Tzientist Versions Save

Scientist-like library for Node.js in TypeScript


8 months ago

Update devDependencies (TypeScript, Jest, ESLint dependencies, Prettier, etc.).


1 year ago

Adds a new inParallel option (default preserves existing behavior) for asynchronous code to allow experiments to run in parallel or in serial.

Major thanks to @mathieug for contributing this new feature!


2 years ago

It may be a bit of a stretch to call this a major release, but I didn't want to introduce breaking changes for anyone. This now requires at least Node.js 14 (since anything earlier is unsupported), and it's built with TypeScript 4.6.4. The API is identical, though.

I updated all of the dependencies to the most recent versions. This resolves a security vulnerability, but as all of the dependencies are devDependencies (development-time) any vulnerabilities won't impact consumers. This should avoid overly aggressive scans flagging this library, though.


2 years ago

Update all dependencies to the latest versions. (There were vulnerabilities in devDependencies - note that none of these are part of the built library though.)

TypeScript is the significant change - upgrading to v4.4.4.

[email protected]

3 years ago

Update all dependencies to the latest versions. (There were vulnerabilities in transitive dependencies of the devDependencies - note that none of these are part of the built library though.)

TypeScript is the significant change - upgrading to v4.2.4.


3 years ago

No functional changes; just updating some vulnerable build dependencies.


3 years ago

TypeScript 3.9.7, as well as most other devDependencies.


4 years ago

Published results now include timings for both the control and the candidate.


4 years ago

Some of the development-time dependencies had security vulnerabilities.

This release updates devDependencies for typedefs, typescript-eslint, and Prettier, as well as regenerating package-lock.json and allowing npm audit to update it.

Also files have been prettified with Prettier v2 (no trailing commas).


4 years ago