Uncertainty Wizard Versions Save

Uncertainty-Wizard is a plugin on top of tensorflow.keras, allowing to easily and efficiently create uncertainty-aware deep neural networks. Also useful if you want to train multiple small models in parallel.


1 year ago

What's Changed

  • :bug: Multi-GPU ensembles are possible again. Just extend the DeviceAllocatorContextManagerV2 context manager.
  • :sparkles: Add return_alias_dict=True when calling predict_quantified and the return value will be a dict of quantifier aliases pointing to (prediction, confidence_or_uncertainty) tuples.


1 year ago

Minor fix regarding some quantifier aliases which were described in the docs, but not actually implemented.


1 year ago

There were some issues with recent tf versions, especially regarding experimental features. These are not fixed, but a corresponding warning is raised, explaining workarounds to users


2 years ago

New Feature:

  • #92 Added DeepGini as a point-prediction based quantifier. This is part of our most recent issta paper .


  • #86 Added a missing alias to the PredictiveEntropy quantifier


2 years ago

Release Notes:

  • Allow model independent tasks on ensembles, i.e., tasks where no model is loaded or persisted. This can typically be helpful for pre- or postprocessing tasks which have to be conducted for every model, but are independent of said model. (#50)
  • A context manager for ensembles that runs only on CPU, even if GPUs are available. (#52)
  • Tasks on ensemble methods (create, consume, predict, predict_quantified, ...) can now be executed on a selected subset of models. There are many use-cases for this. For example, it can be used if you need to re-train only one model in an ensemble, or if you have multiple distinct machines create atomic models for the same ensemble at the same time, using a shared drive. (#65)
  • Minor updates to documentation and code comments (#51, #73)


2 years ago


  • Refactor broadcasting and aggregation logic of stochastic models into a separate class
    As a side effect, this allows broadcasting behavior to be overriden by users: Extend uwiz.models.stochastic_utils.Broadcaster oruwiz.models.stochastic_utils.DefaultBroadcaster and pass it as broadcaster=... when calling predict_quantified.


2 years ago

This release contains no functional changes, but various minor updates to the project description and docstrings.


3 years ago

Docs and Description Updates


3 years ago

Initial public release.

Note: This is not yet tested on tensorflow 2.4 (which has been released only a couple of days ago)