Usmfum USM Versions Save

Minimalist USD - A minimalist, collateralized stablecoin built on Ethereum.


2 years ago

First shot at deploying v1, to be either replaced by a v1-rc2 (if important bugs/necessary changes are found), or blessed as "official v1" if it still seems mainnet-worthy after significant use.


2 years ago

The last version which includes both the (old) Uniswap v2 oracle, and the (new) Uniswap v3 oracle, before we remove now-unused code: Uniswap v2 oracle, Compound OpenOracle, and the Oracle.refreshPrice() function they necessitated.


3 years ago

Incorporates many suggestions by/responses to ABDK's security audit with its 115 (!) comments.


3 years ago

This is the moderately cleaned-up version of the code submitted to ABDK for USM security audit#⁠2.


3 years ago

Last tested version which stores minFumBuyPrice, decreasing it over time. Releases after this use the new, continuous-rather-than-discontinuous math, where the minimum FUM buy price is inferred, and only timeSystemWentUnderwater (the time at which minFumBuyPrice starts decreasing) is stored.


3 years ago

Last tested version before we deploy the new "moving mid" feature (#79), which also changes fees to be based on % change in ETH pool rather than % change in debt ratio. This v0.1.2 release still has a fixed mid based on the latest oracle price, and debt-ratio-based fees.


3 years ago

This is the latest reasonably-stable version using the TWAP Uniswap oracle rather than Uniswap spot prices. We also stripped out a bunch of currently unused contracts (eg the Maker oracle and Uniswap spot pricing) to make for a trimmer codebase.


3 years ago

Last tested version before we switch from Uniswap spot prices to Uniswap TWAP.