Use Mutation Save

🧬 Run side-effects safely in React

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🧬 useMutation - Run side-effects safely in React

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Specially useful to run requests against an API, and combined with SWR.


Install it:

$ yarn add use-mutation

Import it:

import useMutation from 'use-mutation';

Create a function which runs a mutation

async function createComment({
}: {
  authorId: number;
  comment: string;
}) {
  const res = await fetch('/api/comments', {
    method: 'POST',
    body: JSON.stringify({ authorId, comment }),
  if (!res.ok) throw new Error(res.statusText);
  return await res.json();

Use your function with useMutation

function CommentForm({ authorId }) {
  const [comment, setComment] = React.useState('');
  const [mutate, { status }] = useMutation(createComment, {
    onMutate({ input }) {
      // do something before the mutation run
      return () => {
        // rollback changes if the mutation failed
    onSuccess({ data, input }) {
      // do something once the mutation succeeded
    onFailure({ error, rollback, input }) {
      // do something once the mutation failed
    onSettled({ status, error, data, rollback, input }) {
      switch (status) {
        case 'success': {
          // do something if the mutation succeeded
        case 'failure': {
          // do something if the mutation failed

  const handleSubmit = React.useCallback(
    function handleSubmit(event) {
      mutate({ authorId, comment });
    [mutate, comment]

  // render your UI

Usage with SWR

If you are using SWR, you can use useMutation to run your mutations to perform Optimistic UI changes.

import { cache, mutate } from 'swr';

function createComment(input) {
  // ...

function useCreateComment() {
  return useMutation(createComment, {
    onMutate({ input }) {
      const oldData = cache.get('comment-list');
      // optimistically update the data before your mutation is run
      mutate('comment-list', current => current.concat(input), false);
      return () => mutate('comment-list', oldData, false); // rollback if it failed

    onFailure({ rollback }) {
      if (rollback) rollback();

This way when you run mutate, it will first optimistically update your SWR cache and if it fails it will rollback to the old data.

API Reference

const [mutate, { status, data, error, reset }] = useMutation<
>(mutationFn, {

const promise = mutate(input, {

Hook Generic

Only if you are using TypeScript

  • Input = any
    • The data your mutation function needs to run
  • Data = any
    • The data the hook will return as result of your mutation
  • Error = any
    • The error the hook will return as a failure in your mutation

Hook Options

  • mutationFn(input: Input): Promise<Data>
    • Required
    • A function to be executed before the mutation runs.
    • It receives the same input as the mutate function.
    • It can be an async or sync function, in both cases if it returns a function it will keep it as a way to rollback the changed applied inside onMutate.
  • onMutate?({ input: Input }): Promise<rollbackFn | undefined> | rollbackFn | undefined
    • Optional
    • A function to be executed before the mutation runs.
    • It receives the same input as the mutate function.
    • It can be an async or sync function, in both cases if it returns a function.
    • it will keep it as a way to rollback the changed applied inside onMutate
  • onSuccess?({ data: Data, input: Input }): Promise<void> | void
    • Optional
    • A function to be executed after the mutation resolves successfully.
    • It receives the result of the mutation.
    • If a Promise is returned, it will be awaited before proceeding.
  • onFailure?({ error: Error, rollback: rollbackFn, input: Input }): Promise<void> | void
    • Optional
    • A function to be executed after the mutation failed to execute.
    • If a Promise is returned, it will be awaited before proceeding.
  • onSettled?({ status: 'success' | 'failure', error?: Error, data?: Data, rollback?: rollbackFn, input: Input}): Promise<void> | void
    • Optional
    • A function to be executed after the mutation has resolves, either successfully or as failure.
    • This function receives the error or the result of the mutation.
    • If a Promise is returned, it will be awaited before proceeding.
  • throwOnFailure?: boolean
    • Optional
    • If defined as true, a failure in the mutation will cause the mutate function to throw. Disabled by default.
  • useErrorBoundary?: boolean (default false)
    • Optional
    • If defined as true, a failure in the mutation will cause the Hook to throw in render time, making error boundaries catch the error.

Hook Returned Value

  • mutate(input: Input, config: Omit<Options<Input, Data, Error>, 'onMutate' | 'useErrorBoundary'> = {}): Promise<Data | undefined>
    • The function you call to trigger your mutation, passing the input your mutation function needs.
    • All the lifecycle callback defined here will run after the callback defined in the Hook.
  • status: 'idle' | 'running' | 'success' | 'failure'
    • The current status of the mutation, it will be:
      • idle initial status of the hook, and the status after a reset
      • running if the mutation is currently running
      • success if the mutation resolved successfully
      • failure if the mutation failed to resolve
  • data: Data
    • The data returned as the result of the mutation.
  • error: Error
    • The error returned as the result of the mutation.
  • `reset(): void
    • A function to reset the internal state of the Hook to the orignal idle and clear any data or error.



The MIT License.

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Use Mutation" Project. README Source: sergiodxa/use-mutation
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