Upload To Release Versions Save

A GitHub Action that uploads a file to a new release.


5 years ago

This release fixes a bug in the name of the file being uploaded to releases. See #4 for more information!


5 years ago


This action uploads any file to a new release:


One example workflow is to build and save a Docker image then upload it to a release:

workflow "Package" {
  on = "release"
  resolves = ["Upload to release"]

action "Build Docker image" {
  uses = "actions/docker/cli@master"
  args = "build . -t my-image"

action "Save the image" {
  uses = "actions/docker/cli@master"
  args = "save my-image:latest"
  needs = ["Build Docker image"]

action "Upload to release" {
  uses = "JasonEtco/upload-to-release@master"
  args = "my-image.tar"
  secrets = ["GITHUB_TOKEN"]
  needs = ["Save the image"]


You must pass at least one argument, the path to the file you want to attach. You must also include the GITHUB_TOKEN secret, otherwise uploading the file will not work.

action "Upload to release" {
  uses = "JasonEtco/upload-to-release@master"
  args = "my-image.tar"
  secrets = ["GITHUB_TOKEN"]
  needs = ["Save the image"]


You may also need to pass an additional argument, the Content-Type header used when uploading your file (this is application/zip by default):

action "Upload to release" {
  args = "my-image.tar application/zip"