, charge, warp)

Peek Mode - Automatically teleport for a tick then teleport back

Warp When hit - Automatically Warp when hit

Warp Forwards - Automatically Warp Forward

Warp Backwards - Automatically Warp Backwards

Warp Left - Automatically Warp Left

Warp Right - Automatically Warp Right




Enable Anti-Cheat - Automatically detect other cheaters (Not precise (Not Recommended))

Accuse in Chat - Send info about the cheater in Chat

Ignore Local - Don't count Local Player

Auto Rage - Automatically mark someone as Rage by Anti-Cheat

Aimbot Detection - Detect Aimbot

Aimbot Dection Angle - Set a Angle at which it will detect Aimbot

Minimum Aimbot Detections - Set a Minimum till cheater gets marked as Rage

AntiAim Detection - Detect Anti-Aim

Minimum Bhop Detections - Set a Minimum till cheater gets marked as Rage

Auto equip

Auto equip

Autoequip Primary - Automatically Unlock and equip achievement Items

Autoequip Secondary - Automatically Unlock and equip achievement Items

Autoequip Meele - Automatically Unlock and equip achievement Items

Autoequip PDA2 - Automatically Unlock and equip achievement Items



Enable Auto Repair - Automatically repair own Buildings

Silent - Stops your view from flicking

Repair Sentry - Repair Sentry Gun

Repair Dispenser - Repair Dispenser

Repair Teleporter - Repair Teleporter

Priority - Set what to repair first if possible

None - Nothing will be prioritized

Sentry - Sentry will be prioritized

Dispenser - Dispenser will be prioritized

Teleporter - Teleporter will be prioritized

Enable Auto Upgrade - Automatically upgrade Buildings

Upgrade Sentry - Upgrade Sentry

Upgrade Sentry Level - To what Level should it automatically Upgrade

Upgrade Dispenser - Upgrade Dispenser

Upgrade Dispenser Level - To what Level should it automatically Upgrade

Upgrade Teleporter - Upgrade Teleporter

Upgrade Teleporter - To what Level should it automatically Upgrade

Spy alert

Spy Alert

Enable - Automatically warn you about Spies

Call Out Spy - Say the "Spy!" voiceline automatically

Sound - Play a sound for yourself when a spy is near

Interval - How long to wait between each sound play

Alert for Invis Spies - Call out Invisible Spies

Alert Distance - Set a Distance for when displays a Alert message Backstab Warning Distance - Set a Distance for when it displays a Backstab message



Enable Antiafk - Prevents you from being kicked for Inactivity

Enable Auto Abandon - Automatically Abandon a Match

Enable Auto Balance Spam - Used to spam the old Auto Balance (abandoned feature)

Debug - Used for Debug purposes

Crash on VAC - Crash your game when you get VAC banned (or use cat_disconnect_vac)

Disconnect Reason - Set your own custom Disconnect message Engine Prediction - Improves Accuracy (Recommended to keep on)

Flashlight Spam - Spams the Flashlight (intended for other games)

Force Hallowen - Forces Hallowen

xd - Plays a earraped version of the demoman saying "Spy!"

TF2C Minigun Jump - Jump with the Minigun in TF2C

#nohomo - Disable to activate homo mode

Nolerp - Improves Accuracy for Hitscan weapons (Recommended for raging)

Nopush - Prevent Players from pushing you

Moonwalk - Overwrite the crouch speed with walking speed

Fully Automated Firing - Be able to spam the Sticky Launcher

Show Spectator - See who is spectating you

Skybox Override - Select a different Skybox

Tauntslide - Slide around with moving taunts (e.g. conga)

TF2C Tauntslide - Move around while Taunting in TF2C

Enable Announcer - Announcer will be played depending on how many Players you killed

Custom Name - Set a Custom Name

Namesteal - Steal other Players Names

Disabled - No names will be stolen

Passive - Changes Name once until Player is kicked (then changes name again)

Active - Changes Name whenever possible

**Random Name - **Change Name in every new Match

Noisemaker Spam - Spam equipped Noisemaker

Betrayal Limit - Automatically stop ignoring people that killed the bot for the amount that you set Ignore Hoovies - Ignore Hoovies

Ignore Taunting Players - Ignore Taunting Players

**Enable Killstreak **- Enable Killstreak (Clientside)

Expand Backpack - Expands your backpack, The Extra slots are useable while cathook is injected (Useful to not get random drops discarded with a full inventory)

Backspot Slots - Set how much the Backpack will be expanded


Autojoin and taunt

Auto Queue - Automatically Queue for the selected maps

Auto Requeue - Automatically Requeue

Autoqueue Mode - For what mode the bots should queue for (e.g. Mannup) Autotaunt Enabled - Automatically taunt after a kill

Autotaunt Weapon - Select with what Weapon to taunt

Autotaunt Chance - Set the Chance for a taunt to happen

Autotaunt Safety Distance - Set a Distance at which it is safe for a Autotaunt

Autojoin Class - Automatically join selected Class

Autojoin Team - Automatically join Team


Enable Utilities - Allow Utilities to be used

Abandon if IPC bots Gte - Bots automatically leave if there are more than x-1 IPC bots

Abandon if Humans Lte - Bots automatically leave when there are less than x+1 Human players

Abandon if Players Lte - Bots automatically leave when there are less than x+1 Total Players (including bots)

Autocrouch - Automatically crouch (Abandoned Feature)

Micspam - Micspam stuff you choose

Micspam Interval Off - Timespan for Micspam to be switched off

Micspam Interval On - Timespan for Micspam to be switched on Random Votekicks - Randomly call Votekicks

Rage Only votekicks - Only call a Votekick on Players marked as Rage

Always Crouch - Always Crouch

Autoreport - Automatically report everyone in the Match

Anti Auto Balance - Automatically retry before Auto Balance (doesn't work if you are dead)

Autodisguise - Auto Disguise Anti MOTD - Prevents MOTD from being displayed

Autovote for Current Map - Automatically vote for Current Map

Noisemaker Spam - Spam equipped Noisemaker

Auto Equip and Unlock Noisemakers - Automatically Unlock Noisemakers and Equip




Enable Datacenter Selector - Be able to queue for other Regions (e.g. NA servers)

Find Only Selected Regions - Only queue for the selected Regions

Toogle Europe - Queue for Europe

Toogle North America - Queue for North America

Toogle South America - Queue for South America

Toogle Asia - Queue for Asia

Toggle Oceania - Queue for Oceania

Region list (Advanced users only) - Select specific regions





























Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "VertigoCheat" Project. README Source: Mave14/VertigoCheat
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