UnityHFSM Versions Save

A simple yet powerful class-based hierarchical finite state machine for Unity


6 months ago

This release fixes the sample code which did not compile after the recent 2.0.0 release. It also reintroduces the timer field in the CoState class which was lost in the previous release.

If you are migrating from a pre-2.0 version, please see the changelog, as the 2.0 release includes compatibility-breaking changes.


8 months ago

Version 2.0.0 comes with exciting new features such as ghost states, transition callbacks and exit transitions. Exit transitions finally provide an easy and powerful way to define the exit conditions for nested state machines, essentially levelling up the mechanics behind hierarchical state machines. At the same time, debugging complex hierarchical state machines has never been easier thanks to the new GetActiveHierarchyPath() method.

In addition, the latest release comes with many improvements to existing features, such as the support for coroutines, the canExit mechanics, and the HybridStateMachine class, while also fixing numerous bugs related to delayed transitions. Thanks to refactorings, the internal code is easier to read and maintain.

Please see the changelog when migrating to the latest version, as it includes compatibility-breaking changes.


1 year ago

Version 1.9.0 of UnityHFSM introduces the action system which allows you to define custom events (like OnLogic) that can call functions in the active states. This release also adds "two way transitions" which can greatly reduce the amount of boilerplate code required in many cases. Furthermore performance has been increased when using value types as the state names (e.g. State<int>). 👍

Read more: Changelog


2 years ago

Version 1.8 of UnityHFSM adds support for generics. Now the datatype of state identifiers / names and the type of event names can be easily changed. Thanks to the new "shortcut methods", state machines can be written with less boilerplate than ever and certain cases, such as empty states, can be optimised automatically for you. 👍

1.8 also adds support for installation via Unity's package manager UPM.

Read more: Changelog


2 years ago

:sparkles: 1.7.2 let's you activate triggers that can propagate down the hierarchy to the active sub-states. :+1:


2 years ago

✨ Version 1.7 introduces Trigger Transitions which let you effortlessly leverage the efficiency of event-based transitions, in combination with the full power of the existing high-level transition types. 👍

The error messages have been greatly improved in 1.7.1, so that they are concise and helpful.