Unpivotr Versions Save

Unpivot complex and irregular data layouts in R


4 years ago
  • Changed "NNW" to "up-left" etc. Compass directions still work, but the built-in dataset purpose has different names and documentation will gradually change to the new terms.
  • Patches for upcoming upstream changes


5 years ago

unpivotr 0.5.0

New features

  • behead_if() is for tiered headers within the same row or column. It takes filter functions similarly to dplyr::filter() to decide which cells to treat as headers, and can be applied more than once to the same row or column of headers until every tier has been dealt with.
  • merge_rows() and merge_cols() combines header text when it is split over multiple cells.

Other changes

  • behead(), enhead(), partition() and rectify() give a more informative error message for non-distinct cells, for example when trying to pass cells from more than one sheet to these functions (@gregrs-uk, #15).


6 years ago

Tiny bugfix release to pass tests on all CRAN platforms.


6 years ago
  • Made compatible with tidyxl version 1.0.0 (avoids dplyr::distinct(), which doesn't handle list columns).
  • Updated to use the new dplyr/rlang combination instead of the old dplyr/lazyeval one.


6 years ago