Hyper Versions Save

A terminal built on web technologies


9 months ago

Fixes bell config handling and few dependency updates.

OS Installer
Mac dmg x64 (Intel) arm64 (M1)
Linux deb x64 arm64 armv7l
rpm x64 arm64 armv7l
AppImage x64 arm64 armv7l
pacman x64 arm64 armv7l
snap x64
Windows exe x64 arm64 Universal


Note - Set updateChannel to 'canary' in hyper config (command/ctrl+,) to stay on canary builds.

Full Changelog: https://github.com/vercel/hyper/compare/v4.0.0-canary.4...v4.0.0-canary.5


9 months ago

Say hi to multiple profiles and image support! 🎉

OS Installer
Mac dmg x64 (Intel) arm64 (M1)
Linux deb x64 arm64 armv7l
rpm x64 arm64 armv7l
AppImage x64 arm64 armv7l
pacman x64 arm64 armv7l
snap x64
Windows exe x64 arm64 Universal

Now you can add profiles through the profiles and defaultProfile keys in config. The window color scheme and terminal rendering follows the window's profile, you can open a new window for a particular profile as well. Any tabs and splits opened in the window for any profile will follow the window.

Note - Plugins apply to all profiles, so if you are using a plugin to set the theme etc. It'd have effect on all profile windows ui.

Screenshot 2023-07-01 at 13 34 52


New Contributors

Note - Set updateChannel to 'canary' in hyper config (command/ctrl+,) to stay on canary builds.

Full Changelog: https://github.com/vercel/hyper/compare/v4.0.0-canary.3...v4.0.0-canary.4


1 year ago

Update border radius again

Small update with few dependency upgrades and a fix for the border radius.

OS Installer
Mac dmg x64 (Intel) arm64 (M1)
Linux deb x64 arm64
rpm x64 arm64
AppImage x64 arm64
snap x64
Windows exe x64


Note - Set updateChannel to 'canary' in hyper config (command/ctrl+,) to stay on canary builds.

Full Changelog: https://github.com/vercel/hyper/compare/v4.0.0-canary.2...v4.0.0-canary.3


1 year ago


Based on some reports of errors with node-pty, reverting it to a stable version.

OS Installer
Mac dmg x64 (Intel) arm64 (M1)
Linux deb x64 arm64
rpm x64 arm64
AppImage x64 arm64
snap x64
Windows exe x64

What's Changed

Full Changelog: https://github.com/vercel/hyper/compare/v3.4.0...v3.4.1


1 year ago

Custom config migration

This release enables migration of any custom logic if present from the v3 config to a local plugin migrated-hyper3-config. If you're upgrading from 4.0.0-canary.1 then you'd need to delete the previously generated config file for migration to take place. The local plugins are located at ~/.config/Hyper/plugins/local for mac & linux, and to %APPDATA%\Hyper\plugins\local for windows. It should be in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/Hyper/plugins/local if $XDG_CONFIG_HOME is set.

The window border radius on macOS is also fixed now.

I hope you all will give this release a try and post your old config vs the generated plugin in the release discussions thread and report any bugs.

OS Installer
Mac dmg x64 (Intel) arm64 (M1)
Linux deb x64 arm64
rpm x64 arm64
AppImage x64 arm64
snap x64
Windows exe x64


Note - Set updateChannel to 'canary' in hyper config (command/ctrl+,) to stay on canary builds.

Full Changelog: https://github.com/vercel/hyper/compare/v4.0.0-canary.1...v4.0.0-canary.2


1 year ago

V4.0.0-canary.1 Happy New Year 2023 🎉

This is the first canary build for v4.

We're moving to json as the format for our config file. This would enable us to programatically modify the config, making things like multiple profiles, preferences UI etc. easier to implement. We also include a json schama for the config now to enable editors' intillisense.

The config location is also changed to ~/.config/Hyper/hyper.json for mac & linux, and to %APPDATA%/Hyper/hyper.json for windows. It should be in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/Hyper/hyper.json if $XDG_CONFIG_HOME is set. plugins directory would also be moved.

Your old config will be automatically migrated, except any custom code you might've added there. I'm planning to implement migration of those to a local plugin in coming releases.

The search experience has also improved a lot. New UI, highlighted results, overview ruler, case sensitivity, whole word matching and regex matching have been added.

I hope you all will give this release a try and provide feedback and report bugs.

OS Installer
Mac dmg x64 (Intel) arm64 (M1)
Linux deb x64 arm64
rpm x64 arm64
AppImage x64 arm64
snap x64
Windows exe x64


New Contributors

Note - Set updateChannel to 'canary' in hyper config (command/ctrl+,) to stay on canary builds.

Full Changelog: https://github.com/vercel/hyper/compare/v3.4.0-canary.1...v4.0.0-canary.1


1 year ago

V3.4.0 Happy New Year 2023 🎉

This should be the last release for v3, to check out what's coming in v4, try out the canary releases. No major changes in this one, mostly dependency updates and few fixes. The major/breaking changes are included in the v4 canary release instead.

OS Installer
Mac dmg x64 (Intel) arm64 (M1)
Linux deb x64 arm64
rpm x64 arm64
AppImage x64 arm64
snap x64
Windows exe x64

Full Changelog: https://github.com/vercel/hyper/compare/v3.3.0...v3.4.0


1 year ago


OS Installer
Mac dmg x64 (Intel) arm64 (M1)
Linux deb x64 arm64
rpm x64 arm64
AppImage x64 arm64
snap x64
Windows exe x64


  • Bring canary channel to parity with stable channel (v3.3.0)
  • Revert "Allow transparent backgrounds in webgl" (2f757d88db22dfd649d457c3f3696e96ee9afcd4)

Note - Set updateChannel to 'canary' in hyper config (command/ctrl+,) to stay on canary builds.

Full Changelog: https://github.com/vercel/hyper/compare/v3.3.0-canary.2...v3.4.0-canary.1


1 year ago


OS Installer
Mac dmg x64 (Intel) arm64 (M1)
Linux deb x64 arm64
rpm x64 arm64
AppImage x64 arm64
snap x64
Windows exe x64


  • Use v8 snapshots to cache dependencies (#6224)
  • Passing cursorAccentColor down properly (#6538) @latin-1
  • Dependency Updates

Full Changelog: https://github.com/vercel/hyper/compare/v3.2.3...v3.3.0


2 years ago


OS Installer
Mac dmg x64 (Intel) arm64 (M1)
Linux deb x64 arm64
rpm x64 arm64
AppImage x64 arm64
snap x64
Windows exe x64


  • Revert "Allow transparent backgrounds in webgl" (2f757d88db22dfd649d457c3f3696e96ee9afcd4)

Note: This is being done to avoid transparency issues in recent releases with the webgl renderer. Will re-enable once webgl and transparency work together properly.

Full Changelog: https://github.com/vercel/hyper/compare/v3.2.2...v3.2.3